Agenda item

North West Bicester Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Report of Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy


Purpose of report


To update the Executive on the progress in preparing a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for the North West Bicester strategic development identified in the modified Submission Cherwell Local Plan as Policy Bicester 1 and seek approval for the Draft North West Bicester SPD to be used as informal interim planning guidance in the determination of planning applications.




The meeting is recommended to:


1.1        Note the progress in preparing the North West Bicester SPD;


1.2        Agree the response to the representations received and resulting changes to the Draft SPD;


1.3        Approve the latest version of the Draft SPD to be used on an interim basis for development management  purposes;


1.4        Note the further steps to complete the SPD as follows:

a) Consult on the revised Statement of Consultation

b) Consult the statutory consultation bodies on the SEA screening


1.5       Authorise the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy to make any necessary minor amendments to the SPD to be made in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning.


1.6       Note the need for the final SPD to be presented to the Executive for formal adoption at a future meeting in the light of the Local Plan Inspector’s Report and the cancellation of the Eco-towns PPS.





(1)          That the progress in preparing the North West Bicester Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) be noted.


(2)          That the response to the representations received and resulting changes to the Draft SPD be agreed.


(3)          That the latest version of the Draft SPD to be used on an interim basis for development management purposes be approved.


(4)          That the further steps to complete the SPD, as follows, be noted:

a)    Consult on the revised Statement of Consultation

b)    Consult the statutory consultation bodies on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) screening


(5)          That the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy be authorised to make any necessary minor amendments to the SPD to be made in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning.


(6)          That the need for the final SPD to be presented to the Executive for formal adoption at a future meeting in the light of the Local Plan Inspector’s Report and the cancellation of the Eco-towns Planning Policy Statement (PPS) be noted.


The Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy submitted a report which provided an update on the progress in preparing a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for the North West Bicester strategic development identified in the modified Submission Cherwell Local Plan as Policy Bicester 1 and sought approval for the Draft North West Bicester SPD to be used as informal interim planning guidance in the determination of planning applications.


At the discretion of the Chairman, Councillor Sibley addressed the Executive.




(1)          That the progress in preparing the North West Bicester Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) be noted.


(2)          That the response to the representations received and resulting changes to the Draft SPD be agreed.


(3)          That the latest version of the Draft SPD to be used on an interim basis for development management purposes be approved.


(4)          That the further steps to complete the SPD, as follows, be noted:

a)    Consult on the revised Statement of Consultation

b)    Consult the statutory consultation bodies on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) screening


(5)          That the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy be authorised to make any necessary minor amendments to the SPD to be made in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning.


(6)          That the need for the final SPD to be presented to the Executive for formal adoption at a future meeting in the light of the Local Plan Inspector’s Report and the cancellation of the Eco-towns Planning Policy Statement (PPS) be noted.




This report sets out the current position on the preparation of the North West Bicester SPD. The consultation on the Draft SPD has not identified any fundamental issues. It is recommended that the Council use the SPD as informal interim guidance in guiding the preparation and determination of planning applications prior to its formal adoption. In order to complete the SPD and progress it towards adoption, the report has identified areas of work which require further attention including the formal SEA screening opinion, Statement of Consultation and further review of the document following confirmation that the Eco-town PPS is to be cancelled. It is proposed to report back to the Executive with a further update following the receipt of the Inspector’s Report should this raise new issues that have not already been considered in the production of the draft SPD.


The Executive is recommended to note the progress that has been made with the SPD, approve the draft SPD as amended for development management purposes and authorise officers to carry out further consultation on the SEA and Statement of Consultation. Officers will consult with the Lead Member for Planning on any further minor amendments. The Executive’s formal adoption of the SPD will be sought following adoption of the Local Plan.


Alternative options


Option 1: To not progress the preparation of the NW Bicester SPD and rely only on the Submission Cherwell Local Plan Policy Bicester 1 (as Proposed to be Modified) – rejected given the general support for the policies in the SPD, and its role in guiding the preparation of planning applications and as informal detailed guidance in determining planning applications.


Option 2: To await the adoption of the Local Plan before continuing to progress the preparation of the SPD – rejected due to the timescales involved and the necessity for informal planning guidance when determining the outline planning applications in 2015.


Supporting documents: