Agenda item

Local Plan Annual Monitoring Report

** Please note that the appendix to this report will be published as a separate document due to the size of the document **


Report of Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy


Purpose of Report


To seek approval of the Local Plan’s Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) including a review of the District’s Five Year Housing Land Supply Position.




The meeting is recommended:


1.1         To approve the Annual Monitoring Report  and authorise the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy to make any necessary minor amendments in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning.


1.2         To note the district’s housing delivery position and endorse the review of the District’s Five Year Housing Land Supply.


1.3         To note the need for the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy to consider potential implications for current planning applications in consultation with the Head of Development Management and to advise the Planning Committee as required.






(1)          That the Annual Monitoring Report be approved and the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy be authorised to make any necessary minor amendments in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning.


(2)          That the district’s housing delivery position be noted and the review of the District’s Five Year Housing Land Supply be endorsed.


(3)          That the need for the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy to consider potential implications for current planning applications in consultation with the Head of Development Management and to advise the Planning Committee as required be noted.



The Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy submitted a report which sought approval of the Local Plan’s Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) including a review of the District’s Five Year Housing Land Supply Position.


In introducing the report, the Lead Member for Planning explained that the AMR had been prepared for the period 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013 and presented information on development that took place or was permitted over that period and provided a comprehensive review of housing land supply.  The AMR also reports on progress in preparing the Local Plan and associated policy documents.


The Lead Member for Planning reported that a comprehensive review of housing land supply had been undertaken for the AMR which took account of the Inspector’s conclusions, housing completions and permissions as at 31 March 2013, appeal decisions, the up-to-date position on all anticipated housing sites in consultation with developers and agents, and current market conditions.


The application of the ‘Sedgefield’ approach had produced a housing land supply of 4.7 years (including the additional 20% as required by the National Planning Policy Framework). This meant that the district was in a ‘shortfall’ position of 357 dwellings in the current 5 year land supply period, but falling to 94 homes (and a supply of 4.9 years) for the period 2014-19 which would commence from 1 April 2014.  


In response to Members’ questions and request for an update on the timetable for the Banbury Masterplan and Kidlington Framework Masterplan, the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy confirmed that both draft Masterplans were scheduled to be submitted to the February Executive meeting to seek approval to release for public consultation.




(1)          That the Annual Monitoring Report be approved and the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy be authorised to make any necessary minor amendments in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning.


(2)          That the district’s housing delivery position be noted and the review of the District’s Five Year Housing Land Supply be endorsed.


(3)          That the need for the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy to consider potential implications for current planning applications in consultation with the Head of Development Management and to advise the Planning Committee as required be noted.




An Annual Monitoring Report is presented to Members for formal approval to ensure there is up to date monitoring information available to inform policy making, consideration of planning applications and Council decision-making.


A comprehensive review of housing land supply taking into account the conclusions of a recent appeal decision (Deddington) shows that the district presently has a 4.7 year housing land supply and a shortfall of some 357 dwellings. This up-to-date position will need to be reported in relevant planning application cases.


Alternative Options


Option One: To approve the Annual Monitoring Report as recommended


Option Two: To seek partial reconsideration of the Annual Monitoring Report.


Option Three: Not to approve the Annual Monitoring Report


Option One is recommended. Options Two and Three would create delay and/or uncertainty with potential adverse consequences for decision making.


Supporting documents: