Report of Head of Legal and Democratic Services
To seek approval from the Executive to recommend to Council the changes to the constitution proposed
The Executive is recommended to:
1) Consider and comment on the proposed changes to the constitution
2) Approve, subject to any amendments the Executive may wish to make, and subject to any comments or amendments from the Standards committee on 8 April, the attached Introduction, Terms of Reference and Scheme of Delegation, Rules of Procedure and Planning Guidance and to recommend to Council that these documents be approved.
3) Recommend to Council that delegated powers be given to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, to make any minor or consequential amendments that may be needed, in particular with inconsistencies or duplications that may exist within the part of the constitution not yet reviewed.
4) Recommend to Council that the financial limit for key decisions for 2009/2010 be £50,000
Agreed, with the amendment that Recommendation 3 be amended to: Recommend to Council that delegated powers be given to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to make any minor or consequential amendments that may be needed, in particular with inconsistencies or duplications that may exist within the part of the constitution not yet reviewed.
The Head of Legal and Democratic Services submitted a report to seek approval from the Executive to recommend to Council the changes to the constitution proposed.
1) That the Introduction, Terms of Reference and Scheme of Delegation, Rules of Procedure and Planning Guidance be approved subject to any comments or amendments from the Standards Committee on 8 April.
2) That it is recommended to Council that delegated powers be given to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to make any minor or consequential amendments that may be needed, in particular with inconsistencies or duplications that may exist within the part of the constitution not yet reviewed.
3) That it is recommended to Council that the financial limit for key decisions for 2009/2010 be £50,000
Reasons - the objectives of this review of the constitution are to update the constitution, make it easier to use, remove inconsistencies and duplication and make the decision making process better value for money.
The following options have been identified:
Option One |
Leave the constitution as it is. This is not recommended as it is out of date. It is also very difficult to find what you need and therefore leaves the Council open to challenge because it is not used properly.
Option Two |
Update the layout, formatting and presentation only and ensure references to legislation are correct. This would be a huge improvement in itself and could be adopted
Option Three |
Approve the draft appendices attached which both update and improve presentation and streamline decision making to ensure democratic accountability and efficient decision making
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