Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA
Contact: Emma Faulkner, Democratic and Elections Email:, 01327 322043
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest which they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Urgent Business The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda.
Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 5 April and 17 May 2016.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 5 April and 17 May 2016 were confirmed as correct records and signed by the Chairman. |
Chairman's Announcements To receive communications from the Chairman.
Minutes: There were no Chairman’s announcements. |
Scrutiny Briefing The Democratic and Elections Manager will brief Members on the functions and responsibilities of the Committee. Minutes: The Chairman welcomed the Democratic and Elections Manager, who gave a short presentation on how the Overview and Scrutiny function would work, and gave guidance on how the Committee could decide which areas to focus on.
The Democratic and Elections Manager also clarified the role of Executive Members in the Scrutiny process. Although it wasn’t possible for an Executive Member to be a member of an Overview and Scrutiny Committee, it didn’t mean that they couldn’t attend meetings or be asked questions during a scrutiny investigation.
The Democratic and Elections Manager added that historically the Committee had a very good working relationship with the Executive, and most recommendations made to Executive in the past as a result of Overview and Scrutiny reviews had been accepted.
In response to questions from the Committee, the Democratic and Elections Manager advised that areas of responsibility of other authorities such as County Council or Highways Authority could still be looked at, as joint scrutiny was an option.
The Committee thanked the Democratic and Elections officer for his briefing. |
Performance Management Framework 2015/16 Quarter 4/Year End Report Report of Head of Transformation
Purpose of report
This report, together with Appendix 1 & Appendix 2, provides a summary of the Quarter 4/End of Year Performance of the Council’s performance in Quarter 4 as measured through the performance management framework. It provides an opportunity for the Committee to reflect upon the performance and determine whether there is a need to review performance in any of the services or to refer any specific points to the Executive for consideration at its next meeting on 6 June 2016.
The meeting is recommended to:
1.1 Note the achievements referred to in paragraph 3.2 (Table 2)note that despite tough performance targets, a challenging economic environment, and on-going policy and organisational change, Cherwell District Council has met or made satisfactory progress on 96% of all the performance targets outlined in its performance management framework.
1.2 Identify any performance related matters which the Overview and Scrutiny Committee may wish to review or refer to Executive.
1.3 Note the annual draft report (Appendix 2), summarising and reflecting on the successes of 2015/16
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved
(1) That the report be noted
(2) That the red performance of flytipping be noted from the performance monitoring, as well as the scheduling of a report to Executive in September and the item be added to the Committee work programme to consider the report prior to its submission to Executive
(3) That the development of a parking strategy be noted from the performance monitoring, as well as the scheduling of a report to future meeting of Executive and the item be added to the Committee work programme to consider the report prior to its submission to Executive Minutes: The Committee considered a report from the Head of Transformation that detailed performance monitoring for Quarter 4 of 2015-2016, and the end of year report.
In response to questions from the Committee, the Corporate Performance Manager and the Senior Performance and Improvement Officer agreed to circulate a link to the Council’s business plan to the Committee.
In connection with indicators CBP2 2.1b and 2.1c, recorded fly tips and number of fly tip enforcement actions, the Committee noted the scheduled consideration of a fly tipping report by Executive at its September meeting, and requested that the relevant officers be invited to a future meeting of the Committee prior to the report being submitted to Executive. Officers also agreed to circulate details of the recently appointed enforcement officer, as well as feedback on the number of prosecutions.
The Committee noted that work on redeveloping the website (pledge CBP4 2.2) had been put on hold whilst the future of working with Stratford was discussed. They requested that the item be kept on the work programme to enable a further update in the future.
With regard to indicator CBP4 4.3, develop a car parking strategy, the Committee noted the scheduled consideration of the item at the September meeting of Executive, and requested that it be added to the work programme for the Committee ahead of the Executive meeting.
The Committee also requested that when partnerships or working groups were referred to in the report, a brief definition be included to remind people what each one does.
In connection with indicator CBP3 8.2, “Rural Proof” significant new policies, officers agreed to circulate a definition of “Rural Proof”.
