Agenda item

4 The Rookery, Kidlington




The Committee considered outline application 12/00460/OUT for Outline – 14 no. residential dwellings with associated road infrastructure, parking and garaging.


Derek Smith, a local resident, addressed the Committee in opposition to the applicant.


David Coates, on behalf of the applicant, and Graham Ayris, a local resident, addressed the Committee is support of the application.


In considering the application, Members commented that the layout and design of the site represented overdevelopment and would have a detrimental impact on adjacent properties.


In reaching their decision the Committee considered the officers’ report, presentation and the presentations of the public speakers.




That application 12/00460/OUT be refused for the following reasons:


(1)               The proposal by virtue of the amount of development and its layout represents a crowded, overdevelopment of the site, conflicting with the general character of the surrounding area which would threaten the long term future of the retained trees, which may be lopped or felled by future occupants, because of the level of shading and leaf drop that would affect the dwellings and private gardens. Furthermore, the crowded layout leaves too little space allocated for suitable replacement tree planting and landscaping which would be required in order to a) mitigate the loss of wildlife habitat b) to provide appropriate screening particularly towards the southern boundary and c) to provide a formal open space area within the centre of the site which will provide for a visual feature as well as an allocated area for replanting. The proposal would therefore be contrary to the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework requiring good design, delivering a wide choice of high quality homes and conserving and enhancing the natural environment and to Policies NRM5, H5, CC6 and C4 of the South East Plan 2009 and Policies C28 and C33 of the adopted Cherwell Local Plan.


(2)               The proposal by virtue of the amount of development and its layout would be likely to have a seriously detrimental effect on the amenities of the occupiers of the adjacent properties as a result of the level of vehicular activity into the site from The Phelps and also the overdomination and likelihood of overlooking to surrounding propertieswith a consequential loss of privacy.  The proposal is therefore contrary the National Planning Policy Framework requiring good design and delivering a wide choice of high quality homes and Policies CC6, H5, BE1 and BE5 of the South East Plan 2009 and Policies C28 and C30 of the adopted Cherwell Local Plan.


(3)               In the absence of a satisfactory legal agreement, the Local Planning Authority is not convinced that the infrastructure directly required to service or serve the proposed development, including Adult learning facilities, elderly day care resources, community, library and museum facilities, strategic waste, health services and transport measures will be provided. This would be contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework, Policy CC7 of the South East Plan 2009, Policy R12 of the adopted Cherwell Local Plan and Policies OA1, TR4, R8 and R10A of the Non-Statutory Cherwell Local Plan 2011.


Supporting documents: