Agenda item

Local Plan 2012 Update

Report of Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy




To submit to members for their consideration an update report on the progress made to complete the Local Plan 2012.




The Executive is recommended:


(1)               To note the progress being made to complete the Cherwell Local Plan.


(1)               To approve the additional ‘focused’ consultation required.





(1)               That the progress being made to complete the Cherwell Local Plan be noted.


(2)               That the additional ‘focused’ consultation required be approved.



The Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy submitted a report which presented an update report on the progress made to complete the Local Plan 2012.


In introducing the report, the Lead Member for Planning advised Executive that during the consultation, which ran from October to December 2012, about 200 organisations and individuals made comments on the Plan (excluding two action groups with multiple signatures), equating to approximately 2000 individual comments / points.


In parallel to the consultation, a substantial evidence base was nearing completion and additional studies had either been completed or were at an advanced stage.


As a result of the representations received and additional evidence, a number of changes to the Local Plan were proposed for further consideration and testing including, where necessary, through the Sustainability Appraisal.


The Lead Member for Planning explained that officers had received advice from Counsel on the final stages of plan completion and the implications of the proposed changes arising from new evidence and representations.


The Local Plan must be considered ‘sound’ at Examination by the Secretary of State to be adopted by the Council and Counsel’s advice was now shaping the process for the completion of Plan drafting and the next steps to be taken. The legal advice received was to rerun the Sustainability Appraisal to take account of the proposed changes and to carry out a six week focussed consultation on these few major changes to the Local Plan.


In response to the comments of Councillor Tim Emptage, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, the Lead Member for Planning confirmed that there would be a Kidlington Masterplan in due course however the Local Plan was the priority at the present time.


Members commended officers for their ongoing hard work on the Local Plan.




(1)               That the progress being made to complete the Cherwell Local Plan be noted.


(2)               That the additional ‘focused’ consultation required be approved.




Securing the adoption of a ‘sound’ up to date Local Plan for the District is a priority for Cherwell District Council as it will guide the growth of the District over the next 19 years.




Option One

To approve the additional ‘focused’ consultation.


Option Two

To proceed to submission at this stage but this would be ‘unsound’.




Supporting documents: