Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Monday 28 May 2012 6.30 pm

Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA

Contact: Natasha Clark, Democratic and Elections  Email:, 01295 221589


Note No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest that they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.

Additional documents:


Members declared interests in the following agenda items:


7. Local Plan 2012.

Councillor Barry Wood, Personal, due to persons known to him having a land interest in land outside but in the vicinity of Eco-Bicester.


Councillor G A Reynolds, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell's Farm.


Councillor Michael Gibbard, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell's Farm.


Councillor Nicholas Turner, Prejudicial, as a tenant of Trinity College, at Drayton Lodge Farm, that has had land under discussion and also being leasee of Drayton Leisure Golf Centre that is adjacent to one of the sites in the Local Plan 2012.


Councillor Nicholas Turner, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell's Farm.


Councillor Norman Bolster, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell's Farm.


11. Eco Bicester: A Garden City of the Future?

Councillor Barry Wood, Personal, due to persons known to him having a land interest in land outside but in the vicinity of Eco-Bicester.


Petitions and Requests to Address the Meeting

The Chairman to report on any requests to submit petitions or to address the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no petitions or requests to address the meeting.


Urgent Business

The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda.

Additional documents:


There were no items of urgent business.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 63 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 April 2012.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 2 April 2012 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Bicester Masterplan Update pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Report of Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy




To brief members on the progress with the development of the Bicester Masterplan.


The completed Masterplan will set the strategy for shaping the development of Bicester and be used to inform the determination of planning applications.




The Executive is recommended to:


(1)               Receive a presentation by WYG on progress being made with the development of the Bicester Masterplan.


(2)               Delegate authority to the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy, in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning, to make any minor changes before publication of the Bicester Masterplan (WYG presentation) for public consultation.

Additional documents:


Recommendations approved, with the additional resolution:


(3)       That officers be requested to submit a report to Executive in due course setting out how the action plan objectives will be addressed and delivered.  



The Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy submitted a report which briefed members on the progress with the development of the Bicester Masterplan. The completed Masterplan would set the strategy for shaping the development of Bicester and be used to inform the determination of planning applications.


Gordon Lewis of WYG, the consultants appointed by Cherwell District Council in November 2011 to prepare a Masterplan for Bicester, gave a presentation which updated Executive on progress being made with the development of the Masterplan. Since the endorsement of the Conceptual Plan by Executive in February 2012, WYG had undertaken detailed site assessment and stakeholder engagement around the themes of employment, housing, movement and open space.


Members commended the coordinated approach being taken which took into account the various developments underway in Bicester and put limits on growth. Members noted the considerable consultation that had been undertaken with stakeholders and commented that the forthcoming public consultation was also extremely important. The Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy confirmed that public consultation would take place in June and July. He further advised Executive that for the Bicester Masterplan to become a supplementary planning document, responses to all consultation submissions and any subsequent changes to the Masterplan would need to be reported.


In considering the Masterplan, it was highlighted that it would be important for all future planning applications relating to health provision to take into account the increasing population. Members commented that it was essential that all infrastructure was properly built in to meet the needs of the town. Members also requested that officers give consideration to the to boundary zone of RAF Bicester to ensure that the setting of listed buildings would not be affected.    


Members noted that the Masterplan would be accompanied by an Action Plan which would set out how the Masterplan would be delivered and requested that this be submitted to Executive for consideration in due course.




(1)               That a presentation by WYG on progress being made with the development of the Bicester Masterplan be received.


(2)               That authority be delegated to the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy, in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning, to make any minor changes before publication of the Bicester Masterplan (WYG presentation) for public consultation.


(3)               That officers be requested to submit a report to Executive in due course setting out how the action plan objectives will be addressed and delivered. 




The Masterplan has been commissioned to examine the town and its future needs over the next 20 years. It aims to provide a clear vision for the future of the town and set a framework for the integration of new developments with the rest of the town, to ensure that opportunities for securing a stronger economy are realised.




