Issue - decisions

Graven Hill Update

08/09/2015 - Graven Hill Update



(1)          That the significant progress being carried out by the Graven Hill Development Company be noted.


(2)          That the 2015/16 Business Plan and objectives be approved.


(3)          That the updated Financial Forecast (exempt annex to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book) be approved and officers asked to reflect the changes from the baseline model into Council financial forecasts and funding plans.


(4)          That, subject to resolution (6) below, the membership of the Partnering Board be approved as follows: 5 Elected Members -  Leader of the Council, Lead Member for Financial Management, Lead Member for Housing, Lead Member for Estates and the Economy and the Leader of the Opposition group and the Council’s S 151 Officer and the Monitoring Officer.


(5)          That it be noted that the Partnership Board has responsibility for safeguarding the Council’s equity investment and lending to the Company by undertaking more detailed monitoring of the Business Plan and providing advice and recommendations to Executive. 


(6)          That the addition of a member of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to the membership of the Partnering Board be approved and that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be requested to appoint a member to the Board at its next meeting.