Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Monday 24 May 2010 6.30 pm

Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA. View directions

Contact: James Doble, Legal and Democratic Services  Email: (01295) 221587


Note No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest that they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.

Additional documents:


Members declared interests with regard to the following agenda item:


6. Proposed Mollington Conservation Area


Councillor Nicholas Turner, Personal, as Chairman of Banbury and Bicester area National Farmers Union.


9. Request for Approval of Funding for various Affordable Housing Schemes from CDC Capital Reserves.


Councillor Norman Bolster, Personal, as a member of Oxfordshire County Council which owns the Dashwood School site.


Councillor Michael Gibbard, Personal, as a resident of Yarnton, member of Yarnton Parish Council and a member of Oxfordshire County Council which owns the Dashwood School site.


Councillor G A Reynolds, Personal, as a member of Oxfordshire County Council which owns the Dashwood School site.


Councillor Nicholas Turner, Personal, as a member of Oxfordshire County Council which owns the Dashwood School site.




Petitions and Requests to Address the Meeting

The Chairman to report on any requests to submit petitions or to address the meeting.

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council reported that with regard to agenda item 6 the proposed Mollington Conservation Area Mr Lapthorne had asked to present further signatures to the meeting in addition to the petition he had previously submitted to the council and Mrs Jeffries had also asked to address the meeting with regard to the same agenda item.


The Leader of the Council also confirmed he had agreed that Councillor Sibley could address the meeting with regard to agenda item 7 Bicester Market Square Highway and Environmental Improvement Scheme.


Urgent Business

The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda.

Additional documents:


There was no urgent business.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 12 April 2010.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 12 April 2010 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

6.35 pm


Proposed Mollington Conservation Area pdf icon PDF 1 MB

** The conservation area appraisal, amended following consultation, will be circulated separately with the agenda **


Report of Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development




To designate a conservation area in Mollington




The Executive is recommended:


(1)               To consider the representations received following consultation and the changes made to the draft conservation area appraisal and to the proposed conservation area boundary as a result

(2)               To approve the conservation area appraisal for Mollington accordingly

(3)               To designate Mollington conservation area.


Additional documents:


Recommendations Approved


The Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development submitted a report to designate a conservation area in Mollington.


Mr Lapthorne presented the additional signatures to his petition and addressed the meeting in opposition to the conservation area.


Mrs Jeffries addressed the meeting in opposition to the conservation as had been proposed.


Members of the Executive discussed the proposal and it was confirmed that the boundary had been amended which took account of the concerns raised by Mrs Jeffries.




(1)               That the representations received following consultation and the changes made to the draft conservation area appraisal be noted and the proposed conservation area boundary as a result be agreed.

(2)               That the conservation area appraisal for Mollington be approved

(3)               That the Mollington conservation area be formally designated.



The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 [The Act] places a duty on local planning authorities [LPAs] to identify areas of special architectural or historic interest and to designate those areas as conservation areas.  Thereafter the LPA is required to formulate and publish proposals for the preservation and enhancement of the conservation area, submit these to a public meeting and have regard to views expressed.



Option One

Designate a conservation area in Mollington as identified in the recommendation


Option Two

To decline to designate a conservation area in Mollington


Option Three

To designate a conservation area with a different boundary, as Members see fit.



6.40 pm


Bicester Market Square Highway and Environmental Improvement Scheme pdf icon PDF 84 KB

Report of Head of Regeneration and Estates




To confirm the Council’s approval of the final design for the environmental Improvement Scheme of Bicester Market Square.




The Executive is recommended:


(1)       To approve the presented final design for the Environmental Improvement Scheme of Bicester Market Square, for it to proceed to the County Council for approval.


Additional documents:


Recommendations Approved



The Head of Regeneration and Estates submitted a report to confirm the Council’s approval of the final design for the environmental Improvement Scheme of Bicester Market Square.


Councillor Sibley addressed the meeting.




(1)               That the presented final design for the Environmental Improvement Scheme of Bicester Market Square be aproved, for it to proceed to the County Council for approval.




