Issue - meetings


Meeting: 29/11/2022 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 45)

45 October 2022 Performance Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 694 KB

Report of Assistant Director - Customer Focus


Purpose of report


To give the Committee an update on the council’s progress towards delivering its Business Plan priorities for 2022/23 up to October 2022.




The meeting is recommended:


1.1      To note the monthly Performance Report for October 2022 and provide any comments for the Executive Committee to consider on the 5December meeting.


Additional documents:




(1)          That, having given due consideration,  the monthly Performance Report for October 2022 be noted and the following comments be provided to Executive to consider at their 5December meeting:

·         Consideration would need to be given to the target “Number of households in Temporary Accommodation”  in 2023/34 noting that reducing the target may have financial implications



The Assistant Director – Customer Focus submitted a report which updated the Committee on the council’s progress towards delivering its Business Plan priorities for 2022/23 up to October 2022.


In introducing the report, the Performance and Insight Team Leader reported that 75% of the monthly performance measures had reported green for October 2022, with 12.5% reporting amber and 12.5% reporting red.


With regards to the measures that had reported red, “Number of Homeless Households Living in Temporary Accommodation” and “Percentage of Business Rates collected, increasing NNDR rate”, the Performance and Insight Team Leader explained that the number of homelessness presentations was linked to many external factors that were out of control of the Council. In relation to Business Rates collection, the Committee was advised that the council was meeting the target for year-to-date collection however October’s in-month collection rates were lower than the target. The council was taking measures to prompt payment where and when necessary.


In response to questions by the Committee regarding changing the target relating to the number of households in temporary accommodation, the Assistant Director Wellbeing and Housing advised that targets were not changed mid-year however the target would be reviewed as part of the performance monitoring for the new financial year.


In response to a question regarding the material produced from the silver caddie waste being used for green electricity, the Corporate Director Communities agreed to circulate a detailed response after the meeting.





(1)           That, having given due consideration,  the monthly Performance Report for October 2022 be noted and the following comments be provided to Executive to consider at their 5December meeting:

·       Consideration would need to be given to the target “Number of households in Temporary Accommodation”  in 2023/34 noting that reducing the target may have financial implications