Agenda item

Concessionary Travel and Community Transport

Report of Head of Housing Services




This report updates the Executive on changes to the Concessionary Travel Scheme and their implications, following the statutory transfer of the administrative responsibility for the scheme to Oxfordshire County Council from 1 April 2011. The report also updates the Executive with the effects of these changes on the Community Transport (Dial a Ride) scheme, the risks facing the scheme in the future, and the course of action that officers are taking to mitigate as far as possible any adverse effects.  




The Executive is recommended:


(1)               To note the change in statutory responsibility for the Concessionary Travel Scheme to the Oxfordshire County Council (“the County Council”) from 1 April 2011, including the changes made to the scheme by the County Council, and the effects on Dial a Ride services provided by Banbury Community Transport Association (BCTA).

(2)               To accept the County Council’s delegation of its functions under section 145[2] of the Transport Act 2000 [duty to issue concessionary passes] and associated powers, to Cherwell District Council for the period up to 31 March 2012 the costs of which are to be met by the County Council.

(3)               To authorise the Head of Housing Services in consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to negotiate and complete an Agency Agreement with the County Council under section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972 and section 19 of the Local Government Act 2000 that gives effect to the rights and responsibilities referred to in [2] above.

(4)               To approve the further examination and development of the alternative proposals within the Cherwell District for longer term community transport provision identified in paragraphs 2.12 to 2.15, of the report and to note the cost implications referred to in paragraph 2.16.

(5)               To request that the County Council undertake a County Wide review of community transport and related services in the light of the effects of the changes in the Concessionary Travel Scheme and from future funding of  Community Transport, the results of which to be reported back to the Executive.  



Recommendations Approved


The Head of Housing Services submitted a report which updated the Executive on changes to the Concessionary Travel Scheme and their implications, following the statutory transfer of the administrative responsibility for the scheme to Oxfordshire County Council from 1 April 2011. The report also updated the Executive on the effects of these changes on the Community Transport (Dial a Ride) scheme, the risks facing the scheme in the future, and the course of action that officers are taking to mitigate as far as possible any adverse effects.




(1)               That the change in statutory responsibility for the Concessionary Travel Scheme to the Oxfordshire County Council (“the County Council”) from 1 April 2011, including the changes made to the scheme by the County Council, and the effects on Dial a Ride services provided by Banbury Community Transport Association (BCTA) be noted.

(2)               That the County Council’s delegation of its functions under section 145[2] of the Transport Act 2000 [duty to issue concessionary passes] and associated powers, to Cherwell District Council for the period up to 31 March 2012 the costs of which are to be met by the County Council be accepted.

(3)               That the Head of Housing Services in consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to negotiate and complete an Agency Agreement with the County Council under section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972 and section 19 of the Local Government Act 2000 that gives effect to the rights and responsibilities referred to in [2] above.

(4)               That the further examination and development of the alternative proposals within the Cherwell District for longer term community transport provision be approved and the cost implications noted:

(5)               That the County Council be requested to undertake a County Wide review of community transport and related services in the light of the effects of the changes in the Concessionary Travel Scheme and from future funding of Community Transport, the results of which are to be reported back to the Executive.  




Service Continuity – Following the announcement by way of Statutory Order of the transfer of the Concessionary Fare Scheme to the County Council there is a real need to inform customers of the service of the changes and ensure that the service continues seamlessly. The continued interim provision of the service on behalf of the County Council by Cherwell District Council for a year, will allow the County Council to fully prepare for a seamless transfer of the service delivery of the scheme on 1 April 2012. 


Effects on Community Transport – Despite the overall beneficial effects of the extension of travel passes to Dial a Ride services even after the effects of the withdrawal of further travel tokens from 1 April 2011, the risk of potential reductions in the grants from Cherwell District Council and Oxfordshire County Council in the future, represent a major service continuity risk for community transport in the Cherwell District.  As a contingency a number of potential options need to be developed to try and mitigate any effects on community transport in the future.   




Option One

Accept the recommendations contained in this report, thereby allowing interim arrangements for service continuity and the consideration of the future role of community transport within the Cherwell District.  This is the option advised by officers.


Option Two

Accept the service continuity arrangements for 2011/12, but not to endorse the potential development of future community transport arrangements.


Option Three

Not to accept the service continuity arrangements for 2011/12, but to endorse the potential development of future community transport arrangements.


Option Four

Not to accept the recommendations in this report.















Supporting documents: