Issue - decisions

Adoption of the Hook Norton Neighbourhood Plan (subject to the outcome of the referendum of 3 September 2015)

06/10/2015 - Adoption ('Making') of Hook Norton Neighbourhood Plan



(1)          That the referendum result of 3September 2015, where 97% of those who voted were in favour of the Plan which is above the required 50%, be noted.


(2)          That Full Council be recommended to resolve that Cherwell District Council as local planning authority ‘make’ the Hook Norton Neighbourhood Plan part of the statutory development plan for the District.


(3)          That Full Council be recommended to resolve to approve the issuing and publication of a decision statement, under regulation 19 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, that Cherwell District Council has resolved to make the Hook Norton Neighbourhood Plan.


(4)          That Full Council be recommended to resolve to delegate to the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy the correction of any  spelling, grammatical or typographical errors, and the undertaking of any minor presentational improvements, prior to the Plan being adopted and published by Council.