Agenda item

Recommendations from Overview and Scrutiny Committee- Car Parking Charges Call-in

To consider recommendations from Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 5 January 2011 (if any) resulting from the Call-in of the Executive decisions regarding car parking charges.


**Not available for Call-in**


Resolution agreed as follows:


1. Reaffirm the decisions of the Executive on 6 December 2010 in connection with the implementation of car parking proposals, in order to get a balanced budget, and for these to be introduced on or as soon after 4 April 2011 as is practicable:


2. Reaffirm the decision of the Executive on 6 December 2010 to begin negotiations with Eames with regard to the covenant for Watt's Way car park, Kidlington


3. Request the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to take forward in its work programme in 2011/12 further investigation of the following strategic parking issues:

·          The balance and location of long stay/short stay parking in Banbury , Bicester and Kidlington

·          The wider economic impact of Parking Policy on the Districts urban centres

·          The cost benefit of alternative management arrangements for car parks, including 'Pay on Exit'.


4.  Report back to the Executive at the end of 2011 the outcome of its findings from 3        above and any recommendations for change.


**Not available for Call-in**



The Executive considered a referral back to them for reconsideration following consideration of a Call-in by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, as set out below


We the named Councillors and non-executive members of Cherwell District Council hereby give notice that we wish to call in for further scrutiny the Executive decision’s of Monday 6th December 2010 regarding the proposals to increase Car Parking Fees, the extension of car parking hours, the introduction of parking fees for Blue Badge Holders and the decision to begin negotiations with regards to Watts Way, Kidlington. 


Councillor Sames, Chairman of the overview and Scrutiny Committee presented the referral as set out below:


That the proposals of the Executive to increase Car Parking Fees, the extension of car parking hours, the introduction of parking fees for Blue Badge Holders and the decision to begin negotiations with regards to Watts Way, Kidlington be referred back to the Executive and that in  reconsidering the decision the Executive should take note of the concerns expressed at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting and the following 5 points:


1.      Ensure proper consultation on Watts Way, Kidlington

2.      Request the Executive investigate alternative ways to find funds (e.g. £39k to offset the introduction of evening charges)

3.      Investigate the feasibility of barrier parking/pay on exit

4.      Study the economic impact of parking charges

5.      Investigate the number of disabled bays across the district, the ratio of short to long stay spaces and motorcycle parking availability


As Labour Group Leader Councillor Sibley addressed the meeting.


In considering the referral, the Executive welcomed the detailed consideration the Committee had given to the issue and noted that there had been the opportunity for all interested parties at the meeting to contribute.




(1)       That the decisions of the Executive on 6 December 2010 in connection with the implementation of car parking proposals be reaffirmed , in order to achieve a balanced budget, and for these to be introduced on or as soon after 4 April 2011 as is practicable:


(2)       That the decision of the Executive on 6 December 2010 to begin negotiations with Eames with regard to the covenant for Watt's Way car park, Kidlington be reaffirmed


(3)   That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be requested to take forward in its work programme in 2011/12 further investigation of the following strategic parking issues:


·   The balance and location of long stay/short stay parking in Banbury, Bicester and Kidlington

·   The wider economic impact of Parking Policy on the Districts urban centres

·  The cost benefit of alternative management arrangements for car parks, including 'Pay on Exit'.


(4)       That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be requested to report back to the Executive at the end of 2011 the outcome of its findings from 3        above and any recommendations for change.




The Executive consider that on balance taking in to consideration all the evidence presented at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, that their decisions on 6 December 2010 remain justified.




Option One

To agree the recommendations


Option Two

Not to agree the recommendations


Option Three

To amend the recommendations



Supporting documents: