Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Monday 11 May 2009 6.30 pm

Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA. View directions

Contact: James Doble, Legal and Democratic Services  Email: (01295) 221587


Note No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest that they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest.


Urgent Business

The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda.

Additional documents:


There was no urgent business.


Petitions and Requests to Address the Meeting

The Chairman to report on any requests to submit petitions or to address the meeting.

Additional documents:


Surinder Dhesi submitted a petition regarding the sale of cars parked on grass verges in Banbury.


Surinder Dhesi requested that the Executive look at solutions other authorities had found to this problem, such as Barnet Council.


The Leader received the petition.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 58 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 27 April 2009.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 27 April 2009 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

6.35 pm


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Report of Leader of the Council




To review the Leader’s Forward Plan of the key decisions which will be taken by the Executive over the next four months.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)                 Resolve to note the Leader’s Forward Plan for the next four months.

Additional documents:





The Leader submitted the Forward Plan of key decisions to be taken over the next four months.




That the Forward Plan for the next four months be noted.


Reasons - to create a Forward Plan for the Council as required by the Local Government Act 2000.


6.40 pm


Overview & Scrutiny Report: Rural Affordable Housing pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee




To consider the Overview and Scrutiny Committee report on Rural Affordable Housing and Exception Sites.


Cllr Donaldson, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, will attend the meeting to present the report.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)         Note the work of the Task and Finish Group scrutiny review into rural affordable housing and exception sites as detailed in Appendix 1a;


2)         Agree the Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommendations regarding rural affordable housing and exception sites as detailed in Appendix 1a.


Additional documents:


Agreed subject to the additional resolutions:


1)     That Officers be requested to produce a further report on the potential advantages and disadvantages of employing directly an Enabling Officer


2)     That Officers be requested to produce a further report requesting relevant outside bodies to release land for rural exception sites


3)     That Officers be requested to produce a further report explaining how the work of the Rural Housing Trust has been taken up by other organisations.


The Overview and Scrutiny Committee submitted a report on Rural Affordable Housing and Exception sites.




1)                 That the work of the Task and Finish Group scrutiny review into rural affordable housing and exceptions sites be noted


2)                 That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommendations regarding rural affordable housing and exception sites as detailed below be agreed


a)            That Cherwell District Council should encourage a more pro-active approach to rural affordable housing and exception sites and that the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing be invited to fully investigate all opportunities for the provision of rural affordable housing through the Local Development Framework.  This should include a review of the relevant policies for the location of general rural affordable housing (including the potential to generate opportunities for some integral affordable provision), and of the criteria against which exception sites are assessed.


b)            That Cherwell District Council should encourage an open and transparent approach to communications associated with the delivery of rural affordable housing and exception sites.


c)             That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee endorses and recommends the proposed Rural Affordable Housing Improvement Plan to the Executive.


d)            That the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing should be asked to present the conclusions of this scrutiny review and the Executive/Council response at the Parish Liaison meeting in June 2009.


e)            That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee should monitor progress against each of the above recommendations and review the situation, initially in September 2009.


3)           That in addition to the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee the following be agreed:


a)           That Officers be requested to produce a further report on the potential advantages and disadvantages of employing directly an Enabling Officer


b)           That Officers be requested to produce a further report requesting relevant outside bodies to release land for rural exception sites


c)      That Officers be requested to produce a further report explaining how the work of the Rural Housing Trust has been taken up by other organisations



Reasons – To consider the Overview and Scrutiny Review




Option One

To accept some or all of the overview and scrutiny recommendations.


Option Two

To reject some or all of the overview and scrutiny recommendations.



7.10 pm


Cherwell Biodiversity Action Plan pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Report of Head of Urban and Rural Services




To explain key changes in biodiversity legislation, policy and issues since the publication of the Cherwell Biodiversity Action Plan 2005-2010 (BAP). To consider the production of a revised and updated Cherwell Biodiversity Action Plan.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)                 Note the key changes in biodiversity legislation, policy and issues since the publication of the current Cherwell Biodiversity Action Plan.


2)                 Approve the production of a revised and updated Cherwell Biodiversity Action Plan which works towards a rich and diverse local natural where wildlife is conserved and the benefits of nature are available to everyone.

Additional documents:


Agreed subject to the amendment of recommendation 2 as follows:


2) That Officers be requested to produce a further report detailing the costs and benefits of a Biodiversity Action Plan before we proceed to develop one.


The Head of Urban and Rural Services submitted a report updating the Executive on key changes in biodiversity legislation, policy and issues since the publication of the Cherwell Biodiversity Action Plan 2005-2010.




1)                 That the key changes in biodiversity legislation, policy and issues since the publication of the current Cherwell Biodiversity Action Plan be noted.


2)                 That Officers be requested to produce a further report detailing the costs and benefits of a Biodiversity Action Plan before the Council proceed to develop one.


Reasons – To explain key changes in biodiversity legislation, policy and issues since the publication of the Cherwell Biodiversity Action Plan 2005-2010 (BAP).To consider the production of a revised and updated Cherwell BAP.




Option One

Approve the drafting of a revised and updated Cherwell Biodiversity Action Plan based on principles different or additional to those identified above.


Option Two

To not have a Biodiversity Action Plan once the current one has expired at the end of March 2010



7.20 pm


Kidlington Conservation Areas: Responses to Draft Appraisal and Designation of Conservation Areas at Crown Road and Langford Lane Wharf - Approval of Final Appraisal pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of Head of Planning and Affordable Housing.




Local Authorities have a duty under the Planning (ListedBuilding and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 to review Conservation Areas from time to time.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)         Resolve, under Section 69 of the Planning (ListedBuildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, to approve the Kidlington Conservation Areas appraisal, to extend the boundaries of Church Street, High Street and The Rookery Conservation Areas, and to designate Crown Road and Langford Lane Wharf Conservation Areas with immediate effect.


Additional documents:





The Head of Planning and Affordable Housing submitted a report seeking approval for the Kidlington conservation Areas. The Leader thanked the Conservation Officers for their efforts in producing such informative and interesting reports.




1)                 That the Kidlington Conservation Area be approved under Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990


2)                 That the extended boundaries of Church Street, High Street and the Rookery Conservations be approved under Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990


3)                 That Crown Road and Langford Lance Wharf Conservation Areas be approved with immediate effect under Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990



Reasons - To fulfil the Council’s duty under the Planning (ListedBuilding and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 to review Conservation Areas from time to time. 




Option One

To approve and to publish the Conservation Area Appraisal including the proposed extension to the boundaries and designation of the new Conservation Areas at Crown Road and Langford Lane Wharf


Option Two

To not extend the Conservation Areas nor to designate the two new Conservation Areas


Option Three

To make further changes to the Kidlington Conservation Areas Appraisal as members see fit






7.25 pm


Cottisford Conservation Area Appraisal: Consideration of Responses to Consultation Draft and Approval of Final Appraisal pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Report of Head of Planning and Affordable Housing Policy




Local Authorities have a duty under the Planning (ListedBuilding and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 to review Conservation Areas from time to time.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)         Resolve, under Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, to approve the Cottisford Conservation Area appraisal and to extend the boundary with immediate effect





Additional documents:





The Head of Planning and Affordable Housing submitted a report seeking approval a Cottisford Conservation Area. The Leader thanked the Conservation Officers for their efforts in producing such informative and interesting reports.





1)                 That the Cottisford Conservation Area be approved and the boundaries be extended under Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 with immediate effect


Reasons - To fulfil the Council’s duty under the Planning (ListedBuilding and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 to review Conservation Areas from time to time. 




Option One

To approve and to publish the Conservation Area Appraisal including the proposed extension to the boundary


Option Two

To not extend the Conservation Area


Option Three

To make further changes to the Cottisford Conservation Area Appraisal as members see fit




7.30 pm


Parsons Street Pedestrianisation pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Report of Head of Economic Development and Estates




To confirm modifications to the revised draftParsons Street/Market Place traffic regulation Order (TRO), Banbury and to progress amendments to the traffic regulations Orders for High Street, Broad Street and Butchers Row, Banbury and Sheep Street, Bicester.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)         Agree that the Bridge Street, Market Place, Cornhill and Parsons Street Traffic regulation Order, as modified on 2 March 2009, be made


2)         Agree that the Council enter into a revised agency agreement with OCC, authorising the Council to make the TRO as modified, and to promote amendments to the existing High Street, Broad Street and Butchers Row Banbury TRO, and the Sheep Street Bicester TRO, in order to ensure that the arrangements for the issue of exemption certificates are consistent


3)         Agree that the Council enter into an Agreement with OCC under s278 of the Highways Act 1980, authorising the Council to undertake the works for Parsons Street/Market Place, Bridge Street and Church Walk/Church Lane


4)         Promote amendments to the existing High Street, Broad Street and Butchers Row Banbury traffic regulation orders, and the Sheep Street Bicester traffic regulation order, in order to ensure that the arrangements for the issue of exemption certificates are consistent

Additional documents:





The Head of Economic Development and Estates submitted a report which sought to confirm the revised draft Parsons Street/Market Place, Banbury traffic regulation order and to progress amendments to the traffic regulation orders for High Street, Broad Steer and Butcher Row Banbury and Sheep Street Bicester.




1)         That the Bridge Street, Market Place, Cornhill and Parsons Street Traffic regulation Order, as modified on 2 March 2009, be made.


2)                 That the Council entering into a revised agency agreement with Oxfordshire County Council, authorising the Council to make the Traffic Regulation Order as modified be agreed.


3)                 That amendments to the existing High Street, Broad Street and Butchers Row Banbury Traffic Regulation Order and the Sheep Street Bicester Traffic Regulation Order be promoted, in order to ensure that the arrangements for the issue of exemption certificates be made consistent.


4)                 That the Council enter into an Agreement with Oxfordshire County Council under s278 of the Highways Act 1980, authorising the Council to undertake the works for Parsons Street/Market Place, Bridge Street and Church Walk/Church Lane


5)                 That amendments to the existing High Street, Broad Street and Butchers Row Banbury traffic regulation orders, and the Sheep Street Bicester traffic regulation order be promoted, in order to ensure that the arrangements for the issue of exemption certificates are consistent


Reasons - To confirm the Traffic Regulation Order following the consultation process




Option One

Make the Traffic Regulation Order with modifications as presented to the Executive on 2 March 2009. Agree the agency agreement with the County and revisions to the existing traffic regulation orders in Banbury and Bicester and to enter into the s278 agreement with Oxfordshire County Council.


Option Two

In light of the one objection, reject the earlier Inspector’s recommendations, and ask the Secretary of State to make the Parsons Street order as originally drafted.



7.40 pm


Corporate Procurement Progress Report pdf icon PDF 97 KB

** Appendix 4 to follow **


Report of the Strategic Director Customer Service and Resources




To provide an update of progress made to date in respect of the Corporate Procurement Programme of Activities approved by the Executive on 3 March 2008.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)         Note the progress made to date in respect of the Corporate Procurement Programme of Activities


2)         Note the progress in respect of the establishment of the centralised procurement function

Additional documents:





The Strategic Director Customer Service and Resources submitted a report updating the Executive on progress made in respect of the Corporate Procurement Programme of Activities approved by the Executive on 3 March 2009.




1)           That the progress made in respect of the Corporate Procurement Programme of Activities be noted.


2)           That the progress in respect of the establishment of the centralised procurement function be noted.


Reasons - To make an overall judgement about progress made in achieving corporate procurement objectives and to identify aspects where action is required to improve performance.




Option One

To review current progress made to date and consider any actions arising.


Option Two

To approve or reject the draft Corporate Procurement Programme of Activities for the first 6 months of 2009/10.