Issue - meetings

Homelessness Strategy Action Plan

Meeting: 04/11/2013 - Executive (Item 52)

52 Housing Strategy Priority Five: Homelessness Prevention Action Plan pdf icon PDF 56 KB

Report of Head of Regeneration and Housing


Purpose of Report


To introduce a new Homelessness Prevention Action Plan 2013 - 2015




The meeting is recommended:


 1.1        To approve the Homelessness Prevention Action Plan which has been produced as part of a review of Cherwell’s overarching Housing Strategy in the context of achieving the Gold Standard set up by DCLG through the National Housing Advisory Service


1.2         To note continued ring-fencing of DCLG Grant for homelessness prevention and partnership working until March 2015


Additional documents:




(1)          That the Homelessness Prevention Action Plan, which had been produced as part of a review of Cherwell’s overarching Housing Strategy in the context of achieving the Gold Standard set up by DCLG through the National Housing Advisory Service, be approved.


(2)          That the continued ring-fencing of the DCLG Grant for homelessness prevention and partnership working until March 2015 be noted.



The Head of Regeneration and Housing submitted a report which introduced a new Homelessness Prevention Action Plan 2013 – 2015.


In introducing the report, the Lead Member for Housing explained that since the production of the Housing Strategy 2012 the impact of proposed welfare reform had resulted in a need to revisit the strategy to ensure it was robust to deal with the potential challenges ahead. The Homelessness Prevention Action Plan would add the necessary focus and detail to the Actions set out in the Housing Strategy and ensure continued performance.


Executive thanked all members of the Housing Service for their hard work in continuing to meet targets and support residents in the district.




(1)          That the Homelessness Prevention Action Plan, which had been produced as part of a review of Cherwell’s overarching Housing Strategy in the context of achieving the Gold Standard set up by DCLG through the National Housing Advisory Service, be approved.


(2)          That the continued ring-fencing of the DCLG Grant for homelessness prevention and partnership working until March 2015 be noted.




The Homelessness Prevention Action Plan highlights some elements of the work being done by the Council and its partners to prevent homelessness.


The Homelessness Prevention Action Plan is the result of a review of the actions in Chapter 5 of the Housing Strategy 2012 – 17 in the light of policy changes including Welfare Reforms and responds to local factors


Adopting the Homelessness Prevention Action Plan is an important step in the process of meeting the Gold Standard Challenge for homelessness services, demonstrating corporate commitment to the prevention of homelessness as well as the Councils’ intention to work actively in partnership




Option 1: Not to adopt a Homelessness Prevention Action Plan. It is a legal requirement to have a Homelessness Strategy which is reviewed annually


Option 2: Not to accept the Gold Challenge for Homelessness services. The Gold Standard is a government initiative which enables the Council to continue its high levels of homelessness prevention and offers free resources


Option 3: Not to continue partnership working. A reduction in current partnership working will place the Council at risk of a rise in homelessness and increased costs for temporary accommodation