Agenda item

Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021-2026

Report of Assistant Director, Housing and Social Care Commissioning


Purpose of report


To set out the key points from the consultation on the draft Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021-2026 and the main changes to the strategy and action plan made in response to the feedback received. In addition, the report requests Executive approval of the amended strategy and action plan.




The meeting is requested to:


1.1       Note the changes to the draft Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021-2026 and Action Plan following public consultation.


1.2       Approve the amended strategy and action plan in order to ensure that the Council meets statutory requirements and complies with good practice.


1.3       Delegate authority to the Assistant Director, Housing and Social Care Commissioning in consultation with the Lead Member, to make any minor editorial amendments to the strategy as needed and to undertake a review and update of the Action Plan on an annual basis.





(1)           That the changes to the draft Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021-2026 and Action Plan following public consultation be noted.


(2)           That the amended Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021-2026 and Action Plan (annexes to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book) be approved in order to ensure that the Council meets statutory requirements and complies with good practice.


(3)           That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director, Housing and Social Care Commissioning in consultation with the Lead Member, to make any minor editorial amendments to the strategy as needed and to undertake a review and update of the Action Plan on an annual basis.



The Assistant Director, Housing and Social Care Commissioning submitted a report to set out the key points from the consultation on the draft Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021-2026 and the main changes to the strategy and action plan made in response to the feedback received. In addition, the report requested Executive approval of the amended strategy and action plan.


In response to comments from the Leader of the Labour Group, Councillor Woodcock, regarding the need for additional social rent housing, the Lead Member for Housing confirmed that increasing social housing was a priority.




(1)          That the changes to the draft Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021-2026 and Action Plan following public consultation be noted.


(2)         That the amended Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021-2026 and Action Plan (annexes to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book) be approved in order to ensure that the Council meets statutory requirements and complies with good practice.


(3)         That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director, Housing and Social Care Commissioning in consultation with the Lead Member, to make any minor editorial amendments to the strategy as needed and to undertake a review and update of the Action Plan on an annual basis.




To ensure the Council can meet its statutory duties, it is recommended that the amended strategy and action plan be approved by the Executive at its meeting on 1 March 2021 with delegated authority to the Assistant Director, Housing and Social Care Commissioning in consultation with the Lead Member, to make any minor editorial amendments to the strategy as needed and to undertake a review and update of the Action Plan on an annual basis. The Strategy and Action Plan will subsequently be published as the final version on the Council’s website with a hard copy being made available to anyone on request.


Implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan will be monitored by the Housing Strategy team, and the first review and update of the action plan will be undertaken in March 2022 to ensure that it remains effective and responsive to the changing circumstances and needs of customers and stakeholders. The Equality and Climate Impact Assessment will also be reviewed and updated in line with the aims of the Council’s ‘Including Everyone: Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Framework’ to ensure continued delivery of inclusive services. 


Alternative options


Option 1: Not having a strategy at all - This would result in the Council not meeting its statutory obligations under the Homelessness Act 2002, therefore this option is rejected.


Option 2: A single countywide strategy and no local strategy - A draft countywide Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy has been published for consultation and provides an overarching vision for Oxfordshire, however there is no statutory requirement for it. CDC Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021-2026 already aligns with, and will contribute towards achieving, the overarching aim and objectives set out in the countywide strategy and vision. Each local authority area has different geographic, economic, social and political structures which require a more granular strategy aimed at meeting specific local needs. A countywide strategy alone will not provide this local detail and would also result in the Council not meeting its statutory obligations. On this basis, this option is rejected.



Supporting documents: