Issue - decisions

Joint Working Arrangements: Cherwell District and Oxfordshire County Councils & Cherwell District and South Northamptonshire Councils

17/07/2018 - Joint Working Arrangements: Cherwell District and Oxfordshire County Councils & Cherwell District and South Northamptonshire Councils



(1)          That it be agreed to give South Northamptonshire Council notice to end the Section 113 agreement that underpins the basis of joint working between the two authorities.


(2)          That relevant officers be requested to prepare a detailed plan to separate the joint working arrangements with South Northamptonshire; ensuring steps are put in place to maintain effective operational activity in accordance with the Section 113 agreement.


(3)          That it be agreed to develop joint working arrangements with Oxfordshire County Council (subject to the incremental development of specific business cases) and to enter into a Section 113 agreement (as the basis by which the joint working partnership will be delivered) delegating completion of the agreement to the Assistant Director Law and Governance in consultation with the Leader of the Council.


(4)          That the establishment of a Cherwell and Oxfordshire County Council joint Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service, in accordance with the proposed Section 113 agreement with Oxfordshire County Council, be agreed.


(5)          That the establishment of two non-executive joint committees between Cherwell District and Oxfordshire County Councils (a joint committee to deal with staffing matters and a joint appeals committee) be agreed and the Assistant Director Law and Governance (Cherwell), in consultation with the Director Law and Governance (Oxfordshire), be requested to develop terms of reference for adoption by the Councils in October (Cherwell) and November (Oxfordshire), enabling the implementation of staffing related matters as business cases are agreed for each element of joint working.


(6)          That the agreement of the Executive to establish an informal partnership working group between Cherwell District and Oxfordshire County Councils whose role will be to oversee the development and delivery of the joint working programme and also tasked with a review of joint working arrangements after the first six months of operation be noted.