Agenda item

Local Plan 2012

** Please note that due to the size of the document, Appendix 2, the Local Plan 2012 will be circulated under separate cover **


Report of Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy




To submit to members for their consideration the Proposed Submission draft of the Local Plan 2012. Once adopted the Local Plan 2012 will replace the Local Plan 1996 and will form the basis for determining development applications in the Cherwell District.




The Executive is recommended:


(1)               To approve the Local Plan 2012 for public consultation.


(2)               To delegate authority to the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy, in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning, to make any minor changes to the document before publication for consultation.


Recommendations approved


The Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy submitted a report which sought consideration of the Proposed Submission draft of the Local Plan 2012. Once adopted the Local Plan 2012 would replace the Local Plan 1996 and would form the basis for determining development applications in the Cherwell District.


In introducing the report, the Lead Member for Planning explained that the adoption of a ‘sound’ up to date Local Plan was a priority for Cherwell District Council as it would guide the growth of the District over the next 19 years.


The proposed draft Local Plan 2012 had grown out of the Draft Core Strategy (February 2010) but reprioritised policies based on up-to-date assessments of the economic, social and environmental characteristics and prospects of the district having taken the changing environment into consideration, including the economic downturn, the National Planning Policy Framework, the Localism Act 2011 and the South East Plan.


The backbone of the Local Plan 2012 was the Bicester Masterplan and emerging Banbury Masterplan. The Local Plan also included a raft of policies relating to matters such as tourism, biodiversity and green belt. The Plan recognised that delivering houses in the current economic climate would be challenging but that a 5 year land supply (plus 5%) must be provided.


The Lead Member for Planning advised that a period of public consultation would follow Executive consideration of the Proposed Submission Draft Local Plan. Following the conclusion of the consultation, the Plan would be refined and re-presented to Members for formal endorsement for submission to the Secretary of State.


In considering the report, Members acknowledged the need for the Council to have a Local Plan as it was in the interest of the district to ensure that development was not piecemeal and noted that it had to pass the Secretary of State’s test of soundness and conformity. Members thanked officers for their work to date in developing the Local Plan and stated their belief that it was sound and conformed.


The Chairman provided a summary of comments he had received from other elected members for consideration by the Lead Member for Planning and officers and iterated a need for the Plan to be clear about the evidence used for rationalising proposals. The Lead Member for Planning assured the meeting that these responses and those others raised during the meeting would be considered with all the responses received during the full public consultation.


In response to Member comments, the Chairman acknowledged that not all Executive Members would support the Local Plan at this present time due to dissatisfaction with the inclusion of particular sites.




(1)               That the Local Plan 2012 be approved for public consultation.


(2)               That authority be delegated to the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy, in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning, to make any minor changes to the document before publication for consultation.




Securing the adoption of a ‘sound’ up to date Local Plan for the District is a priority for Cherwell District Council as it will guide the growth of the District over the next 19 years.


Without this the District faces an imminent challenge of piecemeal development by appeal, in which Cherwell District Council would lose the ability to ensure that development takes place in the most sustainable locations and future community needs are properly planned for and maximum community gain (and mitigation) secured.




Option One

To support the contents of the Local Plan 2012.


Option Two

To support the contents in the Local Plan 2012 with amendments


Option Three

To not support the completion of the Local Plan 2012.



Supporting documents: