Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA
Contact: Natasha Clark, Democratic and Elections Email:, 01295 221589
Note | No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest that they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Interests were declared in the following agenda items:
7. Graven Hill: MOD Bicester Sites D & E Ambrosden Road Upper Arncott. Sue Smith, Declaration, as a Director of Graven Hill Village Holdings Limited and Graven Hill Village Development Company Limited.
Petitions and Requests to Address the Meeting The Chairman to report on any requests to submit petitions or to address the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no petitions or requests to address the meeting. |
Urgent Business The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |
To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 5 October 2015. Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 5 October 2015 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Chairman's Announcements To receive communications from the Chairman.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman made the following announcement:
1. Under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014,members of the public were permitted to film, broadcast and report on the meeting, subject to the efficient running of the meeting not being affected.
5.35pm |
Graven Hill: MOD Bicester Sites D & E Ambrosden Road Upper Arncott
Report of Head of Development Management
Purpose of report
To inform Executive of the outcome of the consultation process in respect of the draft Local Development Order (LDO) previously agreed by Executive for Phase 0 and part of Phase 1 of the redevelopment of Graven Hill, and;
To seek a decision by Executive on whether to adopt the LDO, subject to the minor modifications outlined in this report.
The meeting is recommended:
1.1 To note the outcome of the consultation process undertaken in respect of the draft LDO
1.2 To agree the proposed modifications to the draft LDO.
1.3 To adopt the modified LDO attached at Appendix B to this report.
1.4 To note the requirement to notify the Secretary of State of a decision to adopt a LDO as soon as practicable, and no later than 28 days after the Local Planning Authority has adopted the Order.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved
(1) That the outcome of the consultation process undertaken in respect of the draft Local Development Order (LDO) be noted.
(2) That the proposed modifications to the draft LDO be agreed.
(3) That the modified LDO (annex to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book) be adopted.
(4) That the requirement to notify the Secretary of State of a decision to adopt a LDO as soon as practicable, and no later than 28 days after the Local Planning Authority has adopted the Order be noted.
Minutes: The Head of Development Management submitted a report which informed Executive of the outcome of the consultation process in respect of the draft Local Development Order (LDO) previously agreed by Executive for Phase 0 and part of Phase 1 of the redevelopment of Graven Hill. The report also sought a decision on whether to adopt the LDO, subject to the minor modifications outlined in the report.
In introducing the report, the Lead Member Planning advised Executive that since the publication of the agenda one further comment had been received. If agreed, the Order could be in force from 15 December 2015.
(1) That the outcome of the consultation process undertaken in respect of the draft Local Development Order (LDO) be noted.
(2) That the proposed modifications to the draft LDO be agreed.
(3) That the modified LDO (annex to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book) be adopted.
(4) That the requirement to notify the Secretary of State of a decision to adopt a LDO as soon as practicable, and no later than 28 days after the Local Planning Authority has adopted the Order be noted.
The draft Local Development Order would facilitate and encourage self build and custom build housing at Graven Hill by simplifying the planning process whilst providing certainty that individuality and variety in design would be supported within the parameters set by the Masterplan and Design Code to be approved under the outline planning permission.
The consultation response has not raised any significant issues or objections to the draft LDO, and only minor modifications are proposed in response to the comments received, to clarify the requirements of the LDO and to ensure that it is effective in facilitating the delivery of custom build and self-build development.
It is therefore recommended that Executive agree to adopt the modified LDO and that the Secretary of State is notified of the decision to adopt the LDO in accordance with Article 38(11) of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015.
Alternative options
(a) Not to agree the draft LDO. Delivering the development through the traditional reserved matters route would not facilitate the desired level of individuality and variety in design.
(b) To adopt the LDO without modifications. This would not address the issues raised in the consultation response and would fail to take the opportunity to clarify the requirements of the LDO and safeguard the delivery of custom and self-build development.
5.45pm |
Report of Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy
Purpose of report
To consider an application to designate Weston-on-the-Green Parish as a Neighbourhood Area for the purpose of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan.
The meeting is recommended:
1.1 To approve the application to designate the Parish of Weston-on-the-Green as a neighbourhood area under Section 61G of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).
1.2 To authorise the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy to issue a Notification of Decision pursuant to recommendation 1.1.
Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved
(1) That the application to designate the Parish of Weston-on-the-Green as a neighbourhood area under Section 61G of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) be approved.
(2) That the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy be authorised to issue a Notification of Decision pursuant to resolution (1). Minutes: The Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy submitted a report to consider an application to designate Weston-on-the-Green Parish as a Neighbourhood Area for the purpose of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan.
(1) That the application to designate the Parish of Weston-on-the-Green as a neighbourhood area under Section 61G of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) be approved.
(2) That the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy be authorised to issue a Notification of Decision pursuant to resolution (1).
The Parish Council of Weston-on-the Green has made an application for the designation of its administrative areas as a neighbourhood area for the purpose of preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan. The application is valid, has been publicised and a number of representations have been received. None of the comments raised are considered to warrant the refusal of the application and it is considered that the proposed neighbourhood area would be coherent and appropriate.
Alternative options
Option 1: To refuse and amend the designation of the neighbourhood area providing reasons why
Option 2: To defer consideration
5.55pm |
Notification of Urgent Action - Free Christmas Parking After 3.00pm Report of Director of Community and Environment
Purpose of report
To notify Members of urgent action taken by the Director of Community and Environment as set out below.
The meeting is recommended:
1.1 To note the urgent action taken by the Director of Community and Environment.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved
(1) That the urgent action taken by the Director of Community and Environment be noted. Minutes: The Director of Community and Environment submitted a report to notify Members of urgent action taken by the Director of Community and Environment for a Free after Three Christmas parking pilot to run from Saturday 28 November 2015 to Sunday 10 January 2016 inclusive.
