Issue - decisions

Cherwell District Council Post COVID Planning: Restart, Recover, Renew

17/06/2020 - Covid 19 Recovery Planning: Re-start, Re-cover, Re-new



(1)           That the contents of the report be noted and  the approach to planning for recovery for the immediate, transitional and longer term be endorsed.


(2)           That officers be requested  to continue to work within the Thames Valley Local Resilience Forum (TVLRF) framework with a specific place-based focus on the needs of Cherwell District within that context.


(3)           That it be agreed that the Joint Cherwell District and Oxfordshire County Council’s Member Partnership Working Group co-ordinates all partnership related recovery work.


(4)           That  the financial impacts be noted and officers be requested to prepare financial and transformational plans which align with the organisation’s policy response to COVID and its impacts and should include refreshing the medium-term financial plan and savings targets, renewing the Council’s corporate plan and undertaking consultation and impact assessments as required.


(5)           That it be noted that the Council’s workforce has been key to the Cherwell response to the pandemic and senior officers be asked to ensure there are effective organisational development plans in place to engage, support and develop the workforce to address the short, medium and long-term consequences of COVID-19.