Option One

To support the continued development of the Bicester Masterplan.


Option Two

To support the development of the Bicester Masterplan with amendments.


Option Three

To not support the completion of the Bicester Masterplan and to continue  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.



Local Plan 2012 pdf icon PDF 66 KB

** Please note that due to the size of the document, Appendix 2, the Local Plan 2012 will be circulated under separate cover **


Report of Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy




To submit to members for their consideration the Proposed Submission draft of the Local Plan 2012. Once adopted the Local Plan 2012 will replace the Local Plan 1996 and will form the basis for determining development applications in the Cherwell District.




The Executive is recommended:


(1)               To approve the Local Plan 2012 for public consultation.


(2)               To delegate authority to the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy, in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning, to make any minor changes to the document before publication for consultation.

Additional documents:


Recommendations approved


The Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy submitted a report which sought consideration of the Proposed Submission draft of the Local Plan 2012. Once adopted the Local Plan 2012 would replace the Local Plan 1996 and would form the basis for determining development applications in the Cherwell District.


In introducing the report, the Lead Member for Planning explained that the adoption of a ‘sound’ up to date Local Plan was a priority for Cherwell District Council as it would guide the growth of the District over the next 19 years.


The proposed draft Local Plan 2012 had grown out of the Draft Core Strategy (February 2010) but reprioritised policies based on up-to-date assessments of the economic, social and environmental characteristics and prospects of the district having taken the changing environment into consideration, including the economic downturn, the National Planning Policy Framework, the Localism Act 2011 and the South East Plan.


The backbone of the Local Plan 2012 was the Bicester Masterplan and emerging Banbury Masterplan. The Local Plan also included a raft of policies relating to matters such as tourism, biodiversity and green belt. The Plan recognised that delivering houses in the current economic climate would be challenging but that a 5 year land supply (plus 5%) must be provided.


The Lead Member for Planning advised that a period of public consultation would follow Executive consideration of the Proposed Submission Draft Local Plan. Following the conclusion of the consultation, the Plan would be refined and re-presented to Members for formal endorsement for submission to the Secretary of State.


In considering the report, Members acknowledged the need for the Council to have a Local Plan as it was in the interest of the district to ensure that development was not piecemeal and noted that it had to pass the Secretary of State’s test of soundness and conformity. Members thanked officers for their work to date in developing the Local Plan and stated their belief that it was sound and conformed.


The Chairman provided a summary of comments he had received from other elected members for consideration by the Lead Member for Planning and officers and iterated a need for the Plan to be clear about the evidence used for rationalising proposals. The Lead Member for Planning assured the meeting that these responses and those others raised during the meeting would be considered with all the responses received during the full public consultation.


In response to Member comments, the Chairman acknowledged that not all Executive Members would support the Local Plan at this present time due to dissatisfaction with the inclusion of particular sites.




(1)               That the Local Plan 2012 be approved for public consultation.


(2)               That authority be delegated to the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy, in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning, to make any minor changes to the document before publication for consultation.




Securing the adoption of a ‘sound’ up to date Local Plan for the District is a priority for Cherwell District  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.



Local Development Scheme pdf icon PDF 258 KB

Report of Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy




To seek approval of the Local Development Scheme (LDS). The LDS is used to project manage the production of the Local Plan and provides a programme for completion of Local Development Documents




The Executive is recommended to:


(1)               Agree and approve the revised Local Development Scheme.


(2)               Delegate authority to the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy, in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning, to make any minor changes to the document before publication.


Additional documents:


Recommendations approved


The Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy submitted a report which sought approval of the Local Development Scheme (LDS). The LDS was used to project manage the production of the Local Plan and provided a programme for completion of Local Development Documents.




(1)               That the revised Local Development Scheme be approved.


(2)               That authority be delegated to the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy, in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning, to make any minor changes to the document before publication.




