Issue - meetings


Meeting: 19/07/2010 - Council (Item 17)


To debate two motions which have been submitted with advance notice, in accordance with the constitution.


Wind Turbines and Distance to Dwellings


That this Council develops, as a matter of urgency, a policy setting minimum acceptable distances between proposed wind turbines and dwellings.


Proposer: Cllr Macnamara

Seconder: Cllr Mrs Fulljames


Housing Numbers


This Council welcomes the letter from Eric Pickles MP signalling a clear intent to release us from the constraints of the SE Plan. The Council instructs Officers to continue work on a Local Development Core Strategy, but to progress on the basis of meeting the locally proposed housing target originally endorsed by Councillors and included in the submission of the draft plan to the Government (11,800 to 2026). In general terms the Council anticipates this may result in a Core Strategy that creates less pressure on Banbury to expand beyond its natural boundaries, less pressure on Rural Areas to accept housing growth, and a firming up of housing growth for Bicester in line with its Eco Town status.


The Council will welcome any proposals from Government that can incentivise District Council Planning Authorities to encourage economic and housing growth.


The Council instructs Officers to write to the LGA and the CLG welcoming local decision making in respect of housing numbers and calls on the Government not to introduce surrogates for Regional Plans such as County Structure Plans.


Proposer: Cllr Gibbard

Seconder: Cllr Wood

Additional documents:


a) Wind Turbines and Distance to Dwellings


It was moved by Councillor Macnamara, and seconded by Councillor Mrs Fulljames, that the following motion be adopted:


‘That this Council develops, as a matter of urgency, a policy setting minimum acceptable distances between proposed wind turbines and dwellings.’


The motion was debated and subsequently agreed.




That the motion as set out above be adopted.


b) Housing Numbers


It was moved by Councillor Gibbard, and seconded by Councillor Wood, that the following motion be adopted:


‘This Council welcomes the letter from Eric Pickles MP signalling a clear intent to release us from the constraints of the SE Plan. The Council instructs Officers to continue work on a Local Development Core Strategy, but to progress on the basis of meeting the locally proposed housing target originally endorsed by Councillors and included in the submission of the draft plan to the Government (11,800 to 2026). In general terms the Council anticipates this may result in a Core Strategy that creates less pressure on Banbury to expand beyond its natural boundaries, less pressure on Rural Areas to accept housing growth, and a firming up of housing growth for Bicester in line with its Eco Town status.


The Council will welcome any proposals from Government that can incentivise District Council Planning Authorities to encourage economic and housing growth.


The Council instructs Officers to write to the LGA and the CLG welcoming local decision making in respect of housing numbers and calls on the Government not to introduce surrogates for Regional Plans such as County Structure Plans.’


The motion was debated and subsequently agreed.




That the motion as set out above be adopted.