(1) That the urgent action taken by the Director of Community and Environment be noted.
The Director of Community and Environment took urgent action in consultation with the Leader of the Council to approve the proposed Free after Three Christmas parking pilot due to the need to meet the timeframe for the legal process, which can be effected by publishing a Notice of Variation at least once in a newspaper circulating in the area at least 21 days before it is due to come into force. A copy of the notice must also be displayed in each off-street car park from the date of publication until the date on which it comes into force.
Alternative options
As this report is for the information of Members there are no alternative options to consider.
6.00pm |
Report of Head of Transformation
Purpose of report
This report presents the final business case for a Joint Communications and Marketing Service across Cherwell District and South Northamptonshire Councils (hereafter “Cherwell” or “CDC” and “South Northamptonshire” or “SNC” respectively) following consultation with staff and Unison.
The report recommends the formation of a two way Joint Communications and Marketing Service, and in doing so seeks the Executive’s agreement for the non-staffing elements of the business case.
The proposal is part of the wider transformation programme across the two Councils.
The meeting is recommended:
1.1 To consider the attached final business case and the consultation responses in relation to non-staffing matters as outlined in section 5.1.
1.2 To note the decision of the Joint Commissioning Committee on 29 October 2015 with regard to staffing matters, which will be reported to Executive verbally.
1.3 To approve the proposed final business case to share a joint Communications and Marketing Service between CDC and SNC, subject to similar consideration and approval by SNC Cabinet.
1.4 To delegate to the Head of Transformation, in consultation with the Lead Member for Communications, any non-significant amendment/s that may be required to the business case following the decision of this meeting or SNC Cabinet.
1.5 To delegate to the Director of Resources and Head of Transformation, responsibility for implementation of the business case, including the costs of any potential redundancies, subject to the business case being agreed by both Councils.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved
(1) That the final business case and the consultation responses in relation to non-staffing matters be considered and noted.
(2) That the decision of the Joint Commissioning Committee on 29 October 2015 to approve the staffing aspects of the business case be noted.
(3) That the proposed final business case to share a joint Communications and Marketing Service between Cherwell District Council (CDC) and South Northamptonshire Council (SNC) be approved, subject to similar consideration and approval by SNC Cabinet.
(4) That authority be delegated to the Head of Transformation, in consultation with the Leader of the Council whose portfolio includes Communications, to make any non-significant amendment/s that may be required to the business case following the decision of this meeting or SNC Cabinet.
(5) That authority be delegated to the Director of Resources and Head of Transformation, to be responsible for implementation of the business case, including the costs of any potential redundancies, subject to the business case being agreed by both Councils.
Minutes: The Head of Transformation submitted a report which presented the final business case for a Joint Communications and Marketing Service across Cherwell District and South Northamptonshire Councils following consultation with staff and Unison and sought approval of the non-staffing elements of the business case.
Exclusion of the Press and Public The following item contains exempt information as defined in the following paragraphs of Part 1, Schedule 12A of Local Government Act 1972.
1 – Information relating to any individual
2 – Information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual
3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
4 – Information relating to any consultations or negotiations, or contemplated consultations or negotiations, in connection with any labour relations matter arising between the authority or a Minister of the Crown and employees of, or office holders under, the authority.
Members are reminded that whilst the following item has been marked as exempt, it is for the meeting to decide whether or not to consider it in private or in public. In making the decision, members should balance the interests of individuals or the Council itself in having access to the information. In considering their discretion members should also be mindful of the advice of Council Officers.
No representations have been received from the public requesting that this item be considered in public.
Should Members decide not to make a decision in public, they are recommended to pass the following recommendation:
“That under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the ground that, if the public and press were present, it would be likely that exempt information falling under the provisions of Schedule 12A, Part 1, Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 would be disclosed to them, and that in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.”
Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved
That under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the ground that, if the public and press were present, it would be likely that exempt information falling under the provisions of Schedule 12A, Part 1, Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 would be disclosed to them, and that in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. |
6.10pm |
A Business Case to Create a Joint Communications and Marketing Service with South Northamptonshire Council - Exempt Appendix
Decision: Resolved
(1) That the exempt appendices be noted. Minutes: Executive considered the exempt appendix to the report.
(1) That the exempt appendices be noted. |
Readmittance of the Press and Public Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved
That the press and public be readmitted to the meeting.
A Business Case to Create a Joint Communications and Marketing Service with South Northamptonshire Council Additional documents: Minutes: Having readmitted the press and public, Executive voted on the recommendations.
(1) That the final business case and the consultation responses in relation to non-staffing matters be considered and noted.
(2) That the decision of the Joint Commissioning Committee on 29 October 2015 to approve the staffing aspects of the business case be noted.
(3) That the proposed final business case to share a joint Communications and Marketing Service between Cherwell District Council (CDC) and South Northamptonshire Council (SNC) be approved, subject to similar consideration and approval by SNC Cabinet.
(4) That authority be delegated to the Head of Transformation, in consultation with the Leader of the Council whose portfolio includes Communications, to make any non-significant amendment/s that may be required to the business case following the decision of this meeting or SNC Cabinet.
(5) That authority be delegated to the Director of Resources and Head of Transformation, to be responsible for implementation of the business case, including the costs of any potential redundancies, subject to the business case being agreed by both Councils.
The business case represents a significant step in the transformation programme across CDC and SNC. The proposed joint team would provide an improved and strengthened service to support both Councils in how they communicate internally and externally given the increasingly complex communications environment in which they operate.
Alternative options
Not to agree the recommendations.