Meeting attendance

Tuesday 21 November 2017 6.45 pm, Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Venue:   Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA

Contact:    Emma Faulkner, Democratic and Elections
Email:, 01327 322043

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Neil Prestidge Chairman Present
Councillor Jolanta Lis Vice-Chairman Present
Councillor David Anderson Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Claire Bell Committee Member Present
Councillor Mike Bishop Committee Member Present
Councillor Mark Cherry Committee Member Apologies, sent representative Substituted by Councillor Barry Richards
Councillor Chris Heath Committee Member Present
Councillor Sean Gaul Committee Member Present
Councillor Timothy Hallchurch MBE Committee Member Present
Councillor David Hughes Committee Member Present
Councillor Andrew McHugh Committee Member Present
Councillor Jason Slaymaker Committee Member Present
Councillor Barry Richards Reserve Present as substitute
Councillor Lynn Pratt Guest In attendance
Councillor Barry Wood Guest In attendance
Councillor Hugo Brown Guest In attendance
Councillor Ian Corkin Guest In attendance
Scott Barnes Officer In attendance
Paul Sutton Officer In attendance
Nicola Riley Officer In attendance
Maria Wareham Officer In attendance
Emma Faulkner Officer In attendance