Agenda item

Integrated Vehicle Parking Strategy - Civil Parking Enforcement and Residents Parking

Report of Urban and Rural Services




To note the current position and revised financial model for Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) and to authorise further work to develop workable proposals.


To note the outcomes of the consultation on Banbury Residents Parking Scheme and to approve further development of proposals, subject to CPE.


To note the current position on Bicester Residents Parking Scheme and the formal Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) advertising/consultation for the revised Scheme.


To note the update on Taxi Rank provision and the bid to the Council’s capital programme.


To note the current position regarding provision for disabled parking.




The Executive is recommended to:


(1)               Civil Parking Enforcement


a)         Note the updated position on CPE and revised Financial Model


b)         Approve further development of the Council’s approach to CPE based on this Financial Model whilst seeking to reduce CDC’s risks/costs through negotiation with Oxfordshire County Council (OCC).


c)         Receive a further report on the outcome of these discussions and any changes to the Financial Model, prior to a final decision on implementation being taken.


d)         As part of 1 (c) above, authorise the appointment of consultants to assist in developing the approach to CPE and in testing and refining the Financial Model.


e)         Authorise investigation with OCC of on-street pay and display parking

(2)               Banbury Residents Parking Scheme

a)         Authorise further work on Scheme development on the assumption that CPE will be implemented and receive a further report in conjunction with a CPE report prior to formal consultation on a Scheme through the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) process.

b)         Note the outcomes of the Banbury Residents Parking consultation.

c)         Receive a petition from the residents of Merton Street and Causeway (Zone 5) against the introduction of a Residents Parking Scheme in these streets.

d)         Confirm that consultation feedback and the petition received from residents in Zone 5 demonstrates that there is not sufficient support for a Scheme in the Zone and that no further scheme development will take place, and will not be reviewed for at least 2 years.

e)         Confirm that in Zone 3 where support for a Scheme from the consultation feedback was less than 50%, that no further Scheme development will take place and will not be reviewed for at least 2 years.

f)          Agree in principle to a scheme based on the consultation proposals for Zones 1, 2 and 4 and authorise further investigations in to scheme viability for these zones based on a nil net cost to the Council. 

g)         To defer implementation pending the outcome of CPE.


(1)               Note the current position on Bicester Residents Parking and the proposals for a revised scheme to be introduced on or as soon after 1 April 2010 as formal consultation on a revised TRO for the Scheme allows.

(2)               Note the position on taxi rank provision, cost and funding and the application for capital funds to progress implementation in Banbury in 2010/11.

(3)               Note the position on provision of parking for the disabled.







The Head of Urban and Rural Services submitted a report which presented progress on a number of key parking initiatives in the district, relating to: the current position and revised financial model for Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) and  further work to develop workable proposals; the outcomes of the consultation on Banbury Residents Parking Scheme and further development of proposals, subject to CPE; the current position on Bicester Residents Parking Scheme and the formal Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) advertising/consultation for the revised Scheme; Taxi Rank provision and the bid to the Council’s capital programme; and, the current position regarding provision for disabled parking.


Councillor Milne Home addressed the meeting.




(1)               Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE)


a)        That the updated position on CPE and revised Financial Model be noted.


b)         That further development of the Council’s approach to CPE based on this Financial Model whilst seeking to reduce CDC’s risks/costs through negotiation with Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) be approved.


c)         That a further report on the outcome of these discussions and any changes to the Financial Model, prior to a final decision on implementation being taken be received by Executive.


d)         That, as part of 1 (c) above, the appointment of consultants to assist in developing the approach to CPE and in testing and refining the Financial Model be authorised.


e)         That investigation with OCC of on-street pay and display parking be authorised.

(2)               Banbury Residents Parking Scheme

a)         That further work on Scheme development on the assumption that CPE will be implemented be authorised and that a further report in conjunction with a CPE report prior to formal consultation on a Scheme through the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) process be received by Executive.

b)         That the outcomes of the Banbury Residents Parking consultation be noted.

c)         That a petition from the residents of Merton Street and Causeway (Zone 5) against the introduction of a Residents Parking Scheme in these streets be received.

d)         That it be confirmed that consultation feedback and the petition received from residents in Zone 5 demonstrates that there is not sufficient support for a Scheme in the Zone and that no further scheme development will take place, and will not be reviewed for at least 2 years.

e)         That it be confirmed that in Zone 3 where support for a Scheme from the consultation feedback was less than 50%, that no further Scheme development will take place and will not be reviewed for at least 2 years.

f)          That, in principle, a scheme based on the consultation proposals for Zones 1, 2 and 4 be agreed and further investigations in to scheme viability for these zones based on a nil net cost to the Council be authorised.

g)         That implementation pending the outcome of CPE be deferred.


(3)               That the current position on Bicester Residents Parking and the proposals for a revised scheme to be introduced on or as soon after 1 April 2010 as formal consultation on a revised TRO for the Scheme allows be noted.

(4)               That the position on taxi rank provision, cost and funding and the application for capital funds to progress implementation in Banbury in 2010/11 be noted.

(5)               That the position on provision of parking for the disabled be noted.


Reasons –

CPE: Implementation of CPE is key to successful management of parking, particularly in urban centres. It is fundamental to the effective enforcement of on-street traffic contraventions and in successfully managing residents parking schemes. The costs, income and risk share profile are key issues   and will be the subject of further analysis and reports.

Banbury Residents Parking: A number of residential streets immediately adjacent to the town centre suffer from acute parking difficulties and create real problems for residents. The Council has approved considering implementing residents parking where the response from the consultation process is at 50% support. Costs of the scheme; the number of permits available to residents; the definition of eligible properties; whether consultation in alternate language was required; parking capacity and car ownership are all significant issues around which any decision to proceed must be based.

Bicester Residents Parking: The amended TRO is fundamental to implementing a revised scheme and plans are in place for formal consultation.

Taxi Ranks: Legal process and DfT approval as well as securing funding are key issues to be addressed.

Provision for Disabled Parking: Bicester Market Square and Town Centre projects need to take full account of parking requirements.




CPE Options

1. Not to continue progress on CPE.

2. To pursue on a co-ordinated County wide basis

3. To pursue independently of the other Oxfordshire districts.


Banbury Residents Parking Options

1.Not to progress with any schemes in Banbury

2.To progress with a scheme in all proposed zones

3. To consider the consultation feedback and make modifications to zones based on the feedback received, and undertake further detailed design and investigation to look at costs reduction options.

Bicester Residents Parking Options

No alternative options arising from this report.


Taxi Ranks Options

1. Not to progress with any of the ranks reported to the July Executive

2. Progress all of the ranks

3. Progress on a phased basis having identified priorities and funding

Disabled Parking Options

No alternative options arising from this report.


Supporting documents: