Issue - decisions

Asset Management Strategy Action Plan

02/12/2014 - Asset Management Strategy Action Plan



(1)          That the proposed priority actions arising from the asset management plan be noted (those in bold indicate a 2014/15 priority):

1)    Asset Strategy Resource Plan

2)    Data and Systems Plan

3)    Operational Offices Plan

4)    Operational Depot Plan

5)    Car Parks Plan

6)    Leisure Buildings Plan

7)    Community Buildings Plan

8)    Local Centres Plan

9)    Commercial Investment Plan


(2)          That it be noted the monitoring of the asset management strategy was currently undertaken by the Accommodation Asset Strategy Board who would be asked to review terms of reference and membership as a result of the asset review.


(3)          That the allocation of up to £125k from 2014/15 windfall income which would allow the progression of the key activities which focus on the priority actions arising from the Asset Management Strategy Review be approved.


(4)          That it be noted a comprehensive action plan was being developed that would ensure the vision set out in the review document would be delivered by 2019. This action plan will be presented to the Executive in March 2015.