Register of interests

Councillor Nicholas Mawer

I Councillor Nicholas Mawer a member of Cherwell District Council, give notice that I have set out below the Disclosable Pecuniary Interests which are required to be notified to the Monitoring Officer further to the provisions of the Localism Act 2011 and The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012.

1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Member or co-opted Member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
Marketing Manager, Kramer Electronics UK Limited, 2 Premus, Coldharbour Way, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP18 8AP Human Resources Business Partner, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
2. Sponsorship
Member or co-opted Member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
3. Contracts
Member or co-opted Member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
4. Land and Property
Member or co-opted Member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
8 Cranesbill Drive, Bicester, OX26 3WG 8 Cranesbill Drive, Bicester, OX26 3WG
5. Licences
Member or co-opted Member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
6. Corporate Tenancies
Member or co-opted Member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
7. Securities
Member or co-opted Member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
8. Other registrable Interests
Provide details here
Councillor - Bicester Town Council, The Garth, Bicester.
Council Trustee of Lady Jersey Trust
Life Member National Trust.

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