Agenda item

Performance and Risk Management Framework 2012/13 Second Quarter Performance Report

Report of Head of Transformation




This report covers the Council’s performance for the period 01 July to 30 September 2012 as measured through the Performance Management Framework.




The Executive is recommended:


(1)               To note the many achievements referred to in paragraph 1.3.


(2)               To identify any further performance or risk related matters for review or consideration in future reports.






(1)               That the following achievements be noted:


Corporate Pledges


Cherwell: A District of Opportunity

§         Continuing to support Job Clubs – a total of 65 held this year – including work with Career Contact and Career and Opportunities Gateway Job clubs to help professional /managers. A Job Club Engagement Officer has been appointed through OCC Libraries Services to provide additional focus upon Neithrop & Ruscote.

§         Affordable housing progress with the Eco Bicester demonstration project at Bryan house completed. This is the highest level of sustainable affordable housing ever delivered in Cherwell district. Also, 18 Units of affordable homes have been completed at Dashwood Primary School, meeting the needs of the conservation area and a significant contribution to the Brighter Futures in Banbury initiative.

§         Bicester Town Centre is on target to open in summer 2013 as planned. A brief will be issued following architects discussion around Bolton Road. Spiceball environmental works are on-going.


A Cleaner Greener Cherwell

·        Recycling rate is at similar level to last year. Garden waste tonnage has increased but dry recycling has decreased a little. The reduction in recycling rate will also be affected by not being able to compost street sweepings. Publicity of recycling is planned to be promoted from Oct – Dec to increase recycling further.

§         Satisfaction with Street Cleanliness has risen this year to 69% which is the second highest we have attained.

§         The Cocoon discounted insulation scheme closed for new applications on 30/09/12. Final output details should be available before Christmas. Residents will be able to obtain insulation and other energy saving measures at no upfront cost through the Green Deal. The council has committed to participation in a Community Interest Company which will act as a Green Deal Provider. This service is not yet available due to government delays, but should launch in the near future. Recent Warm Front promotion has resulted in 98 referrals to date; final output figures will be available in April 2013.

§         Eco Bicester site preparation expected in late 2012 and construction of the first Eco Bicester houses expected in early 2013.


A Safe, Healthy and Thriving District

·        Best Bar None scheme (working with Local Police and Licence Holders) is behind schedule, however discussions with Head of Service have taken place and service delivery has been planned.


·        Oxfordshire County Council to attend fortnightly Joint Agency and Tasking Coordination Group with the Thriving Families lists to discuss and disseminate to all partners for regular feedback.

·        South West Bicester Sports Villages have had delays in laying out the grass pitches due to the inclement weather earlier this year. Revised programme now in place.

·        Sportivate initiative is being delivered across the district inspiring young people to take up sporting opportunities.

·        Planning approval for the new hospital has been granted in Bicester on the existing hospital site. The preferred bidder is still in place. On-going dialogue between the Primary Care Trust and Strategic Health Authority to progress the report.

·        Supporting volunteering across the district – We received Volunteer Connects (VC) Quarter Two report for support to volunteering and volunteer transport schemes, which contained  positive information. 

Volunteering Opportunities are progressing well.  Volunteers have been placed within organisations and VC appear to have a good working relationship with likeminded organisations within the area.  Bases have now been established in  Bicester and Kidlington.  VC are also looking at rural access points and are using social media to promote the service.

Volunteer Car Driving Services are progressing, albeit still slow.  They have supported the establishment a rural volunteer driver scheme by carrying out all back office paperwork including CRB and reference checks.  This initial scheme to be used as a module for further schemes.  Their current number of volunteer drivers now totals 14.


An Accessible Value for Money Council

§         70% of the £800,000 savings required has been achieved with plans to secure the remainder.

§         SPA Future Thinking (Consultation Agency) have conducted the annual customer service satisfaction survey, results are due early October and indications are very positive.

§         Govmetric continues to collect citizen data and feedback from emails. The SOCITM (Associate for ICT and related professionals in the Public and third sectors). Better connected 2012 review is currently being undertaken and the resulting report will identify good practice in the development of local authority websites based on extensive evidence based research. We are currently planning to undertake an accessibility/usability review of the main website that will help improve the ease of access of the website and services.


(2)               That no further performance or risk related matters for review or consideration in future reports be identified.




The Head of Transformation submitted a report which presented the Council’s performance for the period 01 July to 30 September 2012 as measured through the Performance Management Framework.


In considering the report, the Lead Member for Clean and Green highlighted the increased recycling rates across the district and explained that landfill tonnages were slightly higher than the previous year due to it no longer being possible to compost fallen leaves.


The Lead Member for Housing highlighted the progress on the delivery of affordable housing making particular reference to the 18 units of affordable homes that had been completed at Dashwood Primary School, meeting the needs of the conservation area and making a significant contribution to the Brighter Futures in Banbury initiative.


Members commented on the value and importance of performance management and monitoring as it enabled monitoring across the breadth of the Council, enabled achievements to be highlighted and areas performing below target or issues emerging to be identified and addressed in a timely manner. At the present time, there were no further performance or risk related matters for review or consideration in future reports be identified.




(1)               That the following achievements be noted:


Corporate Pledges


Cherwell: A District of Opportunity

§         Continuing to support Job Clubs – a total of 65 held this year – including work with Career Contact and Career and Opportunities Gateway Job clubs to help professional /managers. A Job Club Engagement Officer has been appointed through OCC Libraries Services to provide additional focus upon Neithrop & Ruscote.

§         Affordable housing progress with the Eco Bicester demonstration project at Bryan house completed. This is the highest level of sustainable affordable housing ever delivered in Cherwell district. Also, 18 Units of affordable homes have been completed at Dashwood Primary School, meeting the needs of the conservation area and a significant contribution to the Brighter Futures in Banbury initiative.

§         Bicester Town Centre is on target to open in summer 2013 as planned. A brief will be issued following architects discussion around Bolton Road. Spiceball environmental works are on-going.


A Cleaner Greener Cherwell

·        Recycling rate is at similar level to last year. Garden waste tonnage has increased but dry recycling has decreased a little. The reduction in recycling rate will also be affected by not being able to compost street sweepings. Publicity of recycling is planned to be promoted from Oct – Dec to increase recycling further.

§         Satisfaction with Street Cleanliness has risen this year to 69% which is the second highest we have attained.

§         The Cocoon discounted insulation scheme closed for new applications on 30/09/12. Final output details should be available before Christmas. Residents will be able to obtain insulation and other energy saving measures at no upfront cost through the Green Deal. The council has committed to participation in a Community Interest Company which will act as a Green Deal Provider. This service is not yet available due to government delays, but should launch in the near future. Recent Warm Front promotion has resulted in 98 referrals to date; final output figures will be available in April 2013.

§         Eco Bicester site preparation expected in late 2012 and construction of the first Eco Bicester houses expected in early 2013.


A Safe, Healthy and Thriving District

·        Best Bar None scheme (working with Local Police and Licence Holders) is behind schedule, however discussions with Head of Service have taken place and service delivery has been planned.

·        Oxfordshire County Council to attend fortnightly Joint Agency and Tasking Coordination Group with the Thriving Families lists to discuss and disseminate to all partners for regular feedback.

·        South West Bicester Sports Villages have had delays in laying out the grass pitches due to the inclement weather earlier this year. Revised programme now in place.

·        Sportivate initiative is being delivered across the district inspiring young people to take up sporting opportunities.

·        Planning approval for the new hospital has been granted in Bicester on the existing hospital site. The preferred bidder is still in place. On-going dialogue between the Primary Care Trust and Strategic Health Authority to progress the report.

·        Supporting volunteering across the district – We received Volunteer Connects (VC) Quarter Two report for support to volunteering and volunteer transport schemes, which contained  positive information. 

Volunteering Opportunities are progressing well.  Volunteers have been placed within organisations and VC appear to have a good working relationship with likeminded organisations within the area.  Bases have now been established in  Bicester and Kidlington.  VC are also looking at rural access points and are using social media to promote the service.

Volunteer Car Driving Services are progressing, albeit still slow.  They have supported the establishment a rural volunteer driver scheme by carrying out all back office paperwork including CRB and reference checks.  This initial scheme to be used as a module for further schemes.  Their current number of volunteer drivers now totals 14.


An Accessible Value for Money Council

§         70% of the £800,000 savings required has been achieved with plans to secure the remainder.

§         SPA Future Thinking (Consultation Agency) have conducted the annual customer service satisfaction survey, results are due early October and indications are very positive.

§         Govmetric continues to collect citizen data and feedback from emails. The SOCITM (Associate for ICT and related professionals in the Public and third sectors). Better connected 2012 review is currently being undertaken and the resulting report will identify good practice in the development of local authority websites based on extensive evidence based research. We are currently planning to undertake an accessibility/usability review of the main website that will help improve the ease of access of the website and services.


(2)               That no further performance or risk related matters for review or consideration in future reports be identified.




This report presents the Council’s performance against its corporate scorecard for the second quarter of 2012/13. It includes an overview of successes, areas for improvement and emerging issues to be considered. 




Option One:               (1) To note the achievements referred to in paragraph 1.2;

(2) To request that officers report in the second quarter on the items identified in paragraph 1.4 where performance was below target or there are emerging issues or risks;

(3) To identify any further performance or risk related matters for review or consideration


Option Two:               To identify any additional issues for further consideration or review


Supporting documents: