Issue - meetings

Future commissioning of voluntary sector advice, volunteering and community transport services

Meeting: 23/05/2011 - Executive (Item 7)

7 Commissioning of Advice, Volunteering and Voluntary Car Driving Schemes in Cherwell pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Report of Head of Housing Services




To consider a commissioning exercise to deliver a consistent and equitable approach to the funding of advice, volunteering and volunteer driving services in Cherwell and to consider the implications for a potential countywide Dial-a-Ride service.




The Executive is recommended:


(1)               To cease existing funding arrangements for organisations funded through the Council’s Voluntary Sector (Community Development) Grants Programme and Community Transport Grants Programme as from 31 March 2012.

(2)               To commence a commissioning process to fund strategically relevant Advice, Volunteering and Volunteer Car Driving services across three geographical areas within Cherwell.

(3)               To note ongoing officer discussions with Oxfordshire County Council regarding County Council proposals to develop a countywide Dial-a-Ride Service and how this might serve District residents most in need of this service.

(4)               To receive a further report on the outcome of this exercise as part of the 2012/13 Service and Financial Planning process in the Autumn.


Additional documents:


Approved, with the amendment that recommendation1 should read:


To cease signify a likely cessation of existing funding arrangements for organisations funded through the Council’s Voluntary Sector (Community Development) Grants Programme and Community Transport Grants Programme as from 31 March 2012.


The Head of Housing Services submitted a report to consider a commissioning exercise to deliver a consistent and equitable approach to the funding of advice, volunteering and volunteer driving services in Cherwell and to consider the implications for a potential countywide Dial-a-Ride service.


Councillor Cartledge addressed the Executive as a ward councillor and officers agreed to provide further details to him on the issues he raised.


In the course of the debate the Leader of the Council confirmed that he would like the Council to look hard at the relationship between the council and Banbury Community Transport and additionally he would like Overview and Scrutiny to help ensure the engagement of all councillors on this issue.




(1)                           To signify a likely cessation of existing funding arrangements for organisations funded through the Council’s Voluntary Sector (Community Development) Grants Programme and Community Transport Grants Programme as from 31 March 2012.

(2)                           To commence a commissioning process to fund strategically relevant Advice, Volunteering and Volunteer Car Driving services across three geographical areas within Cherwell.

(3)                           To note ongoing officer discussions with Oxfordshire County Council regarding County Council proposals to develop a countywide Dial-a-Ride Service and how this might serve District residents most in need of this service.

(4)                           To receive a further report on the outcome of this exercise as part of the 2012/13 Service and Financial Planning process in the Autumn.




This proposal marks a shift from grant funding organisations to commissioning strategically relevant services.  We are in a time when it is important that the Council funds services which target those most in need, are delivered on an equitable basis and support the Council to deliver its statutory responsibilities.  This proposal sets out to do this in the context of a national agenda of Localism and Big Society.




Option One

Continue current arrangements.  This would not deliver the 24% savings nor provide an opportunity to target funding at services which support the Council’s statutory responsibilities and improve cost effectiveness and a more equitable distribution of resources. 


Option Two

Delay the proposed commissioning arrangements until the County Reviews for both Community Transport and Advice Services are complete.  It should be noted though that the risk of entering into a county procurement exercise are a) further delays, b) significant officer time, c) potential compromise between county and district priorities. 


Option Three

·                               To cease existing funding arrangements for organisations funded through the Council’s Voluntary Sector (Community Development) Grants Programme and Community Transport Grants Programme as from 31 March 2012 – as listed in Appendix One

·        To commence a competitive commissioning process to fund a strategically relevant Advice, Volunteering and Volunteer Car Driving Service across three Community Advice Centres in Cherwell.

·         Through undertaking the above achieve an efficiency saving.