Agenda item

Performance and Risk Management Framework 2011/12

Report of Interim Chief Executive and Corporate Strategy and Performance Manager




This report outlines the Council’s performance and risk management arrangements for 2011-2012 reviewed in the context of significant changes to the national performance and inspection regime.




The Executive is recommended:


(1)               To agree the proposed approach to performance and risk management for 2011/12 and request that these changes are reflected in the Council’s Performance and Risk management Framework. 

(2)               To agree the measures and risks that will make up the Council’s performance and risk management framework for 2011/12 (appendix 1).

(3)               To request that officers report on any new performance requirements instigated by the government in the quarterly Executive reports throughout 2011/12 and work to identify and adopt examples of good practice nationally to ensure the Council’s performance management remains robust and transparent.



Recommendations Approved



The Interim Chief Executive and Corporate Strategy and Performance Manager submitted a report which outlined the Council’s performance and risk management arrangements for 2011-2012 reviewed in the context of significant changes to the national performance and inspection regime.




(1)               That the proposed approach to performance and risk management for 2011/12 be agreed and that these changes are reflected in the Council’s Performance and Risk management Framework. 

(2)               That the measures and risks that will make up the Council’s performance and risk management framework for 2011/12 be agreed.

(3)               That officers report on any new performance requirements instigated by the government in the quarterly Executive reports throughout 2011/12 and work to identify and adopt examples of good practice nationally to ensure the Council’s performance management remains robust and transparent.




This report presents the Council’s proposed approach to performance management from 2011/12. It reflects changes in national policy and outlines a clear locally determined approach to ensure performance and risk management remains robust and focused on local priorities. The report also highlights areas where savings and efficiencies in relation to performance management have been found.




Option One

The Executive is recommended:


To agree the proposed approach to performance and risk management for 2011/12 and request that these changes are reflected in the Council’s Performance and Risk management Framework. 


To agree the measures that will make up the performance management framework for 2011/12.

To request that officers report on any new performance requirements instigated by the government in the quarterly Executive reports throughout 2011/12 and work to identify and adopt examples of good practice nationally to ensure the Council’s performance management remains robust and transparent.

Option Two

To identify any additional issues for further consideration or review.


Supporting documents: