Issue - meetings

Strategic Property Acquisition in Banbury

Meeting: 06/06/2017 - Executive (Item 15)

Strategic Property Acquisition in Banbury

Exempt report of Chief Finance Officer

Additional documents:




(1)          That the report be noted.


(2)          As set out in the exempt decisions.


(3)          That the commissioning of external services including legal and cost consultants to carry out the next stage of due diligence process for this project be supported.


(4)          That delegated authority be given to the Chief Finance Officer in consultation with the Commercial Director and the Lead Member for Estates and the Economy to agree Heads of Terms for the acquisition as proposed in section 3.9 of the exempt report (exempt annex to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book) and, subject to full council approving resolution (5) to complete the acquisition.


(5)          As set out in the exempt decisions.



The Chief Finance Officer submitted a report to advise Executive on a strategic property acquisition in Banbury.




(1)          That the report be noted.


(2)          As set out in the exempt minutes.


(3)          That the commissioning of external services including legal and cost consultants to carry out the next stage of due diligence process for this project be supported.


(4)          That delegated authority be given to the Chief Finance Officer in consultation with the Commercial Director and the Lead Member for Estates and the Economy to agree Heads of Terms for the acquisition as proposed in section 3.9 of the exempt report (exempt annex to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book) and, subject to full council approving resolution (5) to complete the acquisition.


(5)          As set out in the exempt minutes.




As set out in the exempt minutes.


Alternative options


As set out in the exempt minutes.