72 Approval of Delegation - Management Restructure PDF 130 KB
Report of Chief Executive
Purpose of report
To delegate the approval of the financial implications of management restructure business cases to the Joint Commissioning Committee.
The meeting is recommended:
1.1 To agree to delegate the approval of the financial implications of management restructure business cases to the Joint Commissioning Committee, subject to a similar decision being made by South Northamptonshire Council.
Additional documents:
(1) That agreement be given to agree to delegate the approval of the financial implications of management restructure business cases to the Joint Commissioning Committee, subject to a similar decision being made by South Northamptonshire Council.
The Chief Executive submitted a report to delegate the approval of the financial implications of management restructure business cases to the Joint Commissioning Committee.
(1) That agreement be given to agree to delegate the approval of the financial implications of management restructure business cases to the Joint Commissioning Committee, subject to a similar decision being made by South Northamptonshire Council.
Approval of the financial implications of a restructure business case is an Executive function under the Local Government Act 2000. Any increased costs of the restructure for the current year can be met from within existing budgets and through an implementation budget from earmarked reserves. Future costs for 2018/19 will be included in the budget proposals. At this time the exact level of cost is not known pending agreement of a final management structure following consultation with affected staff. Given this, Executive is requested to delegate approval of the financial implications of the restructure business case to the Joint Commissioning Committee to ensure that the restructure can be carried out in a timely manner.
Alternative options
Option 1: Not to delegate approval of the financial implications of the management restructure business case to Joint Commissioning Committee. This is not advised as it would cause delay to the implementation of the restructure which would not be in the interest of the councils.