Agenda item

Performance Management Framework 2008/2009 Year End Performance and Finance Report

** Appendix 9 to follow **


Report of the Chief Executive, Strategic Director Customer Service and Resources and Head of Improvement




This report covers the Council’s performance in 2008/09 as measured through the Corporate Scorecard and summarises the Council’s provisional Revenue and Capital performance for the financial year 2008/09. 




The Executive is recommended to:


1)     Note that, despite tougher performance targets, the Council has met or made satisfactory progress on 86% of the performance targets in the Corporate Scorecard and met or made satisfactory progress on 96% of the performance targets in the Corporate Plan.


2)     Note that, despite tougher performance targets, the Council met 89% of the targets in the Corporate Improvement Plan, compared to 79% in 2007/08, and made satisfactory progress on another 9%.


3)     Confirm that the responses to the issues raised in the last quarterly report are satisfactory (section 2.1) or to request any further information or action.


4)     Note the many achievements referred to in paragraph 1.3 and agree officer’s report in the first quarter report performance report for 2009/10 on the issues shown in paragraph 1.4, where performance did not meet the required target.  


5)     Note the provisional revenue out-turn position for 2008/09 detailed in Appendix 9a.


6)     Agree the carry forward revenue budgets which have slipped in 08/09 to be carried forward into the 2009/10 revenue budget as set out in Appendix 9b.


7)     Note the continued improvement in accuracy and reliability that the Council has made in projecting the year end position through the embedding of the Corporate Dashboard.


8)     Note the provisional capital out-turn position for 2008/09 detailed in Appendix 9c.


9)     Agree the carry forward balances on capital schemes which have slipped in 08/09 to be carried forward into the 2009/10 capital programme as set out in Appendix 9d.




The Chief Executive, Strategic Director Customer Service and Resources and Head of Improvement submitted a report that covered the Council’s performance in 2008/09 as measured through the Corporate Scorecard and summarises the Council’s provisional Revenue and Capital performance for the financial year 2008/09. 




1)                 That it be noted that, despite tougher performance targets, the Council has met or made satisfactory progress on 86% of the performance targets in the Corporate Scorecard and met or made satisfactory progress on 96% of the performance targets in the Corporate Plan.


2)                 That is be noted that, despite tougher performance targets, the Council met 89% of the targets in the Corporate Improvement Plan, compared to 79% in 2007/08, and made satisfactory progress on another 9%.


3)                 That it be confirmed that the responses to the issues raised in the last quarterly report are satisfactory



4)                 That it be noted the many achievements be noted and officer’s report in the first quarter report performance report for 2009/10 on the issues as set out below:


Cherwell: A District of Opportunity

·        The ongoing impact of the economic recession on meeting targets for the provision of new homes and jobs, the rising demands on services such as Housing Benefits and Economic Development and the reduced income for Building Control, Development Control, and Land Charges.

·        The progress of major regeneration and development schemes such as Banbury Canalside, Bicester Town Centre, and South West Bicester. 

·        Delays producing the Local Development Framework due to the pressure of work and strategic uncertainties resulting from the eco-town proposal.

·        The performance for processing new benefits claims and changes in circumstances and recovering overpayment.


A Cleaner, Greener Cherwell

·        Not meeting the target of reducing the CO2 emissions from Council activities by 4%. 




A Safe and Healthy Cherwell

·        The percentage of residents who when asked say they feel safe at home and in the community.

·        The overall numbers visiting BanburyMuseum were below target, despite the continued high overall usage.


An Accessible, Value for Money Council

·        Collecting Council Tax and National Non Domestic Rates (both performed below target, albeit marginally, at the year end).

·        The number of days lost through sickness per employee. 

·        Not meeting the target of 70% of residents feeling well informed about the Council.

·        The performance for processing of minor and other planning applications. 


5)                 That the provisional revenue out-turn position for 2008/09 detailed in Appendix 9a of the report be noted.


6)                 That the carry forward revenue budgets which have slipped in 08/09 to be carried forward into the 2009/10 revenue budget as set out in Appendix 9b (appended to these minutes as set out in the minute book) be agreed.


7)                 That the continued improvement in accuracy and reliability that the Council has made in projecting the year end position through the embedding of the Corporate Dashboard be noted .


8)                 That the provisional capital out-turn position for 2008/09 detailed in Appendix 9c be noted.


9)                 That the carry forward balances on capital schemes which have slipped in 08/09 to be carried forward into the 2009/10 capital programme as set out in Appendix 9d (appended to the minutes as set out in the minute book) be agreed.


Reasons - This is a report of the Council’s performance in 2008/09 as measured through the Performance Management Framework.  Central to this is the Corporate Scorecard, which is made up of the Council’s priority performance targets.  The Corporate Scorecard covers seven areas of performance.  These are performance against the Community Plan, the Corporate Plan promises, National Indicators, Best Value Performance Indicators, finance targets, human resource targets, and customer satisfaction targets.

Supporting documents: