Issue - decisions

Management Information Strategy

20/03/2009 - Management Information Strategy

The Head of Improvement submitted a report presents a Management Information Strategy and action plan for Cherwell District Council which will deliver continuous improvement in its information management arrangements, helping to improve service delivery and respond effectively to the new CAA assessment regime.




(1)       That appropriate member training be included in the member training programme with regard to using and analysing management information.


(2)       That the management information strategy and action plan be agreed


(3)       That Officers report back on progress with the implementation of the strategy and action plan in March 2010


Reasons - This strategy sets out a broad framework of how the council intends to develop its management arrangements for the production, sharing, analysis and interpretation of management information. It will be use as the basis for a medium term action plan to guide improvement activity during the period 2009/10 to 2011/12.