The revised LDS sets out important milestones for completing the Council’s Local Plan which will set the long-term vision, objectives and policies for securing development and associated infrastructure across Cherwell including the identification of strategic development sites. The approval of the LDS meets statutory requirements.




Option One

To support the timetable and contents in the LDS and agree that it should be submitted to the Secretary of State and subsequently bought into effect


Option Two

To support the timetable and contents in the LSD with amendments and agree that it should be submitted to the Secretary of State and subsequently bought into effect


Option Three

To not support the timetable and contents of the LDS






Consultation and Engagement Strategy Update 2012-2015 pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Report of Head of Transformation




This report outlines the Council’s updated Consultation and Engagement Strategy performance for the period 2012 -2015.




The Executive is recommended to:


(1)               Note past achievements in this area as a foundation for the updated strategy and action plan.

(2)               Agree the proposed consultation and engagement strategy and action plan and request that performance is reviewed on a regular basis.  



Additional documents:


Recommendations approved


The Head of Transformation submitted a report which outlined the Council’s updated Consultation and Engagement Strategy performance for the period 2012 -2015.


In introducing the report, the Leader explained that the Strategy built on good practice, increased the use of electronic consultation and ensured consultation was cost effective and robust.




(1)               To note past achievements in this area as a foundation for the updated strategy and action plan.


(2)               To agree the proposed consultation and engagement strategy and action plan and request that performance is reviewed on a regular basis.  




The Council has a strong track record with regards to public consultation. It includes collecting information on customer satisfaction, budget and spending priorities as well as many activities to improve customer service and accessibility.


The strategy aims to continue with this approach, to maximise the use of electronic consultation and ensure that local residents and stakeholders continue to be able to feed their views into the council to help shape services and improve performance. 




Option One

(1)   To note past achievements in this area as a foundation for the updated strategy and action plan.

(2)   To agree the proposed consultation and engagement strategy and action plan and request that performance is reviewed on a regular basis.  


Option Two

To reject the strategy as it currently stands and request amendments. 





Participation in a Community Interest Company to Deliver the Green Deal pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Report of Head of Regeneration and Housing




To seek approval for the Council to become a shareholder member of a Community Interest Company established to act as a Green Deal Provider.




The Executive is recommended:


(1)               To authorise the Council’s participation as a founding, shareholder member of the proposed Community Interest Company (CIC), subject to confirmation  by the Head of Finance and Procurement  and the Head of Law and Governance that the terms of membership and participation are acceptable and place the Council at no financial, legal or reputational risk.




Additional documents:


Recommendations approved.


The Head of Regeneration and Housing submitted a report which sought approval for the Council to become a shareholder member of a Community Interest Company established to act as a Green Deal Provider.


In introducing the report, the Lead Member for Housing reported that a free insulation scheme had started on 14 May and would run until the end of September. All Cherwell homeowners could obtain cavity wall insulation free and loft insulation will be free for homes with less than 60mm of insulation at the moment. Details on the scheme were available from the Private Sector Housing Team.




That the Council’s participation as a founding, shareholder member of the proposed Community Interest Company (CIC), subject to confirmation  by the Head of Finance and Procurement  and the Head of Law and Governance that the terms of membership and participation are acceptable and place the Council at no financial, legal or reputational risk be authorised.




Although there is still some work to be done to establish the proposed CIC and the Green Deal Provider service, the principles are essentially straightforward. Participation should present no significant risk to the Council and the benefits of taking part as a shareholder member appear compelling. As a result, this report recommends that the Executive gives approval in principle for the Council’s participation, subject to the Head of Finance and Procurement and the Head of Law and Governance being satisfied that the final terms are acceptable in both legal and financial terms.


If the Council wishes to be a shareholder in the CIC it needs to make that decision at this point so that development of the CIC can continue with the required level of certainty and so that the necessary arrangements can be finalised in preparation for launch of the service in October.




Option One

To agree the recommendation to participate as a shareholder member of the CIC.


Option Two

To agree the recommendation with variations


Option Three

To reject the recommendation.






