Issue - decisions

Register of Community Assets

06/11/2012 - Localism Act 2011 - Register of Community Assets



(1)               That the implications of the provisions of the Localism Act 2011 in relation to the obligation of the Council to maintain a list of assets of community value (‘the List’) be noted.


(2)               That authority be delegated to the Head of Housing and Regeneration, in consultation with the Lead Member for Estates and the Economy, to consider and determine nominations for inclusion on the List.


(3)               That authority be delegated to the Director of Development, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to consider and determine requests from asset owners for review of decisions to include an asset on the List.


(4)               That authority be delegated to the Head of Housing and Regeneration, in consultation with the Head of Finance and Procurement, to consider and determine applications for compensation from asset owners for loss and expense incurred through assets being included on the List.


(5)               That authority be delegated to the Director of Development, in consultation with the Director of Resources, to consider and determine requests for review of compensation determinations from asset owners for loss and expense incurred through assets being included on the List.