Agenda item

Land off School Lane, Cropredy


Approved, subject to conditions


The Committee considered a report for a proposed marina with new access from Oxford Canal complete with associated car parking and facilities buildings (as amended by plans received 16/09/11). Consideration of the application had been deferred from the Committee’s December meeting to allow for a site visit.


Mark Simmons, a local resident, spoke in opposition to the application.


Councillor Paul Morley, member of Cropredy Parish Council, spoke in opposition to the application.


The Committee raised concerns over child safety due to the proximity of the school to the development. The Development Control Team Leader indicated that the proposed condition 12 of the report could be amended to address this matter. Members also considered flooding, drainage and sustainability and noted that the proposal would have a positive effect on the Cropredy economy.


In reaching their decision, the Committee considered the Officers report, written update and presentation and the addresses of the public speakers.




That application 11/01069/F be approved subject to the following conditions:


(1)               SC 1.4A Full permission: Duration Limit (3years)(RC2)


(2)               Plan numbers condition


(3)               That samples of the bricks, timber cladding and roof tiles to be used in the construction of the of the walls and the roof of the facilities building shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of development. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the samples so approved. (RC4A)


(4)               That prior to the commencement of development a plan of the proposed access to the highway shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and prior to first use of the proposed development the access shall be constructed in accordance with the approved plan. (RC13BB)


(5)               That prior to the commencement of development a construction phase traffic management plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Throughout the period of construction the approved plan shall be adhered to. (RC13BB)


(6)               That prior to first use, the parking and associated manoeuvring areas shall be provided and thereafter maintained without obstruction except for the parking of vehicles. (RC13B)


(7)               The development permitted by this planning permission shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved Flood Risk Assessments (FRA) dated 28 June 2011 ref: WB02048/FRA and the addendum dated 01 September 2011 WB02048/FRA/01 and the following mitigation measures detailed within the FRA:

1.  The access track, car park and site facilities shall be located in Flood Zone 1, as set out in Section 5.1 of the FRA dated 28 June 2011.

2.  There will be no raising of ground levels within Flood Zones 2 and 3, as set out in Section 5.2 of the FRA dated 28 June 2011 and section A4.1 of the FRA dated 01 September.

3.  The wooden walkways shall not be raised above ground level, as set out in Section A3.0 of the FRA dated 01 September.

4. The site access track, footpaths and car park will be made of permeable material, in accordance with Section 6.0 of the FRA dated 28 June.


(8)               Development shall not begin until a surface water drainage scheme for the site, based on sustainable drainage principles and an assessment of the hydrological and hydro geological context of the development, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall subsequently be implemented in accordance with the approved details before the development is completed.


      The scheme shall also include details of the proposed surface water    bund and infiltration tests shall be carried out to inform the design.


(9)               SC 9.4A Carry out mitigation in ecological report (RC85A)


(10)          SC 9.5A Site clearance to avoid bird nesting/breeding season (RC86A)


(11)          That prior to the commencement of development a pre-works check will be carried out by a qualified ecologist to check for the presence of bats and badgers.  In the event that these species are found the Local Planning Authority shall be notified and appropriate mitigation measures agreed in writing.  The work shall be carried out in accordance with the agreed mitigation measures. (RC85A)


(12)          SC 3.0A Submit Landscaping Scheme (RC10A)


(13)          SC 3.1A Carry out landscaping scheme (RC10A)


(14)          SC 3.2AA Retained trees (RC10A)


(15)          SC 3.3AA Scheme to be submitted to protect retained trees (RC72A)


(16)          SC 3.4BB Retain existing hedgerows/tree boundary (RC11A)


(17)          Prior to the commencement of the development a professional archaeological organisation acceptable to the local Planning Authority shall prepare a first stage archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation, relating to the application area, which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


(18)          Prior to the commencement of the development and following the approval of the first stage Written Scheme of Investigation referred to in condition 17, a programme of archaeological evaluation, investigation and recording of the application area shall be carried out by the commissioned archaeological organisation in accordance with the approved first stage Written Scheme of Investigation.


(19)          Prior to the commencement of the development and following the completion of the archaeological evaluation, investigation and recording referred to in condition 18, a report of the archaeological evidence found on the application site and full details of a second stage Written Scheme of Investigation based on the findings, including a programme of methodology, site investigation and recording, shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.         


(20)          Prior to the commencement of the development (other than in accordance with the second stage Written Scheme of Investigation), the further programme of archaeological investigation shall be carried out and fully completed in accordance with the second stage Written Scheme of Investigation approved under condition 19.


(21)          Prior to the commencement of the development all post excavation work including all processing, research and analysis necessary to produce an accessible and useable archive and its deposition, and a full report for publication, shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority in accordance with the revised Written Scheme of Investigation approved under condition 3.


(22)          That prior to the commencement of development full details of the lighting including a layout plan with beam orientation and a schedule of equipment in the design (luminaire type; mounting height; aiming angles and luminaire profiles) and an isolux contour map to show light spill levels shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. 


(23)          That the marina hereby approved shall be occupied only for the purposes of recreational moorings and not for any residential or hire fleet purposes.


(24)          That no more than 50 boats shall be moored at any one time in the marina basin and no boats, other than those on the water shall be stored on the site.


(25)          That the facilities building shall be used only for the purposes of offices, toilets, showers and storage associated with the use of the marina and for no other commercial function. (RC40AA)


(26)          Use of Petrol/Oil interceptors on car parking and hard standing


(27)          The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the recommendations and the habitat enhancement strategy set out in the mitigation strategy detailed in the ‘Ecological Method Statement for the Protection of Recognised Species’ by Reports 4 Planning received in the department on 16 December 2011.


(28)          In the event of water voles being found to be present on site prior to commencement or during the development process, work on site shall cease until a method statement detailing how harm to the species and their burrows will be avoided has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


(Councillor Attack requested that his abstention from the vote be recorded.)




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