Eco Bicester: A Garden City of the Future? pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Report of Head of Public Protection and Development Management




To enable Members to consider the potential to explore garden city designation for Bicester.




The Executive is recommended:


(1)               To agree that DCLG are contacted to explore the identification of Eco Bicester as a next generation garden city.


Additional documents:


Recommendations approved.


The Head of Public Protection and Development Management submitted a report which enabled Members to consider the potential to explore garden city designation for Bicester.




(1)               That it be agreed that DCLG be contacted to explore the identification of Eco Bicester as a next generation garden city.




Through the Bicester Master Plan and Local Plan, Bicester will be identified to grow, accommodate new homes as well as substantial land for employment by 2031. With the very significant levels of growth proposed at Bicester it is important to think not just in terms of new buildings but how the town and its existing population can grow in a holistic way to accommodate the change, retaining the strengths of the existing town and addressing its current weaknesses.  The Shared Vision has sought to provide this over arching vision for the town.


The Eco Town standards are helpful in identifying clear requirements for delivering sustainable new developments. However the Eco Town PPS supplement is clear that it also relied on advice that at the time of publication was provided in other planning policy statements which have now been replaced by the NPPF.  In seeking opportunities for further funding for the growing town it is helpful to ensure that the local approach is consistent with government’s current thinking on new development. This supports consideration of a garden cities approach in which sustainability is central, as remains the case with the NPPF.


In many ways Bicester meets many of the garden city aims. As a market town it has housing, employment and local facilities. Much development of the town has taken place in the second half of the 20th century at relatively low densities with individual gardens and significant areas of open space. Proposals to expand the town similarly seek a sustainable balance between employment, housing and open space. The NPPF provides the opportunity to consider green belts to provide long term limits for growth in connection with large scale development designed to garden city principles.


Given the governments approach to promoting garden cities and the clear synergies with the Eco Bicester approach, that seeks to transform the town into a sustainable community of the future, it is recommended that additional branding of Eco Bicester as a next generation garden city is explored with DCLG. 




Option One

Explore the requirements for garden cities and explore the opportunities of identifying Eco Bicester as a next generation Garden City


Option Two

Do not explore Garden City identification






Member Champions pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Report of Head of Law and Governance




The purpose of this report is to allow members to consider proposals to adopt a scheme for the appointment of Member Champions




Executive is recommended to:


(1)               Consider the proposed Terms of Reference, Role Description, and proposals for new Member Champions.


(2)               Subject to agreement of recommendation (1), to appoint Member Champions.


Additional documents:


Recommendations approved, subject to the following amendment to recommendations 1 and 2:


(1)               That the proposed Terms of Reference, subject to the inclusion of the requirement for annual reporting from Member Champions, Role Description and proposals for new Member Champions be approved.


(2)               That it be noted that the Leader, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Chief Executive, will appoint Member Champions in due course.



The Head of Law and Governance submitted a report which allowed members to consider proposals to adopt a scheme for the appointment of Member Champions.


In introducing the report, the Leader explained that the Council had essentially had Member Champions in the past and noted the excellent work undertaken by Councillor Paul O’Sullivan as Older Persons Champion and Councillor Dan Sames as Younger Persons Champion. However, the roles and responsibilities had never been formalised and it was appropriate for Terms of Reference to be written down.




(1)               That the proposed Terms of Reference, subject to the inclusion of the requirement for annual reporting from Member Champions, Role Description and proposals for new Member Champions be approved.


(2)               That it be noted that the Leader, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Chief Executive, will appoint Member Champions in due course.




The role of Member Champions complements the responsibilities of Lead Members and Committee Chairmen and enables a greater number of Councillors to be involved in the work of the Council.


Member Champions will act as an advocate or spokesperson for a specific area of the Council’s business and encourage communication and positive action over the issue they represent.




Option One

Accept the recommendations as drafted


Option Two

Amend the recommendations


Option Three

Reject the recommendations






Update on Major Programmes pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Report of Head of Transformation




To provide an update on progress toward implementing robust governance of major change projects, following the approval by Members in January of resources to support major projects.




