Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA. View directions
Contact: James Doble, Legal and Democratic Services Email: (01295) 221587
Note | No. | Item | ||||||
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest that they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Members declared interests in the following agenda items:
6. Eco Bicester One Shared Vision. Councillor Barry Wood, Personal, as persons known to him have a land interest in the area of, but outside the ecotown.
Councillor G A Reynolds, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council holding a land interest at Gowells Farm.
Councillor Michael Gibbard, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council holding a land interest at Gowells Farm.
Councillor Nicholas Turner, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council holding a land interest at Gowells Farm.
Councillor Norman Bolster, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council holding a land interest at Gowells Farm.
16. Budget 2011/12 Draft 1. Councillor James Macnamara, Personal, as a Magistrate.
Petitions and Requests to Address the Meeting The Chairman to report on any requests to submit petitions or to address the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman confirmed he had agreed to a request to address the meeting from Ben Jackson, Bicester Chamber of Commerce in respect of agenda item 17, Pre Order Consultation – Car Parking Proposals. |
Urgent Business The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |
To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 1 November 2010. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 1 November 2010 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
8.50pm |
Pre Order Consultation - Car Parking Proposals Report of Head of Safer Communities, Urban and Rural Services
The Executive is recommended:
(1) To note the feedback from the pre Order consultation. (2) To authorise formal Order Making on final proposals for implementation on, or as soon after, 1 March as is possible. Additional documents: Decision: This was taken as the second item of business and the meeting was addressed by a speaker on behalf of Bicester Chamber of Commerce.
Approved, with the amendment that evening parking be at a flat rate of 80p for Banbury and 70p for Bicester and that there should be no parking charges on religious bank holidays.
Minutes: The Head of Safer Communities, Urban and Rural Services submitted a report to advise Members on the feedback from the Pre Order consultation on car parking proposals and to enable them to decide on final proposals.
Ben Jackson, on behalf of Bicester Chamber of Commerce, addressed the meeting in opposition to the proposals due to what he perceived would be an adverse impact on Bicester.
(1) That the feedback from the pre Order consultation be noted. (2) That officers be authorised to begin formal Order Making on the final proposals set out in the annex to these minutes (as set out in the minute book) for implementation on, or as soon after, 1 March as is possible, with the amendments that evening parking be at a flat rate of 80p for Banbury and 70p for Bicester and that there should be no parking charges on religious bank holidays and New Years Day. Reasons
A range of car parking proposals have been considered as part of service development for 2011/12, and through the budget preparation process. These were advertised informally in October with key agencies and consultees in accordance with the Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996.
6.35pm |
Eco Bicester One Shared Vision
Report of Strategic Director Planning, Housing and Economy
· To report to the Executive the Revised Eco Bicester One Shared Vision as approved by the Strategic Delivery Board meeting on 8 November 2010. · To report back on the consultation feedback and seek approval for the revised document to be approved for development control purposes for planning proposals in Eco Bicester. · To provide summary of the consultation on the Eco Bicester One Shared Vision and the main issues arising from the consultation.
The Executive is recommended:
(1) To consider the contents of the report. (2) To consider the proposed changes following the consultation on the Draft document. (3) To approve the Revised One Shared Vision document contained in Appendix 1 as informal planning guidance for development control purposes. Additional documents:
Decision: Approved Minutes: The Strategic Director Planning, Housing and Economy submitted a report which outlined the Revised Eco Bicester One Shared Vision as approved by the Strategic Delivery Board meeting on 8 November 2010, reported the consultation feedback and sought approval for the revised document to be approved for development control purposes for planning proposals in Eco Bicester.
(1) That the report be noted. (2) That the proposed changes following the consultation on the Draft document be noted. (3) That the Revised One Shared Vision document (annex to the minutes as set out in the minute book) be approved as informal planning guidance for development control purposes.
