Issue - meetings

Annual Audit and Inspection Letter March 2009

Meeting: 06/04/2009 - Executive (Item 216)

216 Annual Audit and Inspection Letter March 2009 pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Report of Chief Executive




Mr Robert Hathaway, the Comprehensive Area Assessment Lead (CAAL) for Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes will be presenting the Council’s Annual Audit and Inspection Letter (AAIL) to Executive members on 6 April 2009. The AAIL will be published on 31st March and is attached.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)                 Note the contents of the Annual Audit and Inspection Letter and

                        question the Comprehensive Area Assessment Lead directly after his                         presentation.


2)                 Thank the Audit Commission team for their support this year.


3)                 Ask the Chief Executive and Head of Improvement to ensure that the

                        areas of improvement highlighted are appropriately reflected in the                              Improvement Plan 2009/10 which will be considered by the Executive             on 27th April 2009


Additional documents:




Mr Robert Hathaway, the Comprehensive Area Assessment Lead (CAAL) for Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes presented the Council’s Annual Audit and Inspection Letter (AAIL).




1)         That the contents of the Annual Audit and Inspection Letter and the Comprehensive Area Assessment Lead’s presentation be noted.


2)         That the Audit Commission team be thanked for their support this year.


3)         That the Chief Executive and Head of Improvement be asked to ensure that the areas of improvement highlighted are appropriately reflected in the Improvement Plan 2009/10 which will be considered by the Executive on 27th April 2009.


Reasons - The Annual Audit and Inspection Letter is part of the Audit Commission inspection regime for local authorities.