Issue - decisions

Urgent Business

20/06/2017 - Urgent Business - Stratfield Brake Sports Ground, Kidlington



(1)          That agreement be given to award the contract to tenderer 1 for the operation of Stratfield Brake Sports Ground on behalf of Kidlington Parish and Gosford and Water Eaton Parish Councils.


(2)          That the contract be let subject to the completion of a funding agreement with the local parishes for the costs arising.


(3)          That agreement be given to support in principle Kidlington Parish and  Gosford and Water Eaton Parish Councils with transitional funding of up to £100,000 for 2017/18 only.


(4)          That the use of urgent action in consultation with the Council Vice-Chairman be supported in lieu of a recommendation to Council to approve the allocation of the extra budget needed for transitional support.


(5)          That the matter be reported to the July Full Council meeting for information.