One of the aims of the SDB was to develop a clear vision for Bicester for the next 30 years. The preparation of a shared vision was agreed by the SDB at its first meeting in April 2010. It clearly defines the aims and objectives of the SDB in delivering the eco development at North West Bicester and integrating it with the long term aspirations for the existing town. It is designed to be a clear and concise summary of the key issues affecting the town as it continues to grow. The purpose of the shared vision is summarised as follows: · To provide a shared vision for the whole of Bicester supported by partners · To guide the local delivery of the eco-town of national, if not international, significance with the private sector · To articulate key infrastructure needs to support the eco town · To inform engagement between the local authority partners, Government departments and agencies on where they can help deliver the project
6.45pm |
Local Transport Plan Report of Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development
To present information to the Executive with a view to the council making a formal response to the public consultation on the Draft Local Transport Plan.
The Executive is recommended:
(1) That the County Council be commended on the general format of the LTP which addresses concerns raised by this Council previously that the LTP should be organised in a way which focuses on proposals for particular settlements and creates a stronger spatial link with Local Development Frameworks, (2) That in general, subject to the detailed recommendations made in the report, the policies and area strategies in the LTP be supported. (3) That the various detailed recommendations set out in paragraphs 1.16, 1.27, 1.43, 1.52 and 1.58 are submitted as the Council’s formal response to the Local Transport Plan, and in particular the Council’s comments on:- · approach taken by the LTP towards the HS2 proposals in policy PT6 · the references to major new road links (the South East and South West Relief Roads) in Banbury · the ways in which the vision for eco-Bicester can best be supported through the LTP · the proposed Water Eaton Parkway station, and how (a) this can best be implemented in a manner that makes it accessible to local communities in Kidlington and Gosford, and (b) future congestion concerns can best be mitigated. Additional documents: Decision: Approved, with the amendments that:-
· The strategy for the rural areas should acknowledge the importance of providing footpath links both within and between villages to public transport and employment areas.
· The references in the LTP to major new road links (South East and South West Relief Roads) in Banbury should not be deleted.
Minutes: The Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development submitted a report which presented information to the Executive with a view to the council making a formal response to the public consultation on the Draft Local Transport Plan (LTP).
(1) That the County Council be commended on the general format of the LTP which addresses concerns raised by this Council previously that the LTP should be organised in a way which focuses on proposals for particular settlements and creates a stronger spatial link with Local Development Frameworks.
(2) That in general, subject to the detailed recommendations made in the report, the policies and area strategies in the LTP be supported.
(3) That the various detailed recommendations set out in paragraphs 1.16, 1.27, 1.43, 1.52 and 1.58 (with the exception of the reference to major new road links in Banbury) as set out in the annex to the minutes as set out in the minute book be submitted as the Council’s formal response to the Local Transport Plan. in particular the Council’s comments on:- · approach taken by the LTP towards the HS2 proposals in policy PT6 · the ways in which the vision for eco-Bicester can best be supported through the LTP · the proposed Water Eaton Parkway station, and how (a) this can best be implemented in a manner that makes it accessible to local communities in Kidlington and Gosford, and (b) future congestion concerns can best be mitigated.
With the amendments that: · the strategy for the rural areas should acknowledge the importance of providing footpath links both within and between villages to public transport and employment areas.
· The references in the LTP to major new road links (South East and South West Relief Roads) in Banbury should not be deleted.
Oxfordshire County Council is currently preparing its third Local Transport Plan (LTP) for Oxfordshire. The LTP sets out a vision, objectives and outcomes for transport in the whole of the county. It also includes a programme of investment in new transport schemes and maintenance of the existing network.
6.55pm |
Disabled Facilities Grant Policy Report of Head of Housing Services
To seek approval of a new policy setting out the Council’s approach to the assessment of eligibility for Disabled Facilities Grants, those adaptations which it is appropriate to fund and how it will manage a waiting list if demand exceeds the available budget.
The Executive is recommended to:
(1) Approve the Disabled Facilities Grant Policy. (2) Endorse the proposal that Registered Providers (RPs) (formerly called RSLs or Housing Associations) should be asked to sign-up to a protocol committing themselves to the principles in the Policy and to making a specified financial contribution towards the cost of adaptations for their tenants (see 2.4 in report). Additional documents:
Decision: Approved
Minutes: The Head of Housing Services submitted a report which sought approval for a new policy setting out the Council’s approach to the assessment of eligibility for Disabled Facilities Grants, those adaptations which it is appropriate to fund and how it will manage a waiting list if demand exceeds the available budget.