The Executive is recommended, subject to South Northamptonshire Cabinet resolving in similar terms, to:


(1)               Approve the amended governance structure for the Council’s major projects detailed at Appendix 1

(2)               Note the requirement for member nominations for each of the major projects, and additional project board members where required

(3)               Agree that the Programme Board responsibilities in respect of the Transformation Programme be absorbed into the remit of the Joint Arrangements Steering Group (JASG) and that the JASG terms of reference be varied accordingly as shown in Appendix 2


Additional documents:


Recommendations approved, subject to the following amendment to recommendation 2:


(2)               That the following Members be appointed to the Place Programme Board: Councillor Barry Wood (Programme Owner and Bicester Eco Town Project); Councillor Norman Bolster (Bicester Town Centre Project); Councillor John Donaldson (Banbury Brighter Futures); and, Councillor Michael Gibbard (Banbury Developments).


That the following Members be appointed to the Transformation Programme Board: Councillor Nicholas Turner (ICT Standardisation and Harmonisation) and Councillor Barry Wood (Service Transformation).  



The Head of Transformation submitted a report which provided an update on progress toward implementing robust governance of major change projects, following the approval by Members in January of resources to support major projects.




Subject to South Northamptonshire Cabinet resolving in similar terms:


(1)               That the amended governance structure for the Council’s major projects be approved.


(2)               That the following Members be appointed to the Place Programme Board: Councillor Barry Wood (Programme Owner and Bicester Eco Town Project); Councillor Norman Bolster (Bicester Town Centre Project); Councillor John Donaldson (Banbury Brighter Futures); and, Councillor Michael Gibbard (Banbury Developments).


(3)               That the following Members be appointed to the Transformation Programme Board: Councillor Nicholas Turner (ICT Standardisation and Harmonisation) and Councillor Barry Wood (Service Transformation). 


(4)               That it be agreed that the Programme Board responsibilities in respect of the Transformation Programme be absorbed into the remit of the Joint Arrangements Steering Group (JASG) and that the JASG terms of reference be varied accordingly.




This governance arrangement is intended to implement a common approach and standard based on project management methodology, to ensure that we are able to effectively plan the use of resources against corporate objectives, manage risk and drive improvement.


The establishment of the shared Programme Manager post, combined with a shared common approach to performance management and risk presents an opportunity to bring consistency to project management, which is currently lacking in both Councils.




Option One

Members have already approved the general approach to maximising the effective use of scarce resource through the organisation of projects into programmes.  This report seeks simply to clarify the actual arrangements


Option Two

Options which do not require the involvement of Members have been discounted.


Option Three

Options which do not provide transparency of delivery of major projects have been discounted





Joint Corporate Procurement Strategy and Action Plan 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Report of Head of Finance and Procurement




This report brings forward for Members’ approval, the joint procurement strategy and action plan for 2012/13 for the council. The primary objective of the procurement strategy is to procure goods, services and works that assist in reducing service budgets in line with severe funding reduction while being fit for the purpose, meeting the needs of local people and service users, and providing value for money over their lifetime.




The Executive is recommended:


(1)       To consider and approve the joint corporate procurement strategy and action plan for 2012/13 for the council which is attached at Appendix 1.


Additional documents:


Recommendations approved.


The Head of Finance and Procurement submitted a report which brought forward for Members’ approval, the joint procurement strategy and action plan for 2012/13 for the council. The primary objective of the procurement strategy was to procure goods, services and works that assist in reducing service budgets in line with severe funding reduction while being fit for the purpose, meeting the needs of local people and service users, and providing value for money over their lifetime.




(1)               That the joint corporate procurement strategy and action plan for 2012/13 for the council be approved.




The joint corporate procurement strategy has a fundamental role in helping the Council reduce its services budget and protect front line services as it manages the implications of reduced government funding.