Agenda and minutes

Council - Monday 22 February 2010 6.30 pm

Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA. View directions

Contact: James Doble, Legal and Democratic Services  Email:, (01295) 221587


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest which they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.

Additional documents:


Members declared the following general interests:


Councillor G A Reynolds, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell’s Farm.


Councillor Kieron Mallon, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell’s Farm.


Councillor Michael Gibbard, , Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell’s Farm.


Councillor Nicholas Turner, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell’s Farm.


Councillor Norman Bolster, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell’s Farm.


Councillor Lawrie Stratford, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell’s Farm.


Councillor Ann Bonner, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell’s Farm.


Councillor Alyas Ahmed, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell’s Farm.


Councillor Kieron Mallon, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell’s Farm.


Members declared interests in the following agenda items:


7. Minutes

Standards Committee Minutes 47 – Support to Parish Councils


Councillor George Reynolds, Personal as a Parish Clerk









To receive communications from the Chairman and/or the Leader of the Council.


Additional documents:


The Chairman noted the sad passing of former District Councillor Harold Hart who served on the Council between 1974 and 1993 primarily on the Development Services Committee and North Area Planning Committee. Members of the Council joined the Chairman in remembering Mr Hart’s service to the Council and the District by observing a one minute’s silence.


The Chairman informed Members that there were still tickets available for the Chairman’s Dinner on Friday 9 April at the Bicester Hotel Golf Club and Spa. The proceeds would be donated to the Chairman’s two chosen charities the Alzheimer’s Society and the Make a Wish Foundation.


Petitions and Requests to Address the Meeting

The Chairman to report on any requests to submit petitions or to address the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no petitions and requests to address the meeting.


Urgent Business

The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda.


Additional documents:


There was no urgent business.


Minutes of Council pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of Council held on 18 January 2010.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting of Council held on 18 January 2010 were agreed and signed by the Chairman.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 544 KB

a)                 Minutes of Executive, Portfolio Holder Decisions and Executive Decisions made under  Special Urgency


The Leader of the Council to formally propose that the minutes of the meetings of the Executive and Portfolio Holder decisions as set out in the Minute Book (circulated separately) be received and to report that since the last meeting of Council, no urgent Key Decisions have been taken by the Executive that were not included in a Forward Plan.


b)                 Minutes of Committees


The Leader of the Council to formally propose that the minutes of committees as set out in the Minute Book (circulated separately) be received.


Additional documents:


a) Minutes of Executive, Portfolio Holder Decisions and Executive Decisions made under Special Urgency




That the minutes of the meetings of the Executive and Portfolio Holder decisions as set out in the Minute Book be received and that it be noted that since the last meeting of Council, no executive decisions have been taken that were subject to the special urgency provisions of the constitution.


b) Minutes of Committees




That the minutes committees as set out in the Minute Book be received.



a)         Written Questions


To receive any written questions and answers which have been submitted with advance notice in accordance with the constitution. A written response to the question will be circulated at the meeting.


After receiving the written response the member submitting the question will be entitled to ask a follow up or supplementary question.



b)         Questions to the Leader of the Council


The Chairman to invite questions to the Leader of the Council (including any matters arising from the minutes).


Following a response to their question being provided members will be entitled to a follow up or supplementary question.


c)         Questions to Committee Chairman on the minutes


The Chairman to invite questions to Chairmen of Committees on any matter arising from the minutes of their committee (if any).

Additional documents:


a) Written Questions


There were no written questions.


b) Questions to the Deputy Leader of the Council


There were no questions to the Deputy leader.


c) Questions to Committee Chairmen on the minutes


There were no questions to the Committee Chairman on minutes.



To debate any motions which have been submitted with advance notice, in accordance with the constitution.


Additional documents:


There were no motions.


Members Allowances 2010/2011 pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services




To consider and determine the levels of the allowances to be paid to Members for the forthcoming 2010/2011 financial year following the submission of the report of the Council’s Independent Remuneration Panel on the review of the 2009/2010 Members’ Allowances Scheme.




Council is recommended:


(1)               To consider the Independent Remuneration Panel’s recommended levels of allowance to be included in the 2010/11 Members’ Allowances Scheme, (that is recommending no change to the levels agreed for 2009/10) and whether these recommendations should be adopted or modified in any way.

(2)               To authorise the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to prepare an amended Members’ Allowances Scheme, in accordance with the decisions of the Council for implementation with effect from 1 April 2010.

(3)               To authorise the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to take all necessary action to revoke the current (2009/10) Scheme and to publicise the revised Scheme pursuant to The Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 (as amended).

(4)               To thank the Independent Remuneration Panel for its thorough and detailed report, to agree to recruit two panel Members prior to the commencement of work on the 2011/12 allowance scheme, and set a fee of £300 for IRP Panel Members for the work carried out in 2009/10 and propose the same level of fee for 2010/11.



Additional documents:


Council considered a report of the Independent Remuneration Panel on the review of Members’ Allowances for the 2010/2011 financial year, which proposed no increase on the 200910 allowances. It was proposed by Councillor Macnamara and seconded by Councillor Mallon that the recommendations as set out in the report be agreed.




1)                 That the level of allowances for 2010/2011 be agreed  as proposed by the Independent Remuneration Panel as set out below:


a)      the basic allowance payable to all Members be £4,155;


b)  the Special responsibility Allowances be paid as follows:



i)         Executive Members



ii)                  Leader of the Council  (to which should be added the SRA as a Member of the Executive)



iii)                Chairman of the Licensing Committee



iv)                Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee



v)                  Chairman of the Resources & Performance Scrutiny Board



vi)                Chairman of Planning Committee



vii)              Chairman of Standards Committee (Independent Member)



viii)            Chairman of Personnel



ix)                Chairman of the Accounts, Audit and Risk Committee



x)                  Leader of the Opposition



xi)                Co-optees Allowance




c)       the Carers’ Allowance continues to be paid at its current levels and on the basis that:-


iii)                the allowance can only be claimed when an ‘approved duty’ is performed subject to the submission of receipts and, in the case of the childcare allowance, to that allowance not being paid to a member of the claimant’s household; and

iv)                the basis of the Carers’ Allowance be the actual cost incurred up to the maximum hourly rates set out below and to a maximum cap of 20 hours per month:-


·        Childcare - £8 per hour

·        Dependent Relative Care - £15 per hour


d)     subject to the notification of any adjustments later in the year, HM Revenue and Customs specified mileage rates of 24p per mile for motorcycles regardless of the cc and 40p per mile (with no tax implications) regardless of the cc of the motor vehicle  be paid up until such time any revisions are notified by HM Revenue and Customs and the revised rates then be implemented;


e)     the supplements relating to the payment of tolls and other parking charges continue to be paid;


f)        subject to the proviso detailed in (d) above, the HM Revenue and Customs specified rate of 20p per mile be paid for travel by bicycles and other ‘non-motorised’ forms of transport;


g)     the travelling allowance payment for electric or similar specialised vehicles remain at £1.10 per journey regardless of the distance travelled (with no tax implications);


h)      the specified occasions when Members travel otherwise than by their own vehicle continue to be included in the Allowances Scheme;


i)        the subsistence allowances be paid at the levels index linked in accordance with the agreed formula; and


j)   Members be reminded of the importance the Panel attaches to the completion of the activity questionnaire, the outcome of which will continue to be an important part of the information collated to inform the 2011/2012 review.


2)                 That  ...  view the full minutes text for item 68.


Suspension of Standing Orders

Additional documents:




That Standing Orders be suspended for the following agenda item with regard to the duration of speaking by proposers of motions and amendments and the order of dealing with speaking on amendments.



2010/11 Service and Financial Planning Process, Corporate Plan, Revenue Budget and Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Report of Chief Financial Officer




To review the Council’s General Fund Budget, Capital Programme, Earmarked Reserves and General Fund Balances to ensure the robustness of the estimates included and to seek formal adoption of all parts of the Council’s financial plans and Corporate Plan for the 2010/11 budget year.


**Please note the Budget Book will be circulated  on15 February 2010**




Council is recommended:


(1)       To consider the contents of this report in approving the General Fund Budget and Capital Programme for 2010/11 and to formally record that consideration


(2)       To approve the 2010/11 General Fund Budget and Capital Programme  proposed by the Executive on 1st February 2010, as detailed in the Budget Book at Appendix 1


(3)       To approve the Collection Fund Estimates contained in Annex 6 of the Budget Book


(4)       To approve the Prudential Indicators contained in Annex 9 of the Budget Book


(5)       To approve the final Service Plans for 2010/11 as proposed by the Executive on 1st February 2010 and summarised in the Budget Book


(6)       To approve the Corporate Plan as detailed in Annex 1 of the Budget Book


(7)       To approve the Treasury Management Strategy for 2010/11 proposed by the Executive on 1st February 2010 at Appendix 2


Additional documents:


Council considered a report of the Chief Finance Officer which reviewed the Council’s General Fund Budget, Capital Programme, Earmarked Reserves and General Fund Balances to ensure the robustness of the estimates included and which sought formal adoption of all parts of the Council’s financial plans and Corporate Plan for the 2010/11 budget year.


It was proposed by Councillor Macnamara and seconded by Councillor Mallon, that the recommendations as set out in the report be agreed and that Overview and Scrutiny be requested to consider the issue of pedestrianisation in Kidlington.