(1) That the Disabled Facilities Grant Policy (annex to the minutes as set out in the minute book) be approved. (2) That the proposal that Registered Providers (RPs) (formerly called RSLs or Housing Associations) should be asked to sign-up to a protocol committing themselves to the principles in the Policy and to making a specified financial contribution towards the cost of adaptations for their tenants be endorsed.
7.05pm |
Report of Portfolio Holder for Resources and Communications, Leader of the Council and Chief Executive
To consider the final business case for a shared management team between Cherwell District Council and South Northamptonshire Council.
** Please note Appendix 1, the Business Case has been distributed to all members under separate cover, please bring this with you to the meeting**
The Executive is recommended:
(1) To recommend to Council at its meeting on 8th December 2010 that it approves the business case (and the eighteen specific recommendations included in it) for putting in place a shared management team between Cherwell District Council and South Northamptonshire Council by the end of September 2011.
(2) To recommend to Council in addition that Council endorses the view of the Executive that, once a shared senior management team is in place, the Council can aspire to continued excellent performance.
(3) To confirm that, after consultation with the Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny Committee, it is agreed that it is in the Council’s interest for this decision to be taken urgently and the right to call-in is waived to enable a binding decision to be taken by Council on 8th December. Additional documents:
Decision: Approved
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Resources and Communications, Leader of the Council and Chief Executive submitted a report to consider the final business case for a shared management team between Cherwell District Council and South Northamptonshire Council.
(1) That Council be recommended at its meeting on 8 December 2010 to approve the business case and the eighteen specific recommendations included in it, (annex to the minutes as set out in the minute book) for putting in place a shared management team between Cherwell District Council and South Northamptonshire Council by the end of September 2011.
(2) That Council be recommended to endorse the view of the Executive that, once a shared senior management team is in place, the Council can aspire to continued excellent performance.
(3) That, it be confirmed following consultation with the Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny Committee, that it is in the Council’s interest for this decision to be taken urgently and the right to call-in is waived to enable a binding decision to be taken by Council on 8 December 2010.
The Joint Working Group recommends that Cherwell District Council and South Northamptonshire Council put a shared management team in place by the end of September 2011. It is proposed that the Executive accept this recommendation and recommend this in turn to full Council who will take the final decision on whether to go ahead on 8 December 2010.
7.15pm |
Cherwell/South Northamptonshire Building Control Shared Service Proposals Report of Head of Building Control and Engineering Services
To consider whether it is appropriate and beneficial to Cherwell and South Northamptonshire Councils to merge their Building Control services into a jointly managed operation.
The Executive is recommended:
(1) Subject to the endorsement of the Cabinet of South Northamptonshire Council who are concurrently considering this report, to agree in principle to implementing joint management arrangements for the Building Control services of Cherwell and South Northamptonshire. (2) To instruct the Head of Building Control and Engineering Services, and Head of People and Improvement to carry out the recruitment of the joint Building Control Manager and Team Leaders for each of the Councils as set out in this report and its appendices. Additional documents: Decision: Approved
Minutes: The Head of Building Control and Engineering Services submitted a report to consider whether it was appropriate and beneficial to Cherwell District Council and South Northamptonshire Council to merge their Building Control services into a jointly managed operation.
(1) That subject to the endorsement of the Cabinet of South Northamptonshire Council, who are concurrently considering this report, to agree in principle to implementing joint management arrangements for the Building Control services of Cherwell District Council and South Northamptonshire Council.
(2) That the Head of Building Control and Engineering Services, and Head of People and Improvement be instructed to carry out the recruitment of the joint Building Control Manager and Team Leaders for each of the Councils as set out in the report and its appendices (annex to the minutes as set out in the minute book).