The environmental improvements of Bicester Market Square has been a project that this Council has been involved with for some time. The scheme is now a joint financial collaboration between Oxfordshire County Council and Cherwell District Council.  The Executive resolution of September 2009 approved three design options to go to public consultation in November 2009. This report now seeks the approval of the Council to the final design. This is a scheme created as a result of the consultation event in November and the public feedback on the original three options.




Option One

Approve the final scheme for it to proceed to the County Council for approval.


Option Two

Reject the scheme. However this may result in a delay to the scheme moving forward, if a new option is drafted or changes made to the other options in light of any comments.


6.55 pm


Bicester Car Parking pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Report of Head of Safer Communities, Urban and Rural Services




To identify likely impact on car parks income and the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) arising from the Bicester town centre and Market Square developments.


To secure approval for changes to car parking arrangements in Bicester as a consequence of these developments to ensure a balanced and viable parking strategy for the town.




The Executive is recommended:


(1)               To note the potential effects on car parks income and the MTFS arising from the Bicester town centre and Market Square developments.

(2)               To approve the changes to car parking arrangements for Bicester as set out in the proposals section of this report.

(3)               To authorise the Head of Safer Communities, Urban and Rural Services in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Street Scene and Rural to finalise these arrangements.

(4)               To consult, subject to the agreement of the above, on these proposals with Bicester Town Council, Bicester Vision and Bicester Chamber of Commerce.




Additional documents:


Recommendations Approved



The Head of Safer Communities, Urban and Rural Services submitted a report to identify likely impact on car parks income and the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) arising from the Bicester town centre and Market Square developments and to secure approval for changes to car parking arrangements in Bicester as a consequence of these developments to ensure a balanced and viable parking strategy for the town.




(1)               That the potential effects on car parks income and the MTFS arising from the Bicester town centre and Market Square developments be noted.

(2)               To approve the changes to car parking arrangements for Bicester as set out below:

Car Park

Current Tariff (hours)

Current capacity

+ disabled

Proposed capacity



Market Square


33 +2

No pay and display parking, subject to Executive decision

-24 May 2010


Crown Walk



65 +10





198 +10




Victoria Road




Change to Short Stay

 3 hours



164 +9

164 +9

Change to Short Stay

 3 hours



Chapel Street




No Change 24 hours.


Cashless parking only (i.e. Ring-go or Season Ticket)


Then closes on completion of Chapel Brook extension in conjunction with Sanctuary Housing.

Chapel Brook


28 +1


Change to Short Stay

3 hours

Franklins Yard



Temporary reconfiguration to 94.

Then 75

Then 0

Initially Short Stay 3 hours



Cattle Market


117 + 8

c270 + 8

No Change 24 hours



*1: Lease of part of the car park which runs out 31 March 2019 with option to renew for further 40 years at open market rental. We currently pay nominal rent.

*2: Lease requires 7 Annual Season tickets (Mon-Fri) to be issued to West Norfolk Tomatoes (an investment company).



(3)               That the Head of Safer Communities, Urban and Rural Services in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Street Scene and Rural be authorised to finalise these arrangements.

(4)               That the Council consult, on these proposals with Bicester Town Council, Bicester Vision and Bicester Chamber of Commerce.



There are significant developments planned for Bicester that will have major impact on current car parking arrangements and parking capacity with a total estimated reduction in Council operated pay and display parking spaces of 230 (31%) by 2012. These changes to Bicester town centre require a review of the arrangements currently in place across the Council operated car parks.




Option One

Do nothing to amend the parking arrangements as a consequence of town centre works.


Option Two

Provide public pay and display parking on a different basis to that proposed in this report in all or some of the car parks


Option Three

Adopt the proposals set out in this report.






7.05 pm


Request for Approval of Funding for various Affordable Housing Schemes from CDC Capital Reserves pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Report of Head of Housing Services




To seek approval for grant funding from the Capital Reserves for Affordable Housing for an Extra Care Housing Scheme, Cassington Road, Yarnton and to explore options for funding affordable housing at Dashwood Road Primary School site, Banbury




The Executive is recommended:


(1)               To approve funding for the Extra Care Housing Scheme at Cassington Road, Yarnton of £200,000 from the Capital Reserves for Affordable Housing in return for nomination rights.                   

(2)               To agree that the request for approval of funding for the Dashwood Road Primary School site is not approved at this time and that officers be instructed to explore ways in which the level of District Council social housing grant support required might be reduced and report back as appropriate.