Councillor Rae on behalf of the opposition group and Councillor Parish on behalf of the Labour Group, welcomed the budget and confirmed that they did not propose to move any amendments.


Members thanked the Finance team for their work in compiling the budget.




Budget 2010/11


(1)               That having considered the report, the 2010/11 General Fund Budget and Capital Programme proposed by the Executive on 1st February 2010, as detailed in the Budget Book (Annex 1 to the minutes as set out in the minute book) be approved.


(2)               That Collection Fund Estimates contained in Annex 6 of the Budget Book (Annex 1 to the minutes, as set out in the minute book) be approved.


(3)               That the Prudential Indicators contained in Annex 9 of the Budget Book (Annex 1 to the minutes, as set out in the minute book) be approved.


(4)               That the final Service Plans for 2010/11 as proposed by the Executive on 1st February 2010 and summarised in the Budget Book (Annex 1 to the minutes, as set out in the minute book) be approved.


(5)               That the Corporate Plan as detailed in Annex 1 of the Budget Book (Annex 1 to the minutes, as set out in the minute book) be approved.


(6)               That the Treasury Management Strategy for 2010/11 proposed by the Executive on 1st February 2010 (Annex 2 to the minutes as set out in the minute book) be approved.



Adjournment of Council Meeting

The Council to adjourn, if necessary, to allow the Executive to meet to consider Council proposals which do not accord with the Executive’s recommendations.

Additional documents:


The Deputy Leader of the Council confirmed that as there were no amendments to the budget it would not be necessary for the Council to adjourn to allow the Executive to meet to consider the amendments.



Calculating and Setting Council Tax for 2010/2011 pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Report of Head of Finance




To detail the Calculations for the amounts of Council Tax for 2010/11 and the setting of Council Tax for 2010/2011




Council is recommended:


(1)               To approve the Calculations for the amount of Council Tax for 2010/11 as detailed in Annex 1.


(2)               To recommend the Setting of Council Tax for 2010/2011 as per the detailed recommendations per Annex 1.


Additional documents:


Council considered a report setting out the proposed Council Tax for 2010/2011. It was proposed by Councillor Macnamara and seconded by Councillor Mallon that the recommendations as set out in the report be agreed. On being put to the vote, the motion was agreed unanimously.




(1)               That the Calculations for the amount of Council Tax for 2010/11 as detailed in Annex 3 to the minutes as set out in the minute book be approved.


(2)               That the Setting of Council Tax for 2010/2011 as per the detailed recommendations in Annex 3 to the minutes as set out in the minute book be approved.



Section 151 Officer Arrangements pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Report of Chief Executive




The purpose of this report is to seek approval for the Council’s arrangements for a Section 151 Officer and Chief Finance Officer going forward.




Council is recommended:


(1)               Confirm that the Council is happy to pursue the principle of a shared Section 151 Officer and Chief Finance Officer with another local authority.

(2)               Delegate to the Chief Executive and the Leader of Council authority to negotiate and conclude an arrangement for sharing a Section 151 Officer and Chief Finance Officer with South Northamptonshire District Council and confirm that if such arrangements are successfully concluded that the shared officer will be this Council’s designated Section 151 Officer until end 28th February 2011.

(3)               That Phillip O’Dell continue as the Council’s Section 151 and Chief Finance Officer after 31st March 2010 until such time as alternative arrangements are approved.

(4)       That it be noted that Phillip O’Dell has nominated the Head of Finance, Karen Curtin, as Deputy Section 151 Officer and Deputy Chief Finance Officer authorised to act in his absence and it is anticipated that a shared 151 Officer would do the same.

Additional documents:


Council considered a report of the Chief Executive setting out the proposed Section 151 arrangements for the Council.


It was proposed by Councillor Reynolds and seconded by Councillor Macnamara that the recommendations as set out in the report be approved.




(1)               That the Council confirms it is happy to pursue the principle of a shared Section 151 Officer and Chief Finance Officer with another local authority.

(2)               That the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of Council, be delegated authority to negotiate and conclude an arrangement for sharing a Section 151 Officer and Chief Finance Officer with South Northamptonshire District Council and confirm that if such arrangements are successfully concluded that the shared officer will be this Council’s designated Section 151 Officer until end 28th February 2011.

(3)               That Phillip O’Dell continue as the Council’s Section 151 and Chief Finance Officer after 31st March 2010 until such time as alternative arrangements are approved.

(4)               That it be noted that Phillip O’Dell has nominated the Head of Finance, Karen Curtin, as Deputy Section 151 Officer and Deputy Chief Finance Officer authorised to act in his absence and it is anticipated that a shared 151 Officer would do the same.