Issue - meetings

A Grant scheme for Parishes for the Coronation of King Charles III

Meeting: 06/02/2023 - Executive (Item 96)

96 A Grant scheme for Parishes for the Coronation of King Charles III pdf icon PDF 377 KB

Report of Assistant Director Wellbeing and Housing


Purpose of report


To consider a grant scheme and other arrangements to encourage community celebrations of His Majesty King Charles III’s coronation, ensuring communities in Cherwell have sufficient time to get plans in place to celebrate; especially for road closures and large-scale town or village-wide events.




The meeting is recommended:


1.1         To agree the grant scheme and promotional measures as outlined in the report.


1.2         To work with colleagues from neighbouring authorities and the Lord Lieutenants office to coordinate and join up support for communities planning celebrations.


1.3         To promote the available local and national funding streams through a co-ordinated communications plan and dedicated webpage.


Additional documents:




(1)           That the grant scheme for Parishes for the Coronation of King Charles III and the promotional measures be agreed.


(2)           That it be agreed to work with colleagues from neighbouring authorities and the Lord Lieutenants office to coordinate and join up support for communities planning celebrations,


(3)           That it be agreed to promote the available local and national funding streams through a co-ordinated communications plan and dedicated webpage.



The Assistant Director Wellbeing and Housing submitted a report to consider a grant scheme and other arrangements to encourage community celebrations of His Majesty King Charles III’s coronation, ensuring communities in Cherwell have sufficient time to get plans in place to celebrate; especially for road closures and large-scale town or village-wide events.




(1)          That the grant scheme for Parishes for the Coronation of King Charles III and the promotional measures be agreed.


(2)          That it be agreed to work with colleagues from neighbouring authorities and the Lord Lieutenants office to coordinate and join up support for communities planning celebrations,


(3)          That it be agreed to promote the available local and national funding streams through a co-ordinated communications plan and dedicated webpage.




The proposed grant scheme will allow local communities to celebrate and pay tribute to King Charles III. It will encourage community cohesion and neighbourliness in Cherwell’s parishes and urban communities.


Alternative options


Option 1: Consideration has been given to extending eligibility to informal neighbourhood groups.  This has not been recommended because the money would be paid over to individuals rather than established, accountable organisations.


Option 2: Consideration has been given to restricting grants to events taking place on the Coronation weekend.  Given the work involved in organising an event and the short lead-in times to apply for this grant, it is considered fairer to extend eligibility to events from April to June 2023.


Option 3: Not to establish a grants scheme to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III.