Issue details

Asset Management Strategy Action Plan

Reason for urgency: A decision is required to ensure progress in a timely manner - to enable procurement to commence in December a decision to allocate a budget is required.

Due to the anticipated revenue expenditure the decision is key. The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee has been notified.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant Expenditure or Savings;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/11/2014

Reason for urgency:
Reason for urgency: A decision is required to ensure progress in a timely manner - to enable procurement to commence in December a decision to allocate a budget is required.
Due to the anticipated revenue expenditure the decision is key. The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee has been notified.

Decision due: December 2014 by Executive

Lead member: Lead Member for Economy, Regeneration and Property (formerly Estates and the Economy)

Lead director: Commercial Director

Department: Economic Growth

Contact: Karen Curtin, Commercial Director Email: Tel: 0300 003 0106.

Reason No Public Access: No (Restricted background paper - by virtue of paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of Local Government Act 1972)


Agenda items