The key reasons for proposing this venture are that it will give both Cherwell and South Northamptonshire Building Control Services a more assured future and over a relatively short period of time the revenue costs borne by both Authorities to fund the non fee element of building control work will decrease. Options
7.30pm |
Update report and request for approval of funding for Dashwood Road Primary School Report of Head of Housing Services
This report is to update members on progress on the DashwoodRoad Primary School site following a report submitted on the 24th May 2010. Significant progress has been made to deliver this scheme and a smaller amount of funding from the capital reserves for affordable housing is now required.
The Executive is recommended:
(1) To note the progress made with partnership working at DashwoodRoad Primary School, Banbury and approve funding for the scheme from the capital reserves for affordable housing of £200,000. Additional documents: Decision: Approved
Minutes: The Head of Housing Services submitted a report to update Members on progress on the DashwoodRoad Primary School site following a report submitted on the 24 May 2010. Significant progress had been made to deliver this scheme and a smaller amount of funding from the capital reserves for affordable housing was now required.
(1) That the progress made with partnership working at DashwoodRoad Primary School, Banbury be noted and funding for the scheme from the capital reserves for affordable housing of £200,000 be approved. Reasons Following the report to Executive in May 2010 regarding the Dashwood Road Primary School, staff from the council, Oxfordshire County Council, Paradigm Housing Group and the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) have met to agree how this scheme can be funded. Since the report the scheme has been granted planning permission. The scheme comprises of 18 units of housing to be let at social rents (current HCA target rent levels). These meetings have led to the parties agreeing a reduction in the land price for the scheme of £200,000 plus a reduction in the S106 commuted sums costs of around £100,000. CDC has agreed that five of the units can be let as supported housing for people with a learning disability. These people will be assessed as in need of housing via the District’s Housing Register. This is a group that needs specialist provision and there is currently insufficient provision in the District. Options
7.40pm |
Corporate Improvement Plan Fear of Crime and Anti Social Behaviour Report of Head of Safer Communities, Urban and Rural Services
To advise the Executive of the outcomes from the Corporate Improvement Plan Project: Fear of Crime and Anti Social Behaviour and to consider the proposed future priorities and actions for the service arising from the Project.
The Executive is recommended:
(1) To note the findings and conclusions from the Corporate Improvement Plan Project: Fear of Crime and Anti Social Behaviour. (2) To agree the future priorities and draft action plan which should form the basis of the 2011/12 Service Plan. Additional documents: Decision: Approved
Minutes: The Head of Safer Communities, Urban and Rural Services submitted a report to advise the Executive of the outcomes of the Corporate Improvement Plan Project: Fear of Crime and Anti Social Behaviour and to consider the proposed future priorities and actions for the service arising from the Project.
(1) That the findings and conclusions from the Corporate Improvement Plan Project: Fear of Crime and Anti Social Behaviour be noted. (2) That the future priorities and draft action plan which should form the basis of the 2011/12 Service Plan (annex to the minutes as set out in the minute book) be agreed. Reasons Anti social behaviour (ASB) is a blight on the lives of individuals who are directly affected; on the perceptions of communities for whom it signals neglect in their neighbourhoods; and on the reputation of the agencies who are often thought to be unconcerned or ineffectual. Options
7.50pm |
Value for Money Review Corporate and Democratic Core Report of Chief Executive
To consider the findings of the Value for Money (VFM) Review report and the recommendations arising from the report
The Executive is recommended:
(1) To endorse the overall conclusions of the review (2) To agree that improvements in value for money be sought in Democratic Services and Elections and approve the following recommendations to achieve savings of £124,803; a. Merge the Democratic Services and Elections teams to provide greater resilience and achieve further efficiencies b. Achieve the schedule of savings set out in Annex 1 (3) To agree that improvements in value for money be sought in Corporate Strategy, Performance and Partnerships and approve the following recommendations to achieve savings of £68,270; a. Delete the post of performance officer and restructure the team to accommodate the loss of this post, reallocating roles and responsibilities to reflect revised local priorities and changes in the national performance regime b. Reduce the budget for research and consultation, focusing the remaining resources on high priority areas and supporting in house consultation c. Change the operating arrangements for performance management software to scale back its costs and provide better value for money (4) To agree that improvements in value for money be sought in Treasury Management and approve the following recommendations to achieve minimum savings of £30,000; a. Review the Council’s declining investment funds and allocate over two funds, rather than three. b. Ensure that this allocation is in place by 31 March 2011. Additional documents:
Decision: Approved
Minutes: The Chief Executive submitted a report to consider the findings of the Value for Money (VFM) Review Corporate and Democratic Core report and the recommendations arising from the report.
(1) That the overall conclusions of the review be endorsed. (2) That it be agreed improvements in value for money be sought in Democratic Services and Elections and approve the following recommendations to achieve savings of £124,803; a. Merge the Democratic Services and Elections teams to provide greater resilience and achieve further efficiencies b. Achieve the schedule of savings (annex 9 to the minutes as set out in the minute book) (3) To agree that improvements in value for money be sought in Corporate Strategy, Performance and Partnerships and approve the following recommendations to achieve savings of £68,270; a. Delete the post of Performance Officer and restructure the team to accommodate the loss of this post, reallocating roles and responsibilities to reflect revised local priorities and changes in the national performance regime b. Reduce the budget for research and consultation, focusing the remaining resources on high priority areas and supporting in house consultation c. Change the operating arrangements for performance management software to scale back its costs and provide better value for money (4) To agree that improvements in value for money be sought in Treasury Management and approve the following recommendations to achieve minimum savings of £30,000; a. Review the Council’s declining investment funds and allocate over two funds, rather than three. b. Ensure that this allocation is in place by 31 March 2011.
This review forms part of the Value for Money programme of reviews for 2010/11, which aims to cover all services within the council and improve the value of services offered to residents of Cherwell, and contributes to meeting the Council Promise of securing £800,000 of new savings by 1 April 2011. Options
The report contains options for achieving efficiency and value for money.
8.00pm |
Value for Money review of Recreation and Sport Report of Strategic Director Environment and Community
To consider the findings of the Value for Money (VFM) Review report and the recommendations arising from the report.
The Executive is recommended:
(1) To endorse the overall conclusion of the review that the service is below average cost for the operation of its leisure centres, according to national benchmarking. It has good performance in terms of its sports development assessment, and is high quality in terms of good and improving levels of customer satisfaction. (2) To agree that improvements in value for money be sought and approve the following recommendations; a. Further grants to village halls be withdrawn from 2011/12, saving £39,000 per annum b. Reductions be made in the service establishment through reduced hours and the deletion of a vacant project officer post, saving £56,817 per annum c. Additional savings of £33,077 be progressed through reductions to the Leisure Development and Sports Development budgets, as set out in paragraph 2.11 (3) To note that the target savings of £80,000 from the joint use agreements at Coopers School and North Oxfordshire Academy are currently part of the Council’s scrutiny activities and subject to negotiation with the management of the two education sites; (4) To agree to progress negotiations with the sports centres contract operator to achieve savings through changes to the contract specification and through income benchmarking. (5) To request a capital bid as part of 2011/12 budget setting for electricity generation at leisure centres outlining its costs and likely savings. Additional documents: Decision: Approved
Minutes: The Strategic Director Environment and Community submitted a report to consider the findings of the Value for Money (VFM) Review of Recreation and Sport report and the recommendations arising from the report.
(1) That the overall conclusion of the review that the service is below average cost for the operation of its leisure centres, according to national benchmarking, has good performance in terms of its sports development assessment, and is high quality in terms of good and improving levels of customer satisfaction be endorsed. (2) That it be agreed improvements in value for money be sought and the following approved; a. Further grants to village halls be withdrawn from 2011/12, saving £39,000 per annum b. Reductions be made in the service establishment through reduced hours and the deletion of a vacant project officer post, saving £56,817 per annum c. Additional savings of £33,077 be progressed through reductions to the Leisure Development and Sports Development budgets, (3) That it be noted the target savings of £80,000 from the joint use agreements at Coopers School and North Oxfordshire Academy are currently part of the Council’s scrutiny activities and subject to negotiation with the management of the two education sites. (4) That it be agreed to progress negotiations with the sports centres contract operator to achieve savings through changes to the contract specification and through income benchmarking. (5) That a capital bid be requested as part of 2011/12 budget setting for electricity generation at leisure centres outlining its costs and likely savings. Reasons
This review forms part of the Value for Money programme of reviews for 2010/11, which aims to cover all services within the council and improve the value of services offered to residents of Cherwell. Options
The report contains options for achieving efficiency and value for money.
8.10pm |
Value for Money Review of Urban and Rural Services Report of Strategic Director Environment and Community
To consider the findings of the Value for Money (VFM) Review report and the recommendations arising from the report
The Executive is recommended:
(1) To endorse the overall conclusion of the review that the service is low cost in terms of benchmark expenditure comparisons and is good quality in terms of overall positive levels of customer satisfaction. (2) To agree that improvements in value for money be sought and approve the following recommendations; a. Implement the Medium Term Financial Strategy savings proposals set out in paragraph 2.13, saving £73,194 per annum b. Secure a net saving of £60,000 per annum currently charged for the provision of specialist advice to the planning service by exploring options to achieve this, such as a reduction in the staff establishment, increasing fee income from planning advice and securing new clients to offset costs c. Create a bus station safety officer post to release a vehicle parks warden post to achieve a net income of £16,000 per annum (3) To note the recommendations of Scrutiny with regard to increases to car park charges and recommend the inclusion of an evening tariff to generate further income of £39,640 per annum in addition to the £480,289 already recommended. (4) To note the scrutiny process associated with the introduction of a pay and display parking scheme in Watts Way, Kidlington and the need for further negotiations with a view to implementing the scheme within 12 months if these are successful (5) To consider further the proposal to extend the landscape maintenance contract for a further three years to 2015 and secure potential savings of £135,461 through negotiations with the contractor and an extended client base. (6) To continue the provision of a Shopmobility scheme in Bicester but in future seek to offset a proportion of its costs through service charges to tenants on completion of the town centre redevelopment (7) To explore the feasibility of charging residents for tree inspections to offset costs of arboricultural staff Additional documents: Decision: Approved
Minutes: The Strategic Director Environment and Community submitted a report to consider the findings of the Value for Money (VFM) Review of Urban and Rural Services report and the recommendations arising from the report.
(1) That the overall conclusion of the review that the service is low cost in terms of benchmark expenditure comparisons and is good quality in terms of overall positive levels of customer satisfaction be endorsed.
(2) That it be agreed improvements in value for money be sought and approval given to:
a. Implement the Medium Term Financial Strategy savings proposals, saving £73,194 per annum
b. Secure a net saving of £60,000 per annum currently charged for the provision of specialist advice to the planning service by exploring options to achieve this, such as a reduction in the staff establishment, increasing fee income from planning advice and securing new clients to offset costs
c. Create a Bus Station Safety Officer post to release a Vehicle Parks Warden post to achieve a net income of £16,000 per annum
(3) That the recommendations of Scrutiny with regard to increases to car park charges be noted. That the recommendation of the inclusion of an evening tariff to generate further income of £39,640 per annum in addition to the £480,289 already recommended also be noted.
(4) That the scrutiny process associated with the introduction of a pay and display parking scheme in Watts Way, Kidlington and the need for further negotiations with a view to implementing the scheme within 12 months if these are successful be noted.
(5) That the proposal to extend the landscape maintenance contract for a further three years to 2015 and secure potential savings of £135,461 through negotiations with the contractor and an extended client base be noted.
(6) That the provision of a Shopmobility scheme in Bicester be continued and it be agreed in future seek to offset a proportion of its costs through service charges to tenants on completion of the town centre redevelopment
(7) That the feasibility of charging residents for tree inspections to offset costs of arboricultural staff be explored.
This review forms part of the Value for Money programme of reviews, which aims to cover all services within the council and improve the value of services offered to residents of Cherwell.
The report contains options for achieving efficiency and value for money.
8.20pm |
Budget 2011/12 Draft 1
Report of Head of Finance
The Council has to adopt a budget for 2011/12 as the basis for calculating its level of Council Tax and has to base that budget on its plans for service delivery during the year, recognising any changes in service demand that may arise in future years. This is the first of three opportunities that the Executive has to shape and refine the interaction between the Corporate Plan, the service plans that underpin the corporate plan and financial matters before the final budget is presented to the Council on the 21st February 2011.
The Executive is recommended:
(1) To endorse the draft Corporate Plan for 2011-12 (detailed in Appendix 2);
(2) To endorse the proposed service priorities for 2011-12 (detailed in Appendix 3);
(3) To consider the draft budget (detailed in Appendix 1) in the context of the Council’s service objectives and strategic priorities;
(4) To note the areas of unavoidable revenue growth as detailed in the body of this report detailed in Appendix 1 – para 1.23;
(5) To note the areas of additional income or cost reductions that will be considered in order to get to a balanced 2011/12 budget detailed in Appendix 1 – para 1.26 / 1.27;
(6) To note the proposal on Council Tax for 2011-12 detailed in (para 2.10)
(7) To note the outcome of the pay negotiations on 2011/12 pay deal (para 2.20);
(8) To ask officers to prepare a response to the New Homes Consultation and a report detailing the implications;
(9) To ask officers to give consideration to the impact of the recent planning fees consultation and the implications on income generation
(10) To agree the approach to the overall capital programme and 2011/12 expenditure profile (detailed in Appendix 4);
(11) To note the recommendations of the scrutiny reviews of training, fees and charges and capital programme that were considered at the Resources and Performance Scrutiny Board on 30th November 2010 and approve which should be included in the second draft of the budget: (detailed in Appendix 5 – to follow);
(12) To advise of any other matters they would like taken into consideration in producing a balanced budget for the meeting of the Executive on 10 January 2011;
(13) To endorse the draft revenue and capital budget and corporate plan as the basis for consultation. Additional documents:
Decision: Approved, including all recommendations from resources and Performance Scrutiny Board as set out in Appendix 5.
Minutes: The Head of Finance submitted a report, providing the first of three opportunities for the Executive to shape and refine the interaction between the Corporate Plan, the service plans that underpin the corporate plan and financial matters before the final budget is presented to Council on the 21 February 2011.
(1) That the draft Corporate Plan for 2011-12 (annex to these minutes as set out in the minute book) be endorsed.
(2) That the proposed service priorities for 2011-12 (annex to these minutes as set out in the minute book) be endorsed.
(3) That the draft budget be noted in the context of the Council’s service objectives and strategic priorities.
(4) That the areas of unavoidable revenue growth (annex to these minutes as set out in the minute book) be noted.
(5) That the areas of additional income or cost reductions that will be considered in order to get to a balanced 2011/12 budget (annex to these minutes as set out in the minute book) be noted.
(6) That the proposal on Council Tax for 2011-12 be noted.
(7) That the outcome of the pay negotiations on 2011/12 pay deal be noted.
(8) That officers be requested to prepare a response to the New Homes Consultation and a report detailing the implications.
(9) That officers be requested to give consideration to the impact of the recent planning fees consultation and the implications on income generation.
(10) That the approach to the overall capital programme and 2011/12 expenditure profile (annex to these minutes as set out in the minute book) be agreed.
(11) That it be noted that the recommendations of the scrutiny reviews of training, fees and charges and capital programme that were considered at the Resources and Performance Scrutiny Board on 30th November 2010 and all the recommendations (annex to these minutes as set out in the minute book) be approved.
(12) That at this stage no other matters be taken into consideration in producing a balanced budget for the meeting of the Executive on 10 January 2011.
(13) That the draft revenue and capital budget and corporate plan be approved as the basis for consultation.
The budget will form the financial expression of the Council’s strategic priorities and service delivery plans for 2011/12; the allocation of resources against agreed service priorities and is necessary in order to achieve its strategic priorities.
Chief Executive Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive noted that this would be the Chief Executive’s last Executive meeting as she was leaving Cherwell District Council to take up a new role as Chief Executive at the London Borough of Hounslow in January 2011. The Executive and Officers wished the Chief Executive all the best for her new role. |