
Use the search options to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council's committees and officers

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Finance, Performance and Risk Monitoring Report Quarter 3 2024-25 - Exempt Appendix ref: 491003/02/202511/02/2025Call-in expired
Annual Monitoring Report 2024 ref: 491203/02/202511/02/2025Call-in expired
New Cherwell District Council Housing Strategy 2025-2030 ref: 491303/02/202511/02/2025Call-in expired
Finance, Performance and Risk Monitoring Report Quarter 3 2024-25 ref: 491103/02/202511/02/2025Call-in expired
Budget Setting for 2025/26 and the Medium-Term Financial Strategy up to 2029/30 ref: 491403/02/202511/02/2025Call-in expired
Summary of Debt Write Offs for Council Tax, Non-Domestic Rates and Overpayment of Housing Benefit ref: 491503/02/202511/02/2025Call-in expired
Resettlement and Migration ref: 490528/01/202528/01/2025Not for call-in
Scrutiny Work Programme 2024-25 (Updated) ref: 490828/01/202528/01/2025Not for call-in
Scrutiny Working Groups Update ref: 490728/01/202528/01/2025Not for call-in
Performance Monitoring Report - Quarter Three ref: 490628/01/202528/01/2025Not for call-in
Sale of Bodicote House ref: 490928/01/202528/01/2025Not for call-in