Issue - meetings

Rural Affordable Housing Improvement Plan - Executive Update

Meeting: 03/08/2009 - Executive (Item 32)

32 Rural Affordable Housing and Improvement Plan Update pdf icon PDF 101 KB

Report of Head of Housing Services




To advise Executive of the outcomes of the additional recommendations that Executive agreed as part of the initial consideration of an Improvement Plan to deal with the bringing forward of rural affordable housing on Rural Exception Sites.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)            Note the outcomes of actions arising from each of the three additional resolutions made at the Executive meeting of 11 May 2009 following its consideration of the Rural Affordable Housing and Exception Sites


2)            Endorse a revised Rural Affordable Housing Improvement Plan that incorporates the research and activities undertaken following the additional actions agreed at the Executive meeting of May 2009.

Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed


Additional action Portfolio Holder to report progress to Leader of Council every 3 months.


The Head of Housing Services submitted a report to advise the Executive of the outcomes of the additional recommendations that Executive agreed as part of the initial consideration of an Improvement Plan to deal with the bringing forward of rural affordable housing on Rural Exception Sites.


Additionally, the Leader of the Council requested that the Portfolio Holder report progress to him every 3 months.




1)            That the outcomes of actions arising from each of the three additional resolutions made at the Executive meeting of 11 May 2009 following its consideration of the Rural Affordable Housing and Exception Sites be noted.


2)            That a revised Rural Affordable Housing Improvement Plan that incorporates the research and activities undertaken following the additional actions agreed at the Executive meeting of May 2009 be endorsed.


Reasons - This decision develops the issues raised in the Executive report of 11 May 2009 covering rural affordable housing.  The matter was subject to a full review by Overview and Scrutiny Committee following initial consideration by the Cherwell Parish Liaison meeting in November 2008.  At the subsequent Parish Liaison meeting in June 2009, the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing reported back with the outcome of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as agreed by Executive.  The report received strong support from the Parish Liaison meeting, although the issues of effective communication and increased delivery were reaffirmed as instrumental to the successful implementation of the Improvement Plan.




Option One


Endorse the revised action plan in Appendix A with increased attention to the items highlighted by Executive. 


Option Two


The Council should work towards a more fundamental change in its rural housing partnership arrangements and implementation would be in 2011/12.