Issue - decisions

Constitutional Changes

22/04/2009 - Review and Update of the Constitution

Council considered a report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services seeking approval for the proposed changes to the constitution as considered by the Executive and Standards Committee. It was proposed by Councillor Wood and seconded by Councillor Mallon that the proposal as set out in the resolution below be agreed.




1)         That the Introduction, Terms of Reference and Scheme of Delegation, Rules of Procedure and Planning Guidance (as set out in the minute book) be approved, subject to the amendments of the Standards Committee (as circulated to members) with the exception of amendments c, g, j and o in the document (as set out in the minute book) .


2)     That delegated powers be given to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to make any minor or consequential amendments that may be needed, in particular with regard to inconsistencies or duplications that may exist within the part of the constitution not yet reviewed.


07/04/2009 - Constitutional Changes

Agreed, with the amendment that Recommendation 3 be amended to: Recommend to Council that delegated powers be given to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to make any minor or consequential amendments that may be needed, in particular with inconsistencies or duplications that may exist within the part of the constitution not yet reviewed.