Issue - decisions

Partnership Working Framework

20/03/2009 - Working in Partnership Annual Report

The Chief Executive, submitted a report to review the achievements of the Council’s significant partnerships in 2008/09, the progress made improving the governance and performance management of the Council’s significant partnerships and the key activities for significant partnerships in 2009/10.




(1)               That the key achievements of the Council’s significant partnerships in 2008/09 and the contribution they make to delivery of the Council’s strategic priorities be noted


(2)               That the progress made during the year in strengthening the governance of the Council’s significant partnerships be noted


(3)               That the actions proposed by the significant partnerships for 2009/10 be agreed


(4)               That the proposals to improve partnership working detailed at paragraph below:


·        Improve the service delivery and value for money from Cherwell’s significant partnerships

·        Seek out opportunities for new partnership arrangements to improve service delivery and value for money

·        Continue to strengthen governance and accountability arrangements, especially around information and data sharing arrangements

·        With West Oxfordshire District Council, continue to jointly lead the countywide review of the structure and governance arrangements of countywide partnerships

·        As part of this countywide review, achieve agreement on the significant partnerships common to all the local authorities across Oxfordshire and focus resources accordingly

·        Strengthen the support for elected Members involved in partnerships on the Council’s behalf through the Member Training and Development Programme

·        Strengthen the links between the Council’s partnerships and Executive Members, to be considered as part of the Council’s current review of its Constitution

·        Consider hosting a Cherwell Partnerships Conference to celebrate achievements, consider future partnership opportunities, share knowledge and best practice

·        Include significant partnerships in the Council’s performance management framework and include in the quarterly performance report to the Executive.



(5)               That the Annual Partnerships Report be referred to Overview and Scrutiny as part of their future programme of work on the evaluation of partnerships.


(6)               That the Executive receive a report setting out how the Council will effectively support member representatives on partnerships and all outside bodies, including providing appropriate training, strengthening staff support for members, advice on council policy with regard to issues within the remit of partnerships and outside bodies and providing feedback mechanisms from issues raised on partnerships on outside bodies.

Reasons - In March 2008, the Council agreed a Partnership Protocol and Working Framework. The Framework requires the production of an annual report of the year’s achievements focusing on the significant partnerships. The Council’s significant partnerships are those key in helping deliver the Council’s strategic priorities and the new Local Area Agreement.