Agenda item

Miller Road Youth Self Build Housing Scheme

Report of Head of Housing Services




This report explains an innovative youth self build affordable housing scheme which has received a Reward Grant from the Oxfordshire Public Services Board. It seeks approval to the commitment and allocation of those monies towards the costs of the works, a structured training programme run in tandem, and the provision of life skills coaching/mentoring, all in accordance with the funding bid.  The report identifies the issues that need addressing in order to give partner agencies the confidence they need to move forward with the scheme. 


Appendix 2 to this report is exempt from publication by virtue of paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.




The Executive is recommended to:


(1)               Note the securing of £324,000 Reward Grant funding specifically for the scheme and the receipt of the first tranche of that funding in the sum of £224,000.

(2)               Approve a Supplementary Capital Estimate of £238,936 to grant to Sanctuary Housing Association in order for them to meet the extra development costs arising from the youth self build elements of the scheme, to be granted in two tranches, £154,936 on start on site and; subject to the receipt of the second tranche of Reward Grant, £84,000 on practical completion of the building works.

(3)               Approve a Supplementary Revenue Estimate of £40,000 to grant to Southwark Habitat for Humanity [a registered charity] for the provision and procurement of life skills coaching / mentoring, in three tranches £10,000 on conclusion of a funding agreement, £14,000 on start on site and subject to the receipt of the second tranche of Reward Grant, £16,000 on practical completion of the building works.

(4)               Approve a Supplementary Capital Estimate of £45,064 to meet the costs incurred by  Southwark Habitat for Humanity [a registered charity] arising from the pre start on site and design / site feasibility costs work which has been completed to date.

(5)               Authorise the Head of Housing, in consultation with the Strategic Director Planning, Housing and Economy, the Head of Finance and the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing to negotiate and conclude terms for funding agreements to secure the aims and objectives in [2], [3], and [4] above.

(6)               Approve a Supplementary Capital Estimate as contained in the Exempt Annex of this report.


Recommendations Approved, with additional recommendation:


(5a) The supplementary capital and revenue estimates to be funded from the £162,000 LAA reward grant funding, £28,000 from the Council’s Reserves and the balance of up to £134,000 to be funded from capital receipts set aside for housing capital projects as outlined in the revised Exempt Annex to the report.


The Head of Housing Services submitted a report to seek approval to the commitment and allocation of those monies towards the costs of the works, a structured training programme run in tandem, and the provision of life skills coaching/mentoring, all in accordance with the funding bid for an innovative youth self build affordable housing scheme which has received a Reward Grant from the Oxfordshire Public Services Board.


The Executive noted the revised exempt appendix to the report and additional recommendation 5a that was tabled at the meeting.




(1)               That the securing of £324,000 Reward Grant funding specifically for the scheme and the receipt of the first tranche of that funding in the sum of £224,000 be noted.

(2)               That a Supplementary Capital Estimate of £238,936 grant to Sanctuary Housing Association in order for them to meet the extra development costs arising from the youth self build elements of the scheme, to be granted in two tranches, £154,936 on start on site and; subject to the receipt of the second tranche of Reward Grant, £84,000 on practical completion of the building works be approved.

(3)               That a Supplementary Revenue Estimate of £40,000 grant to Southwark Habitat for Humanity [a registered charity] for the provision and procurement of life skills coaching / mentoring, in three tranches £10,000 on conclusion of a funding agreement, £14,000 on start on site and subject to the receipt of the second tranche of Reward Grant, £16,000 on practical completion of the building works be approved.

(4)               That a Supplementary Capital Estimate of £45,064 to meet the costs incurred by Southwark Habitat for Humanity [a registered charity] arising from the pre start on site and design / site feasibility costs work which has been completed to date be approved.

(5)               That the Head of Housing, in consultation with the Strategic Director Planning, Housing and Economy, the Head of Finance and the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing be authorised to negotiate and conclude terms for funding agreements to secure the aims and objectives in [2], [3], and [4] above.

(5a)     That the supplementary capital and revenue estimates to be funded from the £162,000 LAA reward grant funding, £28,000 from the Council’s Reserves and the balance of up to £134,000 to be funded from capital receipts set aside for housing capital projects as outlined in the revised Exempt Annex to the report.


(6)               That a Supplementary Capital Estimate as contained in the Exempt Annex to the minutes (as set out in the minute book) be approved.


This scheme is a youth self build affordable housing for rent development comprising ten one bedroom maisonettes and provides on site and class based training in construction skills to 20 students who are under 25 years old and are NEETS [not in employment, education, or training ]. The young people will receive a Diploma Level One in construction skills and will receive housing options advice appropriate to their circumstances. Up to ten of the students will be rehoused into properties upon completion. In addition the young people will receive life skills / mentoring during the project, and continuing tenancy support will be available to the young people who eventually occupy the properties.


Supporting documents: