Issue - decisions

Amendments to Proportionality Calculations and Committee Membership and Outside Body Representative

21/07/2020 - Amendments to Proportionality Calculations and Committee Membership and Outside Body Representative



(1)           That the amended constitution of Political Groups be noted.


(2)           That the amended allocation of seats on committees that are subject to the political balance requirements be noted.


(3)           That the amended allocation of seats on committees that are not subject to political balance requirements be noted.


(4)           That the following amendments to committee membership, as advised by the respective Leaders of the Independent Group, Progressive Oxfordshire Group and Conservative Group be noted:


Appeals Panel

Remove: Councillor John Broad (was previously appointed as an Independent Group Member)

Add: Councillor John Broad (appointed as Progressive Oxfordshire Group member)


Licensing Committee

Add: Councillor Tim Hallchurch (Conservative Member)

(NB. No member is removed as there was previously an Independent Group vacant seat on the Committee)


Planning Committee

Remove: Cllr John Broad (was previously named substitute for the Independent Group)

Remove: Councillor Conrad Copeland (as Full Member for the Progressive Oxfordshire Group)

Remove: Cllr Nick Cotter (as named substitute for the Progressive Oxfordshire Group)

Add: Cllr Fraser Webster as named substitute for the Independent Group

Add: Cllr John Broad as Full Member for the Progressive Oxfordshire Group

Add: Cllr Conrad Copeland as names substitute for the Progressive Oxfordshire Group


Standards Committee

Remove: Councillor Tim Hallchurch (Conservative Group Member)

Add: Councillor Ian Middleton (Progressive Oxfordshire Group member


(5)           That Councillor Kieron Mallon be appointed as the council’s representative to the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.