With regard to the format of future performance reports, the Corporate Performance Manager demonstrated two possible options. The first was an online based ‘dashboard’ approach, which would provide key headlines and statistics at a glance. The second was a website based on the business plan, which would link from the main Council website and give the option of summary information, or more detailed statistics behind the headlines if users so wished.
The Corporate Performance Manager advised that links to both options would be circulated to the Committee before the next meeting the team were due to attend, and feedback would be invited ahead of consideration by the Executive.
(1) That the report be noted
(2) That the red performance of flytipping be noted from the performance monitoring, as well as the scheduling of a report to Executive in September and the item be added to the Committee work programme to consider the report prior to its submission to Executive
(3) That the development of a parking strategy be noted from the performance monitoring, as well as the scheduling of a report to future meeting of Executive and the item be added to the Committee work programme to consider the report prior to its submission to Executive |
Committee Work Programme Report of Head of Law and Governance
Purpose of report
To consider the outstanding items from the 2015-2016 Overview and Scrutiny work programme and determine whether they should be carried forward onto the 2016-2017 work programme
The meeting is recommended:
1.1 To decide whether to continue with the reviews started during the previous Municipal Year
1.2 To review the draft work programme (Appendix 1).
1.3 Identify any items from the Executive Work Programme to form part of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme for 2016/17.
1.4 Identify any other possible future topics for scrutiny and consider whether these topics should have scoping documents produced, based on the considerations of risk and what value scrutiny can add through considering the issue.
1.5 To give consideration to the start time of future meetings being changed to 6:45pm, as per the request of the Committee Chairman.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved
(1) That consideration of the continuation of the Youth Engagement Review be deferred to the July meeting of the Committee.
(2) That, as per the resolution from item 7 (Performance Monitoring), reports relating to flytipping and the creation of a parking strategy from the Executive Work Programme be considered by Overview and Scrutiny prior to consideration by Executive.
(3) That a working group be established comprising of Councillors Brown, Bishop, Heath and Williams to draft a scoping document relating to the A361.
(4) That updates relating to the Cherwell District Council Website redevelopment and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) be added to the work programme.
(5) That the start time of future meetings be changed to 6:45pm.
(6) That the September meeting of the Committee be moved from Tuesday 6 September to Thursday 1 September at 6:45pm, to enable the Committee to consider Quarter 1 Performance ahead of its submission to Executive. Minutes: The Committee considered the work programme for the Municipal Year.
With regard to the on-going Youth Engagement Review, the Committee agreed to defer consideration of the item to the next meeting of the Committee in July.
Following consideration of end of year performance at item 7 on the agenda, it was agreed that reports relating to flytipping and creation of a parking strategy from the Executive work programme should be considered by Overview and Scrutiny prior to their consideration by Executive.
In response to concerns raised by the Committee, a working group was established comprising of Councillors Brown, Bishop, Heath and Williams to draft a scoping document relating to the A361 through the district, for consideration by the Committee ahead of a possible Scrutiny review.
The Committee also expressed an interest in updates relating to the redevelopment of the Council website, and the possible introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).
The Committee Chairman had requested that consideration be given to the start time of future meetings being changed to 6:45pm, due to his work commitments. The Committee agreed to the change, with effect from the next meeting.
Officers also requested that the meeting of the Committee scheduled for Tuesday 6 September 2016 be brought forward to Thursday 1 September. This would allow the Committee to consider the Quarter 1 performance figures and make any comments to Executive, ahead of their consideration of the item at the meeting on Monday 5 September.
(1) That consideration of the continuation of the Youth Engagement Review be deferred to the July meeting of the Committee.
(2) That, as per the resolution from item 7 (Performance Monitoring), reports relating to flytipping and the creation of a parking strategy from the Executive Work Programme be considered by Overview and Scrutiny prior to consideration by Executive.
(3) That a working group be established comprising of Councillors Brown, Bishop, Heath and Williams to draft a scoping document relating to the A361.
(4) That updates relating to the Cherwell District Council Website redevelopment and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) be added to the work programme.
(5) That the start time of future meetings be changed to 6:45pm.
(6) That the September meeting of the Committee be moved from Tuesday 6 September to Thursday 1 September at 6:45pm, to enable the Committee to consider Quarter 1 Performance ahead of its submission to Executive. |