Additional documents:


Recommendations Approved



The Head of Housing Services submitted a report to seek approval for grant funding from the Capital Reserves for Affordable Housing for an Extra Care Housing Scheme, Cassington Road, Yarnton and to explore options for funding affordable housing at DashwoodRoad Primary School site, Banbury.


In making their decision members had regard to the exempt annex to this agenda item.




(1)               That funding for the Extra Care Housing Scheme at Cassington Road, Yarnton of £200,000 from the Capital Reserves for Affordable Housing be approved in return for nomination rights.                   

(2)               That the request for approval of funding for the Dashwood Road Primary School site is not approved at this time and that officers be instructed to explore ways in which the level of District Council social housing grant support required might be reduced and report back as appropriate.



The two schemes are being considered for funding by the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) but need additional funding to make them viable. They will all make a much needed contribution to meeting local housing needs and affordable housing targets. The Council often uses its ear marked capital reserves for social housing schemes being undertaken by Registered Social Landlords and this grant buys social housing nomination rights for the Council.



Option One

That the Committee finally rejects the requests for approval to fund the schemes on one or both sites.


Option Two






Option Three




To try and secure the wider non housing objectives of delivery of development on the Dashwood school site the Committee agree to fund £400,000 towards the cost of the scheme at this stage.


That the committee approves the Cassington Road scheme but asks for further partnership investigation of the DashwoodSchool site viability issues. This is the recommended option.



7.15 pm


Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) Update pdf icon PDF 111 KB

Report of Head of Finance




The Medium Term Strategy (MTFS) is the Council’s key financial planning document. It is driven by our Corporate Plan and the four strategic priorities which lie at the heart of it. The 2010/11 local government finance settlement represented the final year of the “fixed” three year funding regime announced in 2008/09. Due to the current economic climate and national deficit it is clear that local authorities will continue to need to plan on the basis of a very restricted financial envelope from 2011/12 onwards. This report considers 3 scenarios for funding and calculates the potential shortfalls which will need to be addressed to deliver a balanced budget.




The Executive is recommended:


(1)               To note contents of report and MTFS scenarios detailed in Appendix 1.


(2)               To note the process and approximate timings of the Formula Grant Settlement and Concessionary Fares Transfer Impact


(3)               To agree that we should lobby Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) with our counterparties in Oxfordshire and approach Northamptonshire for a joint approach on the financial implications of the concessionary fares transfer. 


(4)               To agree that each MTFS scenario modelled will have a specific action plan developed to address the projected shortfall.


(5)               To advise of any other scenarios they would like modelled and / or matters they would like taken into consideration in developing the action plans.

(6)               To agree Timetable and process for the development of the next MTFS forecast and action plans.


Additional documents:


Recommendations Approved



The Head of Finance submitted a report on the Medium Term Strategy (MTFS) - the Council’s key financial planning document. The 2010/11 local government finance settlement represented the final year of the “fixed” three year funding regime announced in 2008/09. Due to the current economic climate and national deficit it is clear that local authorities will continue to need to plan on the basis of a very restricted financial envelope from 2011/12 onwards. The report considered 3 scenarios for funding and calculated the potential shortfalls which will need to be addressed to deliver a balanced budget.




(1)               That the contents of report and MTFS scenarios detailed in Appendix 1 of the report be noted.


(2)               That the process and approximate timings of the Formula Grant Settlement and Concessionary Fares Transfer Impact


(3)               That the council lobby Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) with our counterparties in Oxfordshire and approach Northamptonshire for a joint approach on the financial implications of the concessionary fares transfer. 


(4)               That it be agreed that each MTFS scenario modelled will have a specific action plan developed to address the projected shortfall.


(5)               That not further scenarios be modelled and / or matters taken into consideration in developing the action plans at this time.

(6)               That the timetable and process for the development of the next MTFS forecast and action plans be agreed.



The MTFS is a key part of the Council’s Policy, Service Planning and Performance Management framework which aims to ensure that all revenue and capital resources are directed towards the Council’s strategic priorities. The Strategy describes the financial direction of the Council for planning purposes and outlines the financial pressures over a 4 year period.