Agenda item

Performance Management Framework 2011/2012 Annual Performance Review

Report of Head of Transformation




This report presents the Council’s annual performance review for 2011/12 as measured through the Corporate Performance Management Framework.




The Executive is recommended:


(1)               To note that, despite tough performance targets, a challenging economic environment, and a year of unprecedented organisational change with the implementation of a joint management team shared with South Northamptonshire Council, Cherwell District Council has met or made satisfactory progress on 95.5% of the performance targets outlined in its performance management framework.


(2)               To note that the Council has delivered a challenging value for money programme. This has ensured that the pledge to reduce the Council’s budget by £1 million has been met.


(3)               To note the progress in delivering the Council’s strategic objectives and the summary of performance referred to in paragraphs 1.4 and 1.5


(4)               To request an update on the issues highlighted in paragraph 1.6 in the first quarter report of 2012/13.


(5)               To agree the draft Annual Performance Report (attached as appendix 10) and delegate authority to the Head of Transformation, in consultation with the Lead Member for Performance and Customers, to make any minor changes to the document as required before publication.



Recommendations approved.



The Head of Transformation submitted a report which presented the Council’s annual performance review for 2011/12 as measured through the Corporate Performance Management Framework.


In introducing the report, the Lead Member for Customers and Performance thanked the former Lead Member for Change (Councillor Morris), whose areas of responsibility during 2011/12 had included performance management, for his hard work.


In considering the report, Executive thanked the Corporate Performance Manager and the Performance Team for producing a comprehensive performance report and the draft Annual Report. Members agreed that it was commendable that whilst there had been significant organisational change, the authority continued to deliver. Members commended officers who worked hard to ensure that targets were met. The Lead Member for Housing extended her gratitude to the Housing Team for achieving record affordable housing delivery, being the best in the county for extra care delivery and winning the Local Government Chronicle’s Innovation Award 2012 for Cherwell District Council.


Councillor Cartledge, Leader of the Labour Group also commended the Annual Performance Review and good performance of the Council in difficult times. In response to the Labour Group Leader’s comments regarding customer dissatisfaction and lesson learnt in relation to the changes to car parking charges, the Leader explained that it was important for the Council to remain flexible and amend policies if and as necessary.


Members commented on the value and importance of performance management and monitoring as it enabled monitoring across the breadth of the Council, enabled achievements to be highlighted and areas performing below target or issues emerging to be identified and addressed in a timely manner.




(1)               That it be noted that, despite tough performance targets, a challenging economic environment, and a year of unprecedented organisational change with the implementation of a joint management team shared with South Northamptonshire Council, Cherwell District Council has met or made satisfactory progress on 95.5% of the performance targets outlined in its performance management framework.


(2)               That it be noted that, the Council has delivered a challenging value for money programme. This has ensured that the pledge to reduce the Council’s budget by £1 million has been met.


(3)               That the following progress in delivering the Council’s strategic objectives and the summary of performance be noted:


·                    The Council has met or made satisfactory progress on 95.5% of all the performance targets set out in the Corporate Performance Management Framework.


·                    With regards to the Council’s Corporate Plan, 97.5% of the performance targets have been met or made satisfactory progress.  


·        The Council has delivered a challenging value for money programme through both service efficiencies and implementing shared management arrangements with South Northamptonshire Council. This approach has ensured that the pledge to reduce costs by £1 million during 2011/12 has been met and that plans are well underway to ensure that the 12/13 budget is also balanced.


·        In the Council Tax Leaflet (published in February 2011) the Council outlined its performance promises for 2011/12. Of the 14 promises all but one have been met have been met with strong performance in most areas and minor issues arising in two.


·        Summary of performance against each of our scorecards:


Performance Framework

Performance %
Red, Amber Green

Targets set




No Data

Corporate Plan : Pledges

7.1% (1)

14.3% (2)

78.6% (11)




Corporate Plan









40 *

Customer/Finance/HR Measures










Priority Service Indicators










Brighter Futures in Banbury










Corporate Equalities Plan










Major Programmes










Significant Partnerships




















* Note this excludes DCP2 2.3 Prepare a new Community Development Strategy which was closed in December 2011 and deferred to 2012/13



(4)               That officers be requested to report in the first quarter report of 2012/13 on the following items where performance was below target or there are emerging issues or risks:


·                    Customer Satisfaction: a number of satisfaction measures are off track at year end. These include general satisfaction and satisfaction with street cleanliness. In addition complaints are slightly higher at year end. As such a review will be undertaken with regards to customer satisfaction to ensure there are no trends or underlying issues and this will be reported in the first quarter.


·                    Reduce the number of fly tips: At year end this measure is reporting red with a rise of 20 additional fly tips recorded this year (440) in comparison to 420 recorded in 2010/11. Proactive enforcement continues with 5 successful prosecutions during 2011/12. During 2012/13 figures will continue to be monitored, especially to ascertain whether the rise is a result of a one of change or part of an underlying change. Likewise proactive enforcement and publicity will continue in order to inform residents about how to dispose of their waste and the consequences of not doing so lawfully.


(5)               That the draft Annual Performance Report be agreed and authority be delegated to the Head of Transformation, in consultation with the Lead Member for Performance and Customers, to make any minor changes to the document as required before publication.




The report shows the Council’s performance against the Corporate Scorecard and Performance Management Framework in 2011/2012. From this information the Executive can make a judgement about the progress the Council is making in meeting its objectives, identify the achievements it wishes to celebrate and the areas where action is required to improve performance. 




Option One

To review current performance levels and consider any actions arising.


Option Two

To approve or reject the recommendations above.





Supporting documents: