Issue - meetings

Street Naming Policy

Meeting: 09/09/2024 - Executive (Item 33)

33 Policy for Selecting the Names of New Streets pdf icon PDF 242 KB

Report of Assistant Director - Planning and Development


Purpose of report


To approve an updated street naming policy containing clarifications on the approach to be followed by officers in providing the service to developers and local communities.



The Executive resolves


1.1       To approve the proposed policy and guidance for street naming at Appendix 1 to this report.


Additional documents:




(1)          That the Policy and guidance for street naming be approved.



The Assistant Director - Planning and Development submitted a report to  approve an updated street naming policy containing clarifications on the approach to be followed by officers in providing the service to developers and local communities.




(1)          That the Policy and guidance for street naming be approved.




The recommendation is to reaffirm but update the policy we have had for many years which is consistent with the guidance and protocols we have to work under when naming new streets. It provides clarity on a point that was previously ambiguous and will protect the Council against having to accept inappropriate suggestions that come forward.


Alternative options


Option 1: Do nothing

The alternative option to the one proposed is to do nothing. That would not provide the clarity that is required in respect of naming streets after those who have evidently contributed significantly and positively to the community which they served. It might also open the door to requests for new street names over which we have no vetoing discretion.