Issue details

Planning Fees

Reason for urgency: Officer delegated decision to be taken by Director of Strategy and Commissioning, in consultation with the Lead Members for Financial Management and Planning. A decision must be taken due to the deadline for responding to the Government and therefore the 28 day notice cannot be given. The decision is a delegated decision but key due to the extra fee income generated. 

The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee has been notified. Given the deadline to respond, the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee has also agreed to waive call-in on this issue.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant Effect on communities in two or more wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/03/2017

Reason for urgency:
Reason for urgency: Officer delegated decision to be taken by Director of Strategy and Commissioning, in consultation with the Lead Members for Financial Management and Planning. A decision must be taken due to the deadline for responding to the Government and therefore the 28 day notice cannot be given. The decision is a delegated decision but key due to the extra fee income generated.
The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee has been notified. Given the deadline to respond, the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee has also agreed to waive call-in on this issue.

Decision due: Not before 10 Mar 2017 by Director of Strategy and Commissioning

Lead member: Lead Member for Financial Management, Portfolio Holder for Planning & Development

Lead director: Director of Strategy and Commissioning

Department: Development Management

Contact: Scott Barnes, Director of Strategy and Commissioning Email: Tel: 0300 003 0102.

Reason No Public Access: No
