Agenda item

Bicester Town Centre development - compulsory purchase proposals

Report of Head of Regeneration and Estates, Head of Legal and Democratic Services and Head of Development Control and Major Developments




1.      To advise the Executive of the possible need to use compulsory purchase powers to secure the necessary land and rights to complete the Bicester town centre redevelopment.


2.      To seek Executive approval to the recommendation to Council to the use of compulsory purchase powers to facilitate the implementation of the redevelopment as proposed by Town Centre Retail (Bicester) Ltd in planning permission 07/00422/F, as amended in relation to the central part of the redevelopment site by planning permission 09/01687/F, to assemble the land interests required for the redevelopment, such land interests being shown for indicative purposes only edged red and, in the case of new rights, hatched red and hatched blue on the plan at Appendix One.


3.      To approve the appropriation of the land edged blue on the plan at Appendix Two, being land in the Council’s ownership, for planning purposes.


4.      To approve the acquisition of the existing service yard to the Crown Walk shopping centre shown edged green on the plan at Appendix Three  for planning purposes so that, if necessary, the powers in section 237 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 may be relied upon to override legal interests which might impede the implementation of the redevelopment.




The Executive is recommended to forward to Council for approval the following:


(1)               To confirm that Council is minded to make a compulsory purchase order in respect of:

(a)   the land shown edged red on the plan attached at Appendix One under Section 226(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 ( as amended) because it thinks that the acquisition will facilitate the carrying out of the redevelopment, and the redevelopment is likely to contribute to the promotion or improvement of the economic, social and environmental well-being of Bicester and the surrounding district; and

(b)   new rights in relation to the land shown hatched red and blue on the same plan as are required to facilitate the redevelopment under Section 13 of the Local Government Act (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.

(2)               To authorise the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to take all necessary steps as considered appropriate to secure the making of a compulsory purchase order including the publication and service of all relevant notices.

(3)               To authorise the Head of Regeneration and Estates to approve the terms for the acquisition of legal interests by agreement including for the purposes of resolving any objections to the compulsory purchase order.

(4)               To confirm the appropriation of the land edged blue on the plan attached at Appendix Two for planning purposes as described in section 226 and 246 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) on the commencement of Phase 2 of the redevelopment scheme (i.e. following the initial highway and other enabling works within Phase 1) in accordance with Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972.

(5)               To authorise the acquisition of the land edged green on the plan attached at Appendix Three for planning purposes in accordance with section 227 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).



Recommendations Approved


The Head of Regeneration and Estates, Head of Legal and Democratic Services and Head of Development Control and Major Developments submitted a joint report:


  • To advise the Executive of the possible need to use compulsory purchase powers to secure the necessary land and rights to complete the Bicester town centre redevelopment.


  • To seek Executive approval to the recommendation to Council to the use of compulsory purchase powers to facilitate the implementation of the redevelopment as proposed by Town Centre Retail (Bicester) Ltd in planning permission 07/00422/F, as amended in relation to the central part of the redevelopment site by planning permission 09/01687/F, to assemble the land interests required for the redevelopment, such land interests being shown for indicative purposes only edged red and, in the case of new rights, hatched blue on the plan at annex one to the minutes (as set out in the minute book.


  • To approve the appropriation of the land edged red on the plan at Annex two, to the minutes (as set out in the minute book) being land in the Council’s ownership, for planning purposes.


  • To approve the acquisition of the existing service yard to the Crown Walk shopping centre shown edged green on the plan at Appendix Three  for planning purposes so that, if necessary, the powers in section 237 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 may be relied upon to override legal interests which might impede the implementation of the redevelopment.




That Council be recommended to approve the following:


(1)               To confirm that Council is minded to make a compulsory purchase order in respect of:

(a)   the land shown edged red on the plan attached at Appendix One under Section 226(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 ( as amended) because it thinks that the acquisition will facilitate the carrying out of the redevelopment, and the redevelopment is likely to contribute to the promotion or improvement of the economic, social and environmental well-being of Bicester and the surrounding district; and

(b)   new rights in relation to the land shown hatched red and blue on the same plan as are required to facilitate the redevelopment under Section 13 of the Local Government Act (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.

(2)               To authorise the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to take all necessary steps as considered appropriate to secure the making of a compulsory purchase order including the publication and service of all relevant notices.

(3)               To authorise the Head of Regeneration and Estates to approve the terms for the acquisition of legal interests by agreement including for the purposes of resolving any objections to the compulsory purchase order.

(4)               To confirm the appropriation of the land edged blue on the plan attached at Appendix Two for planning purposes as described in section 226 and 246 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) on the commencement of Phase 2 of the redevelopment scheme (i.e. following the initial highway and other enabling works within Phase 1) in accordance with Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972.

(5)               To authorise the acquisition of the land edged green on the plan attached at Appendix Three for planning purposes in accordance with section 227 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).



The proposed redevelopment of Bicester town centre will improve the range of facilities available. It will provide better shopping, leisure and car parking facilities.  Over the last 15 years or so, Bicester has experienced very substantial population growth, but this has not been matched by any growth in town centre facilities.  There is a significant unsatisfied demand for additional retail space, and in particular an additional foodstore.  Applications have been received to provide this on the edge of the town, but these have been refused as the opportunity exists to locate the required facilities in the town centre.  In addition, Bicester is poorly served with leisure facilities, and in particular has no cinema.  Since 2005 the Council has been working to secure a town centre redevelopment scheme which will address these deficiencies.

The development is one of the key priorities for the Council and complements the development of the eco-town on the edge of Bicester. The development of the eco-town will reinforce the need for a town centre with a scale and range of facilities to match the enlarged area of the town and ensuring that the needs of that population are better met locally without the need for car-borne travel.

Given that there are a number of land interests still to be acquired, it is appropriate that the Council should signal its resolve to make a compulsory purchase order to facilitate the redevelopment.  This is consistent with the advice of the Secretary of State, which gives positive encouragement to local authorities to use their compulsory purchase powers to ensure real gain for residents and the business community without delay.

It is expedient to appropriate land in the Council’s ownership and to acquire the Crown Walk service yard (both for planning purposes) in order to rely upon the power in Section 237 of the 1990 Act to override existing interests and rights.



Option One

To recommend that Council agree, in principle, to use its compulsory purchase powers to facilitate this redevelopment


Option Two

To delay a decision on compulsory purchase in the hope that negotiations will progress and agreement can be reached